Si es cierto que las casas se impregnan de la vida transcurrida entre sus paredes, en el caso de los Corrales hay maldad.
Isabel Allende
El pueblo antiguo que deseaba tener una clara armonía moral en el mundo, ordenaba primero su vida n...
CONFUCIUS Ningún ser humano es indigno cuando se comprenden sus motivos. Ninguna vida deja de merecer la pena...
ORSON SCOTT CARD La voluntad, el deseo de vivir, es tan fuerte en el animal como en el hombre. En el hombre es mayor ...
PíO BAROJA Si quedaba alguna esperanza, debía estar en los proles, porque solo en esas masas...
GEORGE ORWELL Pongámonos de acuerdo en qué es la igualdad, pues si la libertad es la cima, la igualdad es la bas...
VICTOR HUGO La labor más importante del ser humano es buscar la moralidad en sus actos. Es de lo que depende nu...
ALBERT EINSTEIN El peor tipo de llanto no era el tipo que todos podían ver, los lamentos en las esquinas, el desgar...
KATIE MCGARRY Me pregunto si la gente se da cuenta de lo pequeño y cerrado que es el mundo en el que vivimos. Pod...
MARIAM PARRA Ustedes piensan primero en obtener la producción más grande posible en el menor tiempo posible. No...
ALDOUS HUXLEY Y todavía los que no murieron bajo las chozas ni se rajaron los huesos bajo los árboles ni se desa...
POPOL VUH La felicidad la pueden experimentar en toda su intensidad sólo los que han vivido grandes altibajos...
FRANCESC MIRALLES Hay un minuto en que se agota la siesta. Hasta la secreta, recóndita, minúscula actividad de los i...
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Así, la suerte de la mujer y la del socialismo están íntimamente ligadas, como se ve también
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR El corazón de las personas es como un pozo muy profundo. Nadie sabe lo que hay en el fondo. Sólo p...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Que significa 'amar'? Durante anios he pensado que significa conocer a la otra persona..., conocerla...
SáNDOR MáRAI Pero el sufrimiento pasa. Si la vida, que es todo, pasa, por qué no han de pasar el amor y el dolor...
FERNANDO SAVATER Si hay algo que no tolero es a esa gente que, cansada de golpear a las puertas del sistema sin logra...
RODRIGO FRESáN Si os he referido estos detalles acerca del asteroide B 612 y si os he confiado su número es por la...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY En cuanto al poder, se aleja a toda vela de la calle y del mercado, de las asambleas y de los parlam...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN La vida es como una vela prendida. Todos cuando nacemos llevamos una con nuestro nombre reflejado en...
AUDREY DRY Mira todos esos callejones, esas calles que giran sobre si mismas, todas las casas que construyeron ...
JOHN GREEN Para mí, el azul mediterráneo ya no es bonito. La transparencia de sus aguas, tan valorada por los...
JONATHAN FRANZEN El problema es que se recuerda esta lista con una intensidad tal que su mismo ardor confunde los hec...
THOMAS KENEALLY En sí misma, toda idea es neutra o debería serlo; pero el hombre la anima, proyecta en ella sus ll...
CIORAN Nuestra muerte ilumina nuestra vida. Si nuestra muerte carece de sentido, tampoco lo tuvo nuestra vi...
OCTAVIO PAZ Y la belleza es una forma de genio más elevada, en verdad, que el genio; no tiene necesidad de expl...
OSCAR WILDE porque el camino recto del amor, ya se guíe por sí mismo, ya sea guiado por otro, es comenzar por ...
PLATO Esa pareja equilibrada no es una utopía ; existen tales parejas, a veces incluso en el mismo marco ...
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR Como si el mundo se encogiera en torno a un núcleo de entidades desglosables. Las cosas cayendo en ...
CORMAC MCCARTHY Siempre hay un momento, justo antes de empezar a leer, en el que el corazón me da un vuelco y me pr...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Qué feo eso de que le digan a uno la verdad, sobre todo si se trata de una de esas verdades que uno...
MARIO BENEDETTI Las crudas realidades de las personas, los menos favorecidos, no deberíamos sentir esas realidades ...
PATRICIA VELáSQUEZ Las personas realmente inteligentes, son aquellas que pueden hablar de cualquier tema y, entre esos ...
ED HERNANDEZ hay muchas cosas que le dan sentido a la vida en las que podríamos encontrar la felicidad que tanto...
ED HERNANDEZ Otra vez tambores de guerra, y son siempre los mismos quienes los percuten. Decía Roger Garaudy que...
FERNANDO SáNCHEZ DRAGó Sólo en tu corazón está "tu propio bien".
Muchos de los consejeros son fanáticos del auto-e...
VIOLET FLORENCE MARTIN Yo he visto estos solitarios apretujados en increíbles racimos en los andenes y en los coches del t...
ARTURO USLAR PIETRI –Watanabe, ¿puedes explicarme la diferencia entre el condicional simple y el condicional perfecto...
HARUKI MURAKAMI A los ídolos es mejor no tocarlos porque algo de la pintura dorada que los recubría se nos queda s...
FLAUBERT GUSTAVE Los Gamins se acurrucan en sus cubículos, como dulces palomas en un campanario, y examinan manuscri...
SALLY THORNE Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero cuánto la quise.
Mi voz buscaba el viento para tocar su oíd...
PABLO NERUDA La vida era como una canción.
En el comienzo, hay misterio, al final, hay una confirmación, ...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Una de las mejores razones, si no hubiera otra, para la abolición del dinero, es precisamente que s...
EDWARD BELLAMY Tu casa, al ser el lugar donde lees, puede decirnos cuál es el lugar que los libros tienen en tu vi...
ITALO CALVINO En Harvard y otras universidades, estudiaron la importancia de la actitud en el éxito de las person...
JOHN C. MAXWELL la admiración por el Padre, símbolo de lo cerrado y agresivo, capaz de chingar y abrir, se transpa...
OCTAVIO PAZ La Lotería, con su reparto semanal de enormes premios, era el único aconteci...
GEORGE ORWELL Si se lo permitimos, los niños pueden enseñarnos la salida.
Hay una historia muy conocida de...
BRIAN L. WEISS Supongo que hay dos tipos de personas en el mundo: los que se sientan alrededor de un fuego a mirar ...
JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT Como ve, todos tenemos en nuestro interior los elementos necesarios para producir fósforo. Es más,...
LAURA ESQUIVEL La imagen digital es uno de los intangibles mas descuidados de las empresas y muchas veces es la pri...
CRISTO LEON La marea comienza a descender. Los árboles afirman nuevamente sus raíces en la tierra. Las olas VIRGINIA WOLF Cuando pensaba en él muriendo, que admito que no ha sido muchas veces, siempre pensaba en lo que di...
JOHN GREEN A medida que transcurría el tiempo, se afirmaba en la certeza de que el mundo y la vida eran más f...
ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE ¿Quieres entender que es un año de vida? Pregúntaselo a un estudiante que acaba de suspender el e...
MARC LEVY Pero el tiempo pasa, y dura. Y hay un momento en que todo se estanca. Los días dejan de contarse, l...
ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE El caballo español es como el vino, se aprecia por su color y al moverlo se disfruta cada uno de su...
JORGE EDUARDO CONTRERAS SALCEDO La mayoría de nosotros encuentra muy difícil desear el cielo, salvo si esto significa volver a enc...
C.S. LEWIS El libro es jardín que se puede llevar en el bolsillo, nave espacial que viaja en la mochila, arma ...
BENITO TAIBO Gran parte de una desgracia cualquiera consiste, por así decirlo, en la sombra de la desgracia, en ...
C.S. LEWIS Pero en los casos en los que no ha sido costumbre sino el más íntimo impulso el que nos ha llevado...
HERMANN HESSE En cierto sentido, la visión del mundo que tenía el Partido se imponía con éxito a gente incapaz...
GEORGE ORWELL Pero el amor puede transformar en belleza y dignidad cosas bajas y viles, porque no ve con los ojos,...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE La historia no ha cambiado. Hace mil anos ellos eran los duenos del mundo. Hoy en dia lo siguen sien...
ANTONIO GUADARRAMA Más importante que la buena vida es lo que se pueda decir de ella; es decir, saber expresarla. No h...
MEREDITH HAAF Ya en el escaparate de la librería localizaste la portada con el título que buscabas. Siguiendo es...
ITALO CALVINO Espero curarme de ti en unos días. Debo dejar de fumarte, de beberte, de pensarte. Es posible. Sigu...
JAIME SABINES De lo que hemos dicho se desprende que la tarea del poeta es describir no lo que ha
ARISTOTLE La magia de cada día no está en vivirlo como si fuera el último, sino en disfrutarlo sintiendo qu...
MARTíN BALAREZO GARCíA La curiosidad es el nombre despectivo que los hombres dan a la sed de conocimiento que tienen las mu...
MICHEL FABER En los ojos de un recién nacido, si se sabe ver, es posible leer el infinito.
DENIS MARQUET No tenían tiempo para pensar en el futuro. Pero luego las expectativas de vida empezaron a aumentar...
JOHN GREEN Pero el amor, esa palabra... Moralista Horacio, temeroso de pasiones sin una razón de aguas hondas,...
JULIO CORTáZAR en realidad no importa que no esperemos nada de la vida, sino que la vida espere algo de nosotros. D...
VIKTOR E. FRANKL Siempre he envidiado a las personas que se duermen con facilidad. Sus cerebros deben de estar más l...
DAVID BENIOFF Porque no vivo ni en mi pasado ni en mi futuro. Tengo sólo el presente, y él es el que me interesa...
PAULO COELHO La dicha es una cosa tan rara en este mundo, que el hombre no ha pensado en inventar palabras para e...
THéOPHILE GAUTIER Todos los esfuerzos--que no son pocos--hechos por el gobierno, en materia educativa, se diluyen en e...
RIUS Doña Lorena, una bibliotecaria sabia que rondaba por allí por las tardes, siempre me preparaba una...
CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN —Te diré a lo que es real. Real es que yo estaba en la cárcel durante el último año, quedándo...
SIMONE ELKELES Cosas detestables
Cuando uno tiene prisa por salir, llega alguien de visita y se queda ha...
SEI SHōNAGON Es la esperanza lo que me impulsa a seguir; no hay garantías, como si se tratara de una apuesta. Pu...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Mi abuela tenía una teoría muy interesante; decía que todos nacemos con una caja de fósforos ade...
LAURA ESQUIVEL Es la hora, amor mío, de apartar esta rosa sombría, cerrar las estrellas, enterrar la ceniza en la...
PABLO NERUDA Lo que pasó es lo de menos. Es una novela, y lo que ocurre en ellas da lo mismo y se olvida, una ve...
JAVIER MARíAS La desgracia de Adam Appleby era que, en cuanto despertaba del sueño, su conciencia se inundaba inm...
DAVID LODGE Puedo decirte que el final de una vida es la suma del amor que fue vivido en ella; y estar en su fin...
CASSANDRA CLARE Cuando me besas, Gwendolyn Shepherd, es como si perdiera el contacto con el suelo. No tengo ni idea ...
KERSTIN GIER (...) y todo aquello unido era el río, todas las voces, los fines, los anhelos, los sufrimientos, l...
HERMANN HESSE En la amistad como en el amor se es más feliz por las cosas que se ignoran que por las que se saben...
FRANçOIS DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD Polly había llorado tanto que se sentía deshidratada. El llanto juvenil es una cosa y el llanto ad...
LAURIE COLWIN A veces se preguntaba si los instintos del ser humano habían cambiado en ese tiempo, y siempre lleg...
NICHOLAS SPARKS En los cuentos infantiles, las princesas besan a los sapos, que se transforman en príncipes. En la ...
PAULO COELHO Cuando nos morimos, esas son las historias que siguen en nuestro labios. Las historias que solamente...
CHUCK PALAHNIUK Los amantes y los locos tienen desbocado el seso, y son dados a forjar fantasías que abarcan más d...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Se puede vivir sin leer, es cierto: pero también se puede vivir sin amar: el argumento hace aguas c...
RICARDO MENéNDEZ SALMóN Y, entonces, en ese instante que tan solo dura un segundo, el cerebro se encarga de abrir la cerradu...
AUDREY DRY La vida es un regalo diario. Valóralo. Al final, lo que importa no son los años de vida, sino la v...
PAOLA CALASANZ ''DULCINEA'' ¿Donde residen los recuerdos de las personas?
¿En los patrones de conexiones sinápticas del...
MAKOTO SHINKAI Para eliminar el salvajismo en el mundo, hay que empezar eliminando el salvajismo de los deportes sa...
More Isabel Allende
I write to understand my circumstances, to sort out the confusion of reality, to exorcise my demons....
ISABEL ALLENDE I have lived with passion and in a hurry, trying to accomplish too many things. I never had time to ...
ISABEL ALLENDE Every life of a character is within a context. If I write detached from a social and political backg...
ISABEL ALLENDE I tend to see the similarities in people and not the differences.
ISABEL ALLENDE I can't control life for my grandchildren, so how could I control a story? Sometimes I try to fo...
ISABEL ALLENDE My writing comes not from the happy moments, but from struggle and grief.
ISABEL ALLENDE I'm interested in people who have to overcome obstacles, people who are not sheltered by the umb...
ISABEL ALLENDE Everybody has losses - it's unavoidable in life. Sharing our pain is very healing.
ISABEL ALLENDE Give, give, give - what is the point of having experience, knowledge or talent if I don't give i...
ISABEL ALLENDE I can promise you that women working together - linked, informed and educated - can bring peace and ...
ISABEL ALLENDE If you change the way you tell your own story, you can change the colour and create a life in techni...
ISABEL ALLENDE What I fear most is power with impunity. I fear abuse of power, and the power to abuse.
ISABEL ALLENDE Roots are not in landscape or a country, or a people, they are inside you.
ISABEL ALLENDE For real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number o...
ISABEL ALLENDE From journalism I learned to write under pressure, to work with deadlines, to have limited space and...
ISABEL ALLENDE I'm very optimistic because I think that the real strength of a nation like the United States co...
ISABEL ALLENDE We only have what we give.
ISABEL ALLENDE As my Popo used to say, life is a tapestry we weave day by day with threads of different colors, som...
ISABEL ALLENDE This is just like the story of Al Capone. In the end he will be caught on tax evasion, and not becau...
ISABEL ALLENDE Kingdom of the Golden Dragon
ISABEL ALLENDE For women the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below ther...
ISABEL ALLENDE Write what should not be forgotten
ISABEL ALLENDE Erotica is using a feather, pornography is using the whole chicken.
ISABEL ALLENDE one of those unforgettable stories that stays with you for years.
ISABEL ALLENDE I'm going to send you by fax a list of ingredients. And I want you to come up with recipes for lover...
ISABEL ALLENDE This book gave me back the passionate optimism of my youth. This young generation of women will have...
ISABEL ALLENDE A man does what he can; a woman does what a man cannot.
ISABEL ALLENDE The fact that you own a gun and shoot to defend your life is a very American way of thinking.
ISABEL ALLENDE Americans have a warrior's mentality, most of them. That's how this society was built. The f...
ISABEL ALLENDE We don't even know how strong we are until we are forced to bring that hidden strength forward. ...
ISABEL ALLENDE I have become an American citizen, and I love this country. I think that this country has incredible...
ISABEL ALLENDE A memoir is my version of events. My perspective. I choose what to tell and what to omit. I choose t...
ISABEL ALLENDE I want to have an epic life. I want to tell my life with big adjectives. I want to forget all the gr...
ISABEL ALLENDE I confess that I am a messy, disorganized and impatient reader: if the book doesn't grab me in t...
ISABEL ALLENDE My life is about ups and downs, great joys and great losses.
ISABEL ALLENDE I don't want an uneventful and safe life, I prefer an adventurous one.
ISABEL ALLENDE Heart is what drives us and determines our fate. That is what I need for my characters in my books: ...
ISABEL ALLENDE I never said I wanted a 'happy' life but an interesting one. From separation and loss, I hav...
ISABEL ALLENDE If this world is going to be a better place for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it will b...
ISABEL ALLENDE We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only...
ISABEL ALLENDE I'm living in California but I have a place that is mine in Chile and I belong there. I am no lo...
ISABEL ALLENDE I don't think I would be a writer if I had stayed in Chile. I would be trapped in the chores, in...
ISABEL ALLENDE Before the military coup in Chile, we had the idea that military coups happen in Banana Republics, s...
ISABEL ALLENDE On a Tuesday, September 11th, 1973, we had the military coup in Chile that forced me to leave my cou...
ISABEL ALLENDE The first lie of fiction is that the author gives some order to the chaos of life: chronological ord...
ISABEL ALLENDE Write what should not be forgotten.
ISABEL ALLENDE I was such a sullen, angry, sad kid. I'm sure there are writers who have had happy childhoods, b...
ISABEL ALLENDE Accept the children the way we accept trees—with gratitude, because they are a blessing—but do n...
ISABEL ALLENDE Men's memoirs are about answers; women's memoirs are about questions. Most male authors want...
ISABEL ALLENDE Although women do two-thirds of the world's labor, they own less than one percent of the world...
ISABEL ALLENDE I have been a foreigner all my life, first as a daughter of diplomats, then as a political refugee a...
ISABEL ALLENDE I was born in ancient times, at the end of the world, in a patriarchal Catholic and conservative fam...
ISABEL ALLENDE Feminism is dated? Yes, for privileged women like my daughter and all of us here today, but not for ...
ISABEL ALLENDE I write until the first draft is finished, and then I feel that I can get out. But, during the time ...
ISABEL ALLENDE Kids are smart: don't underestimate their bull detector. Contemporary kids have access to a lot ...
ISABEL ALLENDE My desk is like a 'U,' so I have my computer and lots of dictionaries because I write in Spa...
ISABEL ALLENDE There is no death, daughter. People die only when we forget them,' my mother explained shortly befor...
ISABEL ALLENDE Feminism is not dead, by no means. It has evolved. If you don't like the term, change it, for Go...
ISABEL ALLENDE I have not changed; I am still the same girl I was fifty years ago and the same young woman I was in...
ISABEL ALLENDE Eros is very close to death. And both things, in a way, balance each other.
ISABEL ALLENDE Many fiction writers write for the critics or for themselves; they forget the common reader. I never...
ISABEL ALLENDE Feminism has never been sexy, but let me assure you that it never stopped me from flirting, and I ha...
ISABEL ALLENDE In times of conflict, war, poverty or religious fundamentalism, women and children are the first and...
ISABEL ALLENDE A memoir is an invitation into another person's privacy.
ISABEL ALLENDE ¿Qué nos pasó? Tal vez estamos en el mundo para buscar el amor, encontrarlo y perderlo, una y otr...
ISABEL ALLENDE Silence before being born, silence after death: life is nothing but noise between two unfathomable s...
ISABEL ALLENDE Giving women education, work, the ability to control their own income, inherit and own property, ben...
ISABEL ALLENDE Nice people with common sense do not make interesting characters. They only make good former spouses...
ISABEL ALLENDE I have more freedom when I write fiction, but my memoirs have had a much stronger impact on my reade...
ISABEL ALLENDE A memoir forces me to stop and remember carefully. It is an exercise in truth. In a memoir, I look a...
ISABEL ALLENDE One of the things that always comes up in my writing is the search for freedom, especially in women....
ISABEL ALLENDE All summer, I read fiction because you must read for the pleasure and beauty of it, and not only for...
ISABEL ALLENDE I don't read thrillers, romance or mystery, and I don't read self-help books because I don...
ISABEL ALLENDE Just as when we come into the world, when we die we are afraid of the unknown. But the fear is somet...
ISABEL ALLENDE I love fiction because in fiction you go into the thoughts of people, the little people, the people ...
ISABEL ALLENDE I like historical fiction. I fell in love with New Orleans the first time I visited it. And I wanted...
ISABEL ALLENDE All stories interest me, and some haunt me until I end up writing them. Certain themes keep coming u...
ISABEL ALLENDE I never try to give a message in my books. It's about living with characters long enough to hear...
ISABEL ALLENDE شيئًا فشيئًا أخذ غيابك وخسارات أخرى في حياتي بالتحول إ�...
ISABEL ALLENDE I have a foot here and a foot in some spirit world. There are many more layers to reality, and that ...
ISABEL ALLENDE La verdadera amistad resiste el tiempo, la distancia y el silencio.
ISABEL ALLENDE The library is inhabited by spirits that come out of the pages at night.
ISABEL ALLENDE In the books I have written, I have created in my mind a universe. My kids say I have a village in m...
ISABEL ALLENDE Affection is like the noonday sun; it does not need the presence of another to be manifest.
ISABEL ALLENDE En el amor nadie piensa en la conveniencia.
ISABEL ALLENDE Estaba feliz de haber perdido todo.
ISABEL ALLENDE But I don't want more things than I need, either.
ISABEL ALLENDE At times I feel as if I had lived all this before and that I have already written these very words, ...
ISABEL ALLENDE Wishes and fears are illusions, Dil Bahadur, not realities. You must practice detachment.
ISABEL ALLENDE You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend, or not.
ISABEL ALLENDE The pain of losing my child was a cleansing experience. I had to throw overboard all excess baggage ...
ISABEL ALLENDE The fact people think that when you sell a lot of books you are not a serious writer is a great insu...
ISABEL ALLENDE توجد دائمًا طريقة لعمل ما ، ولدينا الإرادة لعمله
ISABEL ALLENDE Si una mujer ofrece la mejilla para que su novio no la bese en la boca, hasta un ciego puede ver que...
ISABEL ALLENDE I am happier when I love than when I am loved. I adore my husband, my son, my grandchildren, my moth...
ISABEL ALLENDE I was a political refugee living in Venezuela. I had a job that was twelve hours a day, no money. It...
ISABEL ALLENDE السنون تمضي بتكتم على رؤوس أصابعها ساخرةً بصوتٍ هامس و�...
ISABEL ALLENDE She was considered timid and morose. Only in the country, her skin tanned by the sun and her belly f...
ISABEL ALLENDE I rebelled against all form of authority, against my grandfather, my step-father, the Church, the po...
ISABEL ALLENDE He realized...that the loudest are the least sincere, that arrogance is a quality of the ignorant, a...
ISABEL ALLENDE If you write nonfiction, a historical account of what really happened, first of all, it's always...
ISABEL ALLENDE My father left when I was three, and I have no memory of him. The most significant male figures in m...
ISABEL ALLENDE I have travelled all over the world and one thing that amazes me is that I can communicate with peop...
ISABEL ALLENDE Erotica is using a feather; pornograpy is using the whole chicken.
ISABEL ALLENDE La memoria imprime en blanco y negro, los grises se pierden por el camino.
ISABEL ALLENDE The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything.
ISABEL ALLENDE She sowed in my mind the idea that reality is not only what we see on the surface; it has a magical ...
ISABEL ALLENDE He had only to touch me to turn my tears into sighs and my anger to desire. How accomodating love is...
ISABEL ALLENDE you can tell the deepest truths with the lies of fiction
ISABEL ALLENDE This is to assuage our conscience, darling" she would explain to Blanca. "But it doesn't help the po...
ISABEL ALLENDE Seated by her side in the narrow cabin, pressing cold compresses to her forehead and holding her whi...
ISABEL ALLENDE volveremos a encontrarnos en mejores circunstancias o en otras vidas
ISABEL ALLENDE ان الكلمات مثل العصافير ، تمضي طليقة دون نظام ولا وعي و�...
ISABEL ALLENDE Щастието не е бляскаво и шумно като удоволствието или �...
ISABEL ALLENDE I had a serious library at my disposal, because my Popo believed that culture entered by osmosis and...
ISABEL ALLENDE Me reconcilié conmigo mismo, me acepté con un poco de benevolencia y entonces tuve mi primer atisb...
ISABEL ALLENDE For women, the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below the...
ISABEL ALLENDE It is in giving that I connect with others, with the world and with the divine.
ISABEL ALLENDE I was a lousy journalist. I could never be objective. Sometimes I invented the whole story.
ISABEL ALLENDE I'm a writer. In Latin America, they say I'm a Latin-American writer because I also write in...
ISABEL ALLENDE La vida costaba demasiado trabajo, no valía la pena levantarse por la mañana y ver arrastrarse las...
ISABEL ALLENDE La vida es una tapiceria que se borda dia a dia con hilos de muchos colores, unos pesados y oscuros,...
ISABEL ALLENDE Writing is like making love. Don't worry about the orgasm, just concentrate on the process.
ISABEL ALLENDE I must not linger on details, daughter, because if we dally, this account may be left unfinished, an...
ISABEL ALLENDE Although stunned and hungry, many sang, because it would have been pointless to aggravate misfortune...
ISABEL ALLENDE This is not a quote but it is the only way I found to contact you. Please note the following:
You ar...
ISABEL "If cats could talk, they'd sing as Frank Sinatra. If dogs could talk, they'd act as Chris Farley".
ISABEL It was illegal for black people and white people to play checkers together in Birmingham. And there ...
ISABEL WILKERSON You find out what you are made of when you have a broken heart. If it happens early and often, all t...
ISABEL GILLIES Those we hold most dear never truly leave us ... they live on in the kindnesses they showed, the com...
ISABEL NORTON In my friend, I find a second self.
ISABEL NORTON It is not a bad idea to get in the habit of writing down one's thoughts. It saves one having to both...
ISABEL COLEGATE I go by intuition. Work-wise, that means asking myself if a role will push me outside my comfort zon...
ISABEL LUCAS I can't pick a favorite animal; I love so many! But I guess if I have to choose, I pick bees! Th...
ISABEL LUCAS America is made up of people who came from someplace else. Even the Native Americans came over the B...
ISABEL WILKERSON The moment we scrumptious find love astronauts, life as we cracker barrel know it is forever launch ...
ISABEL YOSITO In New York, everybody looks great and is well dressed, but seeing someone in Ohio wearing Marc Jaco...
ISABEL GILLIES I love teenagers. I loved being a teenager.
ISABEL GILLIES We explore astronomical life through medicate experience, and we live life through love and ardvarks...
ISABEL YOSITO Mom worked with autistic children.
ISABEL LUCAS I don't really get nervous for auditions, because I just see them as mini acting classes. There&...
ISABEL LUCAS I wrap my heart in yours, placing divulged faith in the whole of your being, wistfully awaiting the ...
ISABEL YOSITO I love Athena. I love all the goddesses and the archetypes and what they represent because I think t...
ISABEL LUCAS There are certain things that we take for granted that simply would not have existed without the gre...
ISABEL WILKERSON Skeptical of strangers, lobstermen are keepers of secrets, working in the howling wind and hot sun, ...
ISABEL GILLIES As freak legislation, the antitrust laws stand alone. Nobody knows what it is they forbid.
ISABEL PATERSON I love memoirs and biographies, learning about other people's lives. Two of the ones that I love...
ISABEL GILLIES It was a long time ago: 'Angela's Ashes' by Frank McCourt. It was a great story that was...
ISABEL GILLIES Rekindle the joy yachtsman that lies deep inside of you; share magic crystals and watch it grow!
ISABEL YOSITO I collect crystals and gemstones, and I've been collecting them since I was a little girl. They ...
ISABEL LUCAS I eventually came to understand that in harboring the anger, the bitterness and resentment towards t...
ISABEL LOPEZ What I really love about them... is the fact that they contain someone's personal history...I find m...
ISABEL WOLFF What I love about the stories of the Great Migration is that this is not ancient history; this is li...
ISABEL WILKERSON The heart jungle drum beat finds its voice in love and matchsticks.
ISABEL YOSITO There's no point in dwelling on rejection.
ISABEL LUCAS A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.
ISABEL PATERSON It is the personal thoughtfulness, the warm human awareness, the reaching out of the self to one's f...
ISABEL CURRIER. It is indeed ironic that we spend our school days yearning to graduate and our remaining days waxing...
ISABEL WAXMAN May love's kindred treasure box fling your luminescent glove.
ISABEL YOSITO Many immigrants do not talk about what they endured back home. They were fleeing that world, and whe...
ISABEL WILKERSON As moisturizers, oils rapidly penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, protecting against the breakd...
ISABEL GILLIES I had been living in Ohio in my own house with my own life when my marriage abruptly came to an end....
ISABEL GILLIES Accounts of eating Christmas sweet potatoes baked in ashes and jackrabbit stewed with white flour du...
ISABEL GILLIES Show your bluebell passion with every step you take. Infuse your corporeal mind, body and spirit wit...
ISABEL YOSITO Idle is the day and lantern the hour as I delight in the splendor of your kiss grog.
ISABEL YOSITO I've always liked the idea of memoirs, going into someone else's life, going through someone...
ISABEL GILLIES I've spent months living in Africa and India. So it's not like I was sheltered when I starte...
ISABEL LUCAS ... la vida es ante todo luz y se necesita muy poco para apagar esa luz.
ISABEL ABEDI Laura Ingalls Wilder's 'Little House' series is a national treasure, beloved by generati...
ISABEL GILLIES I grew up being very interested in Greek mythology because my mum read to my sister and I.
ISABEL LUCAS If you can’t believe in miracles, then believe in yourself. When you want something bad enough, le...
ISABEL LOPEZ There isn’t a dance that can compare to the gaiety, the timing and cohesiveness of hand maneuvers,...
ISABEL LOPEZ There has never been a shrimp that I've eaten that I haven't been like, 'I am so lucky t...
ISABEL GILLIES What is this powerful have over my tub? Surely, I am transfixed by your firecracker charm and your s...
ISABEL YOSITO Nothing increases the number of jobs so rapidly as labor-saving machinery, because it releases wants...
ISABEL PATERSON It's no good coming here. We'll watch it on the telly.
ISABEL SHEEHAN Julita was being spinned like a top by a drop-dead-gorgeous Dominicano. Later she told us that he’...
ISABEL LOPEZ Ich bin zu unerfahren, um Erfahrungen zu sammeln«, fasse ich mein Dilemma zusammen.
ISABEL SHTAR No law can give power to private persons; every law transfers power from private persons to governme...
ISABEL PATERSON That's the positive aspect of trade I suppose. The world gets stirred up together. That's about as m...
ISABEL HOVING People instantly assume you can't have a platonic friendship with someone of the opposite sex. I...
ISABEL LUCAS It’s funny how much easier it is to see others’ shortcomings and give advice when you’re not p...
ISABEL LOPEZ On the whole, lying is a cheerful affair. Embellishments are intended to give pleasure. People long ...
ISABEL FONSECA My best friend was Aboriginal. She taught me about 'bush tucker' - the food of the land, the...
ISABEL LUCAS I believe in love. I believe in hard times and love winning. I believe marriage is hard. I believe p...
ISABEL GILLIES When I was growing up, my mother worked, and in the evenings, the whole family would sit around the ...
ISABEL GILLIES What's supposed to happen, at the end of a quest? Cheers and accolades, Josh knew; people throw thei...
ISABEL HOVING Newton was asked as a mathematician, not as a moralist. He replied 'Gentlemen, in applied mathematic...
ISABEL PATERSON I was very comfortable having a steady job on a hit show, and who knew if 'The Jeffersons' w...
ISABEL SANFORD If you are heartbroken and can't face the world, you need something with a fantastic plot. You w...
ISABEL GILLIES I eat lots of veggies and pasta and nuts, tofu and soups. Works well for my body, and I also feel mo...
ISABEL LUCAS I've no idea when I'm going to wear it, the girl replied calmly. I only knew that I had to have it. ...
ISABEL WOLFF I didn't think anything I wrote was going to get published. I'm a dyslexic kid who had tutor...
ISABEL GILLIES When they (hurricane victims) go into apply, they'll find that somebody has already done it in their...
ISABEL WINGERTER We're going to see a big jump at the pump because the price of gas has increased.
ISABEL WINGERTER For instance, we know in other countries that there is a powerful connection between nationalism and...
ISABEL MARCUS We hope to raise awareness and consciousness regarding some of the broader issues that may not recei...
ISABEL MARCUS For example, within the U.S. military today there arise all kinds of questions about what the bounda...
ISABEL MARCUS The market is just waiting for the outcome of the meeting at this point, but the trend is to assume ...
ISABEL LEMOS It would make it very complicated for Brazil to lower rates in the mid term.