She's really clever and subversive. It's very difficult to describe glittery people and she does it very well.
Joan Juliet Buck
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I chose this one for the volume of the rooms. When I was a kid in Paris we had rooms like this and there's a lot of objects that belonged to my parents and grandparents that then became mine. There's a picture of an armchair whose arms are sprouting hands; it's a rather scary looking picture that my parents were very fond of.
— Joan Juliet Buck
Here was someone who had a very true and affecting voice, who really did seem to be reporting from the front lines and doing it with the sort of guileless intensity of the talented innocent.
— Joan Juliet Buck
Which were not about being applauded as you made your entrance to the opera. They were about crying in your room, feeling lonely, hoping for sex.
— Joan Juliet Buck
We put it downtown because we believe in downtown Waterloo. We want people to come to Waterloo.
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Most people look better with their clothes ON, and those ten people who don't look better than you, so why bother.
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