Should the Colts happen to win the Super Bowl, that would have an effect.
Dennis Coates
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Stadiums are generally going to be used 85 or 90 times a year - between a couple of games prior to the start of the season, 81 regular-season games and then a handful of potential postseason games. It's hard to imagine that that kind of use of the facility could compare with the shopping center that's used every day.
— Dennis Coates
If you think they're going to substitute between different kinds of spending, then there's no new spending created - it's just substitution. Different people are getting the benefits of the spending, but there isn't any new kind of benefit generated.
— Dennis Coates
They've changed their stance, which is good, which is a positive and the market has taken that positively, but the fact that they're not going to be doing any real tightening in the short term is also very positive.
— Michael Coates
Emily and Sarah were very outstanding. Elena also did quite well.
— Roy Coates
We appreciate all our sponsors who support us here at the center.
— Carolyn Coates