Schließlich sagte ich leise: "Wie kommt's, dass du so weise bist, Effie?" "Ich habe es siebenundsiebzig Jahre auf diesem Planeten ausgehalten", antwortete sie trocken. "Und indem ich die richtigen Entscheidungen getroffen habe, habe ich die meisten dieser Jahre sogar gelebt.
Samantha Young
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MARTINA RIEMER Ich selbst spiele nie Billard, [...],aber ich weiß, dass man den Ball hoch oder tief, rechts oder l... ROBERT MUSIL Ich möchte wissen", sagte er vor sich hin, "was eigentlich in einem Buch los ist, solang es zu ist.... MICHAEL ENDE Ich habe in diesen Tagen viel über Liebe nachgedacht, und darüber, wie ich das Wort hasste und es ... JOHN UPDIKE Du musst dir die Haare schneiden lassen", murmelte Sascha. Er küsste sie nocheinmal und läche... NALINI SINGH Da steh ich nun, ich armer Tor, und bin so klug als wie zuvor. JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ich wollte meine Augen öffnen, um Gideon ein letztes Mal anzusehen, aber ich schaffte es nicht. KERSTIN GIER Aber eins weiß ich mit Sicherheit: Dass wir das Leben führen, für das wir uns entscheiden. Dass w... LILLY LINDNER Ich würde niemandem raten die Luft anzuhalten ... Abgesehen von der Filmfrage, denke... RENE AUBERJONOIS Fürst! Was Sie sind, sind Sie durch Zufall und Geburt, was ich bin, bin ich durch mich. Fürsten ha... 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AMY EWING Während ich mir mit Fernsehen und Radio die Illusion von Gesellschaft ins Verlies holte, konnte ich... NATASCHA KAMPUSCH Aber jede noch so kleine Verbesserung meines Zustandes entfernte mich weiter von George, und in Wahr... KATE MOSSE Ich werde stehen und warten. Ich werde müde werden. Ich werde nicht einschlafen. Ich... HERMANN HESSE Sind sie vorbestraft? Du lieber Himmel ich wußte gar nicht, dass das immer noch nötig ist." Britis... ERIC IDLE Ich bin einfach sterblich, wie andere Leute erkältet sind. In jeder Sekunde spüre ich die Symptome... JULI ZEH Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie vi... STEPHENIE MEYER Träume und Märchen waren ihr eigentlicher Lebensinhalt, dachte ich jetzt. Deshalb hat sie sich auc... THOMAS BERNHARD Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie vi... STEPHENIE MEYER Seit ich die Menschen kenne, liebe ich die Tiere. NICOLAS BARREAU Sah ein Knab' ein Röslein stehn, Röslein auf der Heiden, war so jung und morgenschön, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ich liebe die großen Verachtenden, weil sie die großen Verehrenden sind und Pfeile der Sehnsucht n... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Strahlend wie ein Kind unter dem Weihnachtsbaum sagte sie: "Ihr raucht zum Spaß, ich rauche, um zu ... JOHN GREEN Wäre ich ein Zimmermann, würde ich dir ein Fenster zu meiner Seele zimmern. Wenn du hineinsch... COLLEEN HOOVER Natürlich mochte ich die, die nicht ich waren, nur selten. SIBYLLE BERG Ich las damals unendlich viel und zwar gründlich. In wenigen Jahren schuf ich mir damit die Grundla... ADOLF HITLER Ich bin gern erlöst von meinem Spiegelbild, von der Frage, wie ich aussehe. Auch ohne Spiegel weiß... PAULINE DEBOK Wann immer ich vom Leben den Status quo erwarte, taucht etwas ganz unerwartetes auf. Die Weltgeschic... ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Geschichten sind die Essenz des Lebens, Apolonia", sagte er, so ernst wie immer, und sie hatte das G... JENNY-MAI NUYEN Beschwipst, betrunken ... ein Gentleman würde die Situation jedenfalls nicht ausnutzen." "Du h... SAMANTHA YOUNG Und wenn ich mal heirate, dann muss mein Mann zwei Bedingungen erfüllen: Er muss Bücher und Kinder... ASTRID LINDGREN Wie sehr wollte ich sie vor dem Schmerz des Erinners bewahren. KATE MOSSE Ich erinnere mich noch an Ihre Worte: „Die Welt ist ein Schlachthaus und ein Bordell.“ Damals sc... ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Ich bin jemand, der ich nicht bin ich gehe, aber ich weiß nicht, wohin ich fühle, aber i... EUGEN RUGE »Du hast Heiden vernichtet? Ich dachte, die Erdgeister seien wohlgesinnt.« »Jeder hat mal Au... CHRISTOPHER MOORE I despise mankind in all its strata; I foresee that our
descendants will be still far unhappier tha... FRIEDRICH HEINRICH ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blüh'n, Im dunkeln Laub die Goldorangen glüh'n, Ein ... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ich bin enttäuscht ... Ich Ich hätte möglicherweise drei weitere Staffeln gemacht. Ich hätte wah... DOMINIC KEATING Ich bin enttäuscht ... Ich Ich hätte möglicherweise drei weitere Staffeln gemacht. Ich hätte wah... DOMINIC KEATING Ich bin voller Zuversicht und Entschlossenheit und verfüge über einen freien Willen – zumindest ... CHUCK PALAHNIUK Alle meine gestohlenen Bücher tuschelten nachts miteinander, erzählten die Geschichten ihrer Entf�... CORDULA SIMON Er macht mir Angst", gestand ich ihr. Sie gab ein Prustton von sich. "Bei mir ist er die Liebe... SAMANTHA YOUNG Während die erste Tasse Tee mir die Lippen und Kehle befeuchtet, die zweite meine Trauer vertr... LU TONG In Wirklichkeit war ich schon wach, aber ich hielt noch die Augen zu, um die Traaumgestalten noch l�... ADELBERT VON CHAMISSO Wie kommuniziert man am besten das Gefühl, tot zu sein … Ja, ich kenne das Wort kommuniziere... CHUCK PALAHNIUK Ich mag zwar Ich sein, aber das könnte mir nun wirklich nicht passieren, DU zu sein. CHUCK PALAHNIUK Mädchen kriegen Titten und vergessen, wie klug und mutig sie einmal waren. Auch Jungen haben ihre e... CHUCK PALAHNIUK Ich für meinen Teil denke während einer Verfolgungsjagd gern nach. Keiner stört einen, man ist al... JONATHAN STROUD I make presents to the mother, but think of the daughter.
[Ger., Der Mutter schenk' ich,
Die T... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ich werde nicht alles erreichen, was ich will, aber ich werde alles probieren, was ich kann. BENJAMIN LEBERT Beschwichtigend hob Rafael die Arme. „Ganz ruhig. Was ist passiert?“ Erbost schüttelte Sel... MARTINA RIEMER Wenn ich nur ein Telephon habe, der Wald wird sich finden! Ohne Telephon kann man nur ... KARL KRAUS [Es gibt keine Pläne für einen Enterprise Film, aber die Schauspieler glauben auch, dass es nur ei... DOMINIC KEATING Irgendwo war mir ein Rest von Glauben an den freien Willen geblieben, aber an diesem Morgen war ich ... ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Ich liebe die hektischen, schlanken Narzissen mit blutrotem Mund. FELIX DöRMANN in der Fußgängerzone kam Wind auf wie immer Wind aufkommt bei der Suche nach jenem richtigen Ort d... MARION POSCHMANN Ich möchte schlafen, aber du mußt tanzen." [Hyazinthen ] THEODOR STORM Rast ich, so rost ich. (When I rest, I rust.). GERMAN PROVERB Am Ende, schloss ich, glauben die Menschen an ein Leben nach dem Tod, weil sie das Gegenteil nicht e... JOHN GREEN The worst of me is known, and I can say that I am better than the
reputation I bear.
[Ger., Das A... JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art-- Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night JOHN KEATS Das Blau in seinem Blick multiplizierte und intensivierte sich, während er sich weiter zu mir vorle... SIMONA DOBRESCU A serca - tak ich mało, a usta - tyle ich. KRZYSZTOF KAMIL BACZYńSKI Ich bin kein Kind, ich bin nicht niedlich; warum soll man so jemanden streicheln? SIBYLLE BERG Vielleicht weil ich mich fürchte und er mir Mut verleiht. PETER JACKSON Was ich weiß, kann jeder wissen. Mein Herz hab' ich allein. JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Wir dachten alle, du wärst getoastet worden!" - Hector Delos "Wurde ich auch." - Lucas Delos JOSEPHINE ANGELINI When I err every one can see it, but not when I lie.
[Ger., Wenn ich irre kann es jeder bemerken; ... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ich stehe vor dem uralten Dilemma, entweder die eigenen Eltern oder die eigene Gottheit verraten zu ... CHUCK PALAHNIUK Ich bin zu unerfahren, um Erfahrungen zu sammeln«, fasse ich mein Dilemma zusammen. ISABEL SHTAR Wie ich höre, zeigt auch der Himmel eine Leidenschaft für das Neue. Ein Stern wird müde, ein Ster... ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Eine Move bin ich von keinem Land, Meine Heimat nenne ich keinen Srrand, Mich bindet nich... EMPRESS ELIZABETH Agent Tanner sagte, dass die NSA sich etwas einfallen lasseb will. Anselm und Hannah haben sich eben... MARTINA ANDRé Ich vermochte kaum den Kopf hochzuhalten. Ich wollte mich befreien, dem Gefängnis meiner Erinnerung... KATE MOSSE Erlaube," fuhr Meister Abraham fort, "erlaube, mein Johannes, mit dem Just magst du mich kaum vergle... E.T.A. HOFFMANN Aber du willst nur mein sein unter Bedingungen, während ich dir bedingungslos gehöre. LEOPOLD VON SACHER-MASOCH Firnis lächelte gütig. "Bücher sind lebendige Wesen", sagte er, "und wenn man ganz in sie eintauc... CHRISTOPH MARZI
More Samantha Young
Do I get to choose what she commands you to do? Come on, let me, it’ll be fun.” Jai la... SAMANTHA YOUNG It was one thing to deal with monsters that were human in appearance. Another thing entirely to deal... SAMANTHA YOUNG You're going to get us killed." "Well, since you got us kidnapped in the first place, I think i... SAMANTHA YOUNG And like many wars it was built upon a mindless prejudice. SAMANTHA YOUNG Hindsight sucked. In fact hindsight should be assassinated. SAMANTHA YOUNG Sarcasm is such an unattractive quality in anyone but me. SAMANTHA YOUNG ...and still Eden was avoiding him like he was a Bieber fan at a Korn concert. SAMANTHA YOUNG When we’re there I’ll create a distraction. You have to keep your wits about you, Lady Rogan. Wa... SAMANTHA YOUNG I miss our Would You Rather conversations and your hilarious answers. I miss your laugh. I miss the ... SAMANTHA YOUNG I know you love me, Jocelyn, because there’s no fucking way I can be this much in love with you, a... SAMANTHA YOUNG It was all my fault. I'd let them in, I'd broken my rules, and I was back at square fucking one!"- ... SAMANTHA YOUNG You could charm the pants off absolutely anyone," I told him quietly. He smirked. "I take... SAMANTHA YOUNG ...And you, you better run because i'm going to destroy you for what you've taken from me. SAMANTHA YOUNG Gentlemen are gentlemen in bed. They make sure you're having a good time." "I'll make sur... SAMANTHA YOUNG I love you. You’re mine. I’ll kill any bastard who tries to take you from me. SAMANTHA YOUNG Sure it could get rough sometimes, but life wasn't a Hollywood movie. Shit happened. You fought, you... SAMANTHA YOUNG You're letting me go?" He curled his upper lip, his expression painfully bitter as he took a st... SAMANTHA YOUNG Let me rephrase.” He took a seething step toward me. “When it comes to you… I don’t like to ... SAMANTHA YOUNG I’m glad you’re quitting the bar." "You are?" "Yeah. I’ve never liked yo... SAMANTHA YOUNG Sometimes the clouds weren’t weightless. Sometimes their bellies got dark and full. It was life. I... SAMANTHA YOUNG I’ve never been this happy,” I whispered, a little scared by it. Caine must have heard the ... SAMANTHA YOUNG No one will ever understand like I do. You’re so different with me, baby. You take care of me. You... SAMANTHA YOUNG I am not your mother. I’m not looking for something else from life. I’m not looking for more. I�... SAMANTHA YOUNG Lexie,” he said, his voice guttural, “I told you this to wake you up. A man like me isn’t capa... SAMANTHA YOUNG For the longest time my company is what got me up in the morning. It was what motivated me every sec... SAMANTHA YOUNG Lexie, I practically sold my soul to get where I am today. I’m a selfish bastard … and you …�... SAMANTHA YOUNG I won’t stay,” I warned him. “I won’t try to fight for you anymore. This is it. If you walk ... SAMANTHA YOUNG You’re lying to yourself. You’re holding this up as a way to keep me locked out. But it’s too ... SAMANTHA YOUNG when you asked me to stay away from you in your note, it finally hit me. You meant it. You weren’t... SAMANTHA YOUNG It was unrelenting and painful as it clawed and clouded his brain, reducing him to a saliva-ridden a... SAMANTHA YOUNG Huffing in annoyance at the interruption, not only at Charlie, but at herself for being annoyed with... SAMANTHA YOUNG Tira y empuja demasiado, y mi Corazón se rompera. SAMANTHA YOUNG there were moments throughout the whole day when she had to shake herself because she found her thou... SAMANTHA YOUNG OK.So beside the possible extended lietime you live a normal human life? You have an apar... SAMANTHA YOUNG How much did bro tell you?" "Bro?" "The White King. SAMANTHA YOUNG What's the use of the wind if it won't take you away on it? SAMANTHA YOUNG Jai sighed again."What is it about this kid?" Disgusted by his seeming callousness,Ari shot him... SAMANTHA YOUNG How do we exorcise one of the Jinn?" He shrugged. "You got Yellow Pages?" "Seriousl... SAMANTHA YOUNG I don't want this heart, it's split in two. SAMANTHA YOUNG How can I lean on you when you're lying down? SAMANTHA YOUNG Ari scoffed meanly, "God, between you and Charlie it's a wonder I haven't gone into frickin' dentist... SAMANTHA YOUNG I do not deal well with hysterical women. SAMANTHA YOUNG I've had my fill of Jinn for the day. And not the good gin that my dad has locked in his liquor cabi... SAMANTHA YOUNG Something about him made her pause. When his eyes glittered back at her from the shadows, Ari felt h... SAMANTHA YOUNG I...great, I can talk again." "Well." Charlie shrugged. "Paradise can only last so long, ... SAMANTHA YOUNG How was it possible to miss someone when they were standing right next to you? SAMANTHA YOUNG The Stars Are Not Wanted but the Sky Will Submit SAMANTHA YOUNG Getting up from the table, shaking a little at her unraveling, Ari cuffed Charlie across the head. �... SAMANTHA YOUNG There was nothing that could prepare a person for discovering they were a pawn in a war between myth... SAMANTHA YOUNG I’m fine, Ari. Read the book.” “If you’re sure?” He shook his head, lowering his... SAMANTHA YOUNG That sounds suspiciously like you’re calling me a manwhore.” “I am calling you a m... SAMANTHA YOUNG You really need to work on intonation when you use sarcasm. That way people will know when you’re ... SAMANTHA YOUNG We are all looking for a place in life, somewhere we fit. It’s not a place that changes who we are... SAMANTHA YOUNG Eden," Cyrus snapped bringing her back to the present. "I have a sword pointed at you. Will you plea... SAMANTHA YOUNG I never meant to fall in love with you. But I did. I felt it the first night I made love to you. I t... SAMANTHA YOUNG Du darfst deinen Boss nicht gleich am ersten Tag umbringen. Du darfst deinen Boss nicht gleich am er... SAMANTHA YOUNG Endlich nahm er meine kleine Hand in seine große. Die Haut seiner Handflächen war leicht rau,... SAMANTHA YOUNG Er macht mir Angst", gestand ich ihr. Sie gab ein Prustton von sich. "Bei mir ist er die Liebe... SAMANTHA YOUNG Caine Carraway im Anzug war ein Anblick für die Götter. Cain Carraway ohne Anzug war heiß w... SAMANTHA YOUNG Beschwipst, betrunken ... ein Gentleman würde die Situation jedenfalls nicht ausnutzen." "Du h... SAMANTHA YOUNG Sie kannst du vielleicht täuschen, aber mich nicht." Er sah mich von der Seite an. Offenbar h... SAMANTHA YOUNG I miss someone who gets me. I called a woman on my research team a bitch – you know in a friendly ... SAMANTHA YOUNG I would say it was nice to meet you, but I was naked so… it wasn’t. SAMANTHA YOUNG You'll end up living a lonely life if you're waiting around for perfect. SAMANTHA YOUNG Good to know in times of war you can’t bluff for shit. SAMANTHA YOUNG I feel like I'm missing something really important when you're gone. So important I don't feel like ... SAMANTHA YOUNG I don't like to share," he murmured. "Braden, I'm not yours." "For the next three months ... SAMANTHA YOUNG In Paris people love and regret, kiss and be happy. SAMANTHA How does somebody know you love them if you keep it to yourself. SAMANTHA Christmas is a huge thing in my family. We usually start decorating the day after Thanksgiving. We s... SAMANTHA ISLER All I want to do when I have time off is to have a laugh with my school friends and go down the pub. SAMANTHA MUMBA Well, I asked him who would start the war first. SAMANTHA SMITH And he said that he didn't want to have a war or anything like that again. SAMANTHA SMITH If you aren't please tell me how you are going to not have a war. SAMANTHA SMITH He said that if we were going to have a war, they would never be the first ones to start it. SAMANTHA SMITH Sometimes I still worry that the next day will be the last day of the Earth. SAMANTHA SMITH Well, I just hope we can have peace, and I hope it'll do some good. SAMANTHA SMITH God made the world for us to live together in peace and not fight. SAMANTHA SMITH London had so much death in its history, it was hard to find a spot without spirits. They formed a s... SAMANTHA SHANNON My silver cord - the link between my body and my spirit - was extremely sensitive. It was what allow... SAMANTHA SHANNON I had lived in that part of London that used to be called Islington since I was eight. I attended a ... SAMANTHA SHANNON I was born in 1991, and 'Harry Potter' came out in '97, so, you know, I was really obses... SAMANTHA SHANNON I often look at places and kind of mentally convert them to fantasy versions of themselves. SAMANTHA SHANNON I've never had a supernatural experience. I've been tempted to maybe have a tarot-card readi... SAMANTHA SHANNON Whenever anyone calls me 'The new J..K. Rowling,' I think, 'What's wrong with the ol... SAMANTHA SHANNON I wanted to write a sci-fi story that would appeal to young women. Loads of girls like sci-fi, but i... SAMANTHA SHANNON I fell even more deeply in love with Tolkien's legendarium after studying Old English literature... SAMANTHA SHANNON I'm not going to give it the big 'I am' now that I'm a New York Times bestseller. SAMANTHA SHANNON I do take this insane pleasure in world-building. I get the world in my head, but I have to make sur... SAMANTHA SHANNON I am never not thinking about stories. 'The Bone Season' is 90% of my brain - 10% is interac... SAMANTHA SHANNON Writing a novel is like knocking on a door that will never open. You are so desperate to get in, you... SAMANTHA SHANNON I know what I want to achieve in each book and the major points, but I don't plan right down to ... SAMANTHA SHANNON I was so sure I wanted to be a novelist. I would spend hours and hours every day writing. Little sto... SAMANTHA SHANNON I always felt that sci-fi and fantasy were my thing. Bit of a geek, I'm afraid. But I like creat... SAMANTHA SHANNON People question what I thought of Oxford. Students used to talk about the 'Oxford bubble' be... SAMANTHA SHANNON I am the first one to go to university in my family. I am the first writer as well. My dad is a reti... SAMANTHA SHANNON I worry that people think you have to go to a university to be a good writer, which is categorically... SAMANTHA SHANNON I was not really aware of the dystopian genre before I read 'The Handmaid's Tale.' Many ... SAMANTHA SHANNON It is a strange world, Oxford - quite claustrophobic. I was often glad I was only there for eight we... SAMANTHA SHANNON What I like about Oxford is how small it is; it's really more of a big town than a city. SAMANTHA SHANNON 'The Bone Season' is violent. There's sex. My little brother keeps asking to read it, an... SAMANTHA SHANNON I was a hacker of sorts. Not a mind 'reader,' exactly; more a mind 'radar,' in tune ... SAMANTHA SHANNON I'm often daydreaming, and it's because I've always liked the idea of there being someth... SAMANTHA SHANNON I was a shy child, and when I was 13, I started wearing braces on my teeth. I used to be acutely sel... SAMANTHA SHANNON Don't take for granted that the worthiness of your cause will win you allies; bring it down to a... SAMANTHA POWER When dictators feel their support slipping among adults, it is not unusual for them to alter school ... SAMANTHA POWER I would like to put forward a simple thesis that should no longer be at all controversial: it is now... SAMANTHA POWER Syria is important because it lies at the heart of a region critical to U.S. security, a region that... SAMANTHA POWER The U.N. brings everybody together. And without it, we can't deal with Ebola or terrorism or cli... SAMANTHA POWER American decision-makers must understand how damaging a foreign policy that privileges order and pro... SAMANTHA POWER Historical hypocrites have themselves carried out the very human rights abuses that they suddenly de... SAMANTHA POWER If your aim is to attack the United States, it is hard to imagine a more difficult way of getting he... SAMANTHA POWER My style in diplomacy is my style as a human being - I'm very direct and very honest. SAMANTHA POWER What is most needed in Darfur is an international peacekeeping and protection presence, and this is ... SAMANTHA POWER Throughout history, when societies face tough economic times, we have seen democratic reforms deferr... SAMANTHA POWER When it came to the Vietnam War, Mr. McNamara was an early advocate of escalation but came to realiz... SAMANTHA POWER We are responsible for our incredulity. SAMANTHA POWER The story of U.S. policy during the genocide in Rwanda is not a story of willful complicity with evi... SAMANTHA POWER Citizens victimized by genocide or abandoned by the international community do not make good neighbo... SAMANTHA POWER Brokenness is the operative issue of our time - broken souls, broken hearts, broken places. SAMANTHA POWER You know, there is a long tradition in the U.S. of, um, promoting elections up to the point that you... SAMANTHA POWER For me, it's not an option to despair. The question is: what can we do to make someone's lif... SAMANTHA POWER I'm very picky, and I'm never 100% happy with the work I do; I hate watching myself and hear... SAMANTHA MUMBA I'm based in London now. I'm renting an apartment, making my own little home. It's great... SAMANTHA MUMBA But I've had to act and not depend on my voice so much. SAMANTHA MUMBA I'm really starting to think everything happens for a reason. SAMANTHA MUMBA All I say is that I don't go out with famous men. SAMANTHA MUMBA I loved being behind the scenes and finding out how they make movies. SAMANTHA MUMBA I'm not into the whole showbiz scene. SAMANTHA MUMBA People watch me, waiting for me to slip up, so my privacy has gone - but that's a price you pay. SAMANTHA MUMBA When I'm out with a group I hide in the corner and get legless. I just make sure my friends shie... SAMANTHA MUMBA There are a lot of female artists my age around at the moment, but they're all American and blon... SAMANTHA MUMBA But I'm not crazy about the designers like Prada and Gucci. I hate going into designer stores. SAMANTHA MUMBA I'm having a great time. It's like I'm on some ridiculous big roller coaster not knowing... SAMANTHA MUMBA Everyone wants to look their best, everyone has dreams of wanting to look like something else. But w... SAMANTHA MORTON I'll never get a part in a huge action blockbuster. SAMANTHA MORTON I am proud of what I've done. SAMANTHA MORTON I was physically abused and I retaliated. SAMANTHA MORTON I'm an actor. That's what I'm gifted at. It's what makes me breathe. SAMANTHA MORTON My mind boggles at the amount of violence inflicted upon children in today's society. SAMANTHA MORTON I'm not a writer. I think I can write short stories and poetry, but film writing, brilliant film... SAMANTHA MORTON To be honest with you, a lot of directors can be very lazy. SAMANTHA MORTON Some directors cast you because they trust you to do the performance - but then they forget to direc... SAMANTHA MORTON The truth is I had lots of rehab and now I have a clean bill of health. SAMANTHA MORTON I hate the analyzing thing. People say, 'Why do you think your character did that? I don't k... SAMANTHA MORTON Most of my life, I've been on a film set. There isn't anything to learn, not learn, unlearn.... SAMANTHA MORTON Catholicism played such a huge part in my life, I would not have survived without my faith. SAMANTHA MORTON For anyone who's been in care, successfully coming through the system is nothing to with money o... SAMANTHA MORTON I want to prove that you don't have to come from Oxford University or Rada - and you don't h... SAMANTHA MORTON I think anybody who has been abused as a kid - and I was abused as a kid, by various people - will s... SAMANTHA MORTON It's fantastic to strive towards a nice life where you eat nice organic food and your children g... SAMANTHA MORTON I have worked very hard on being aware of my childhood but moving forward and not letting it bring m... SAMANTHA MORTON We're all living blinkered lives, and we're not seeing what's going on and looking to ch... SAMANTHA MORTON You get very possessive about characters, you feel you can see it in your mind and you want to play ... SAMANTHA MORTON When you've been raised in care, rap music isn't just about guns and sexism. They're tal... SAMANTHA MORTON I will check the internet for at least an hour every morning scanning worldwide news to do with chil... SAMANTHA MORTON I was angry but not at God. I feel that you are closer to God when you are messed up. Definitely. Th... SAMANTHA MORTON What shocks me is that so many people leave care and become homeless, and when you're homeless y... SAMANTHA MORTON I like to stretch my acting muscles. SAMANTHA MORTON There aren't a lot of roles written for women who are strong willed. SAMANTHA MATHIS Doing a piece on film is completely different from doing it onstage. SAMANTHA MATHIS You really have to create everything in order to come away with a full human being on screen. SAMANTHA MATHIS When I was blonde I was perceived as an innocent and sweet young girl. SAMANTHA MATHIS I really miss things like going to football games and pep rallies, and when I come home to Tulsa, I ... SAMANTHA ISLER I know a lot of people who say they want to leave Tulsa and go off to L.A. or New York City. But I c... SAMANTHA ISLER I always wanted to act. I guess I've always been a bit of a drama queen. SAMANTHA ISLER I made a decision when I started writing 'All is Song' to take the compliments I had for ... SAMANTHA HARVEY When we fall in love, we feel that this person is ours and we are theirs by our mutual volition, and... SAMANTHA HARVEY As the U.S., much of Europe, and the U.K. shift toward the political right, the rhetoric grows more ... SAMANTHA HARVEY Being published is a bit like being entered into a race you don't even want to run, but, once ru... SAMANTHA HARVEY Common perceptions of female friendships are morning coffees discussing children, bags, periods and ... SAMANTHA HARVEY With twenty six letters, you can create anything you like - any person, any world, any place, any em... SAMANTHA HARVEY It's quite difficult to write about female friendship without it seeming to be a very niche subj... SAMANTHA HARVEY The sense of one's past is so strong and forms our sense of self so strongly, it will always fas... SAMANTHA HARVEY The Japanese have different words for love. To them, it's plain weird that we love spaghetti and... SAMANTHA HARVEY With 'All Is Song,' I tried to construct a very traditional narrative that pulls no tricks. SAMANTHA HARVEY I conceived 'All Is Song' as a modernised, loosely interpreted version of Socrates's lif... SAMANTHA HARVEY Down on the ground, we seem to do anything but make lengthy, robust monologues. We can communicate i... SAMANTHA HARVEY Monologues are self-verifying and self-referencing, a world in their own right, one with its own int... SAMANTHA HARVEY The past is open to all sorts of magical possibilities because it can't be verified. It's as... SAMANTHA HARVEY I'm just fascinated by the past. You know, both by the possibilities it holds and by the complet... SAMANTHA HARVEY When there's change, and people fear things, they become more dogmatic in their views. They lash... SAMANTHA HARVEY Socrates, after all, could be an intensely annoying man, all the time questioning passers-by until t... SAMANTHA HARVEY We use the same possessive pronouns for everything, but do we own our lives or sisters or husbands i... SAMANTHA HARVEY We see book-burning as a crime against humanity: it's intolerable because books represent a kind... SAMANTHA HARVEY There are many ways to go about a story. And if you give yourself some formal constraints, it just m... SAMANTHA HARVEY One of the most unsettling things about 'Monologue' is its long silences, in which the man s... SAMANTHA HARVEY I think we often live at a surface level, and that ends up with us in a lot of difficulty because we... SAMANTHA HARVEY What I always liked about Socrates was his insistence on questioning things for the sake of reaching... SAMANTHA HARVEY My sister is my sister regardless - has always been and always will be and has no choice about it. T... SAMANTHA HARVEY Socrates was famously executed for his philosophical and political beliefs. I wondered what would ha... SAMANTHA HARVEY I don't have a problem with my image; it's other people who do. SAMANTHA FOX I'm an outgoing girl, and I can't help the way I look. SAMANTHA FOX I consider myself sexy. But the sexy image doesn't bother me, and I don't think it detracts ... SAMANTHA FOX When somebody wants me to sign an old picture, it's like looking at another person. SAMANTHA FOX At 20, I didn't know what suited me. I had terrible fashion sense and awful make-up. SAMANTHA FOX When I was a model, everybody was scrutinising me and I felt I had to go to the gym because my figur... SAMANTHA FOX I still keep my accent. SAMANTHA FOX It wouldn't be fair to drag a child round the world, touring. SAMANTHA FOX I am very domesticated. I find I really enjoy it. SAMANTHA FOX