Rămase câteva minute pe pod, privind o barcă ce se îndepărta încet. Un cuplu se lăsa purtat de apă. Erau un el şi o ea foarte fericiţi, pierduţi unul în privirea celuilalt. Cum de au cuplurile această lumină, parcă radiază ca un corp ceresc. Iubirea… numai iubirea are această putere! Şi totuşi, iubirea era foarte departe de ea. Erau momente, ca acesta, când şi-ar fi dorit să iubească, să fie iubită, când avea nevoie de cineva care s-o ţină în braţe sau alături de care să se trezească dimineaţa. Amintirile însă reveneau şi o întorceau din drum.
Related Te miri cum frumuseţea ne dă iluzia deplină a binelui. Când o femeie frumoasă îndrugă prostii... LEO TOLSTOY Iubirea adevărată e o experienţă a bucuriei împărtăşite şi ea iradiază, ca atare, în înt... ANDREI PLEșU Tatăl meu mi-a povestit odată de un tovarăş de detenţie emaciat, din lagărul de concentrare de... LEONARD MLODINOW Singurătatea absolută? O concep cîteodată aşa: în tren, pe un culoar ticsit, stînd pe geamant... CONSTANTIN NOICA De citit, citeam la întîmplare, pe apucate, şi n-am studiat nimic serios. Singura mea specialitat... OCTAVIAN PALER Întotdeauna va exista un el căruia să vrem a-i oferi lumea, un el al cărui zâmbet va fi antidot... ANDRES Până atunci nu ştiusem ce înseamnă să alergi după un fluture, să mângâi o lăcustă verde,... PANAIT ISTRATI De ce naiba se interpune între viață și literatură un soi de zid al rușinii? În momentul în ... JULIO CORTáZAR Şi în iubire nu există reguli. Putem încerca să ne ţinem de manuale, să ne controlăm inima, ... PAULO COELHO Ştiu că mărturisirile prea sincere par scandaloase. Mulţi s-au învăţat cu o anumită pudoare ... OCTAVIAN PALER În viaţă trebuie să înveţi să citeşti printre rânduri şi în oameni. Să citeşti printre ... ILEANA VULPESCU Cascada părea ruptă dintr-o poveste, uşor ascunsă de desişul pădurii. În spatele ei se ascund... ANDRES Poveste sentimentală Pe urmă ne vedeam din ce în ce mai des. Eu stăteam la o mar... NICHITA STăNESCU Într-o aşa serioasă măsură mi se pare de negîndită viaţa, încît dacă m-aş gîndi efectiv... CONSTANTIN NOICA Şi, vorbind mai general, oricare ţi-ar fi linia în viaţă, dacă constaţi că alţii nu-ţi pre... BERTRAND RUSSELL, ÎN CăUTAREA FERICIRII -Se vede că n-ai trăit până acum decât în mijlocul ţăranilor care sunt duri cu animalele şi... HECTOR MALOT, SINGUR PE LUME -E vorba despre călătoria pe care o parcurge şi despre acceptarea ei. E viaţa şi lumina din tin... 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ION DRUță Ea nu e în mobile,nu e în lucruri,nu e în atmosferă,nici măcar în străinătate.Ea e în mine,... MIHAIL DRUMEş -Vă bateţi joc de mine? -Nu, niciodată, dragul meu; batjocura poate fi folositoare pentru a ... HECTOR MALOT, SINGUR PE LUME Chiar şi cel mai mic neadevăr îl strică pe om, la fel cum o picătură de otravă poate strica u... MAHATMA GANDHI Totul se hotărăște înainte de contact. Mandibula sau jetul de acid nu fac decât să consfințea... BERNARD WERBER Există ceva dincolo de reprezentare? Cunoașterea e o fereastră demnă de încredere spre real, sa... GIOVANNI PAPINI Cu toată iubirea multora din jur, un om poate să se simtă singur atunci când nu e pentru nimeni ... ANNE FRANK Deși faptul că izbutești să te căsătorești nu garantează că ai măcar o iotă habar despre ... KAREN KARBO ... acolo unde nu există aparat de stat și supramuncă, nu există nici model-Muncă. Există doar... GILLES DELEUZE Oamenii! 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MEREDITH WILD Motivul pentru care moartea se ţine atât de aproape de viaţă nu e necesitatea biologică - e inv... YANN MARTEL De fiecare dată când respiri sau când păşeşti, o faci pentru a împinge înainte vieţile... MEREDITH WILD Mi-a venit foarte greu sa ma afirm alaturi de gandurile mele. Era un demon in mine, iar in cele din ... C.G. JUNG Sigur, eu sunt un clovn amuzant pentru o după-amiază, după care toți se satură de mine pentru o... ANNE FRANK „Libertatea este sclavie” ”În realitate, nici n-o să mai existe gândire, în sensul î... GEORGE ORWELL Îmi place munca, mă fascinează. Sunt în stare să stau ceasuri întregi şi să privesc cum munc... JEROME KLAPKA JEROME Îmi dau seama că o etapă din ea s-a încheiat definitiv: perioada fără griji și necazuri a ani... ANNE FRANK Când toate zilele sunt egale înseamnă că oamenii au încetat să vadă lucrurile bune care au ap... PAULO COELHO Pentru asta existau fotografii. Totul se schimbă, aşa că trebuie să imortalizezi ceea ce a fost.... NORA ROBERTS Probabil că legăturile dintre o femeie şi un bărbat, atunci când sunt autentice, sunt mai adân... DESPRE REALITATEA ILUZIEI: DE VORBA CU HENRIETTE YVONNE STAHL Au trecut patruzeci de ani si pastrez inca vie in mintea mea ziua aceea. Se poate sa fiu mai batran ... NICHOLAS SPARKS Iubirea schimbă-n limpezi frumuseți, tot ce-i mărunt și fără niciun preț. Ea vede nu cu ochii... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Se poate afla cu ușurință cât fier și ce metale se găsesc în soare și în stele,dar să sco�... LEO TOLSTOY Su estado de ánimo ante la Mica era un caso especial, diferente del estado de ánimo de sus amigos.... MIGUEL DELIBES Am intrat în închisoare orb, cu vagi străfulgerări autogene ale beznei, care despică întuneric... NICOLAE STEINHARDT Era uimită că mai trăia. Constată că se simțea ciudat de indiferentă și că, de fapt, nu-i p... STIEG LARSSON A trăi în lume fără a deveni conștient de sensul ei este ca și când ai rătăci într-o mare ... DAN BROWN Încearcă nu să fii un om de succes, ci un om de valoare." ALBERT EINSTEIN Sînt unii oameni atît de prosti, ca de le-ar aparea vreo idee la suprafata creierului ea s-ar sinu... EMIL M. CIORAN Schimbarea este iminentă. Ființa omenească se află în pragul unei noi ere, când își va înto... DAN BROWN Un lucru a săpat rădăcini adânci în sufletul meu: credinţa că morala stă la baza tuturor luc... MAHATMA GANDHI Sunt lucruri pe care le poţi avea doar dacă stai departe de ele. Făcând greşeala să le cauţi,... OCTAVIAN PALER Tin sa il contrazic pe Smiley, iubirea o fi gratis, dar, ca la banca, are costurile ei ascunse… TEODOR BURNAR En Harvard y otras universidades, estudiaron la importancia de la actitud en el éxito de las person... JOHN C. MAXWELL Sunt exact ce este un film de dragoste pentru oamenii profunzi, o simplă distracție, un divertisme... ANNE FRANK De atunci femeia-ascunde sub pleoape-o taina si-si misca geana parc-ar zice ca ea stie ceva, ce noi ... LUCIAN BLAGA …iubirea mea, nu-ți pot spune cât de recunoscătoare sunt pentru mica noastră infinitate. N-aș... JOHN GREEN Es curioso cómo el pensamiento incurre en lo inverosímil, cómo se lo permite momentáneamente, c�... JAVIER MARíAS Dar sunt momente în care inima vede mai bine şi mai departe decât ochii cei mai ageri. HECTOR MALOT, SINGUR PE LUME Tăcerea coboară-n spirale Rotunde şi-ovale, Ca nişte confeti de-aceeaşi culoare... ION MINULESCU Străvechiul conflict dintre religie și știință a luat sfârșit. Ați câștigat. Dar n-ați ju... DAN BROWN Necesitaba decirle, en silencio, que las cosas cambian, crecen o se marchitan, pero que la vida cont... JOJO MOYES
More Andres
Cascada părea ruptă dintr-o poveste, uşor ascunsă de desişul pădurii. În spatele ei se ascund... ANDRES Întotdeauna va exista un el căruia să vrem a-i oferi lumea, un el al cărui zâmbet va fi antidot... ANDRES I'm always looking to the future and what will next be on the horizon. JOSE ANDRES Pimenton gets its intense flavor because it is dried over wood smoke. You can try hot, sweet or bitt... JOSE ANDRES I mix mayonnaise, ketchup and brandy and a little bit of mustard. This is a heck of a good sauce for... JOSE ANDRES Look at our farmers' markets today, bursting with heritage breeds and heirloom varieties, foods ... JOSE ANDRES One thing that makes me very happy is to see the growing activism among chefs in America. Chefs like... JOSE ANDRES Lean your body forward slightly to support the guitar against your chest, for the poetry of the musi... ANDRES SEGOVIA Some people like you, some people don't. In the end you just have to be yourself. ANDRES INIESTA The modernity of yesterday is the tradition of today, and the modernity of today will be tradition t... JOSE ANDRES Soy sauce and seaweed go really well with potato chips. JOSE ANDRES I prefer natural hardwood lump charcoal - the other stuff makes your food taste like Goodyear tires. JOSE ANDRES Without a doubt, one of my favorite American ingredients is blue crabs, a true delicacy! And a great... JOSE ANDRES If you have some potatoes, green beans and cauliflower, you have a heck of a dish that can feed an e... JOSE ANDRES Chefs are at the end of a long chain of individuals who work hard to feed people. Farmers, beekeeper... JOSE ANDRES I have never been able to see myself as fitting into one category, and I have never been able to lim... ANDRES SERRANO I have always felt that my work is religious, not sacrilegious. ANDRES SERRANO I have always felt that I am the sum total of my parts. ANDRES SERRANO I don't think that because I am Hispanic I should therefore do Hispanic work. ANDRES SERRANO I am just an artist. ANDRES SERRANO I am drawn to Christ but I have real problems with the Catholic Church. ANDRES SERRANO I am an artist first and a photographer second. ANDRES SERRANO Being born, especially being born a person of color, is a political act in itself. ANDRES SERRANO As a former Catholic, and as someone who even today is not opposed to being called a Christian, I fe... ANDRES SERRANO An artist is nothing without his or her obsessions, and I have mine. ANDRES SERRANO You know what I think? If I am tired now, I don't mind, because I have eternity to rest. ANDRES SEGOVIA Whoever heard of an electric violin, electric cello or, for that matter, an electric singer? ANDRES SEGOVIA When one puts up a building one makes an elaborate scaffold to get everything into its proper place.... ANDRES SEGOVIA When I began, the guitar was en-closed in a vicious circle. There were no composers writing for the ... ANDRES SEGOVIA The advice I am giving always to all my students is above all to study the music profoundly... music... ANDRES SEGOVIA I've had three wives and three guitars. I still play the guitars. ANDRES SEGOVIA Among God's creatures two, the dog and the guitar, have taken all the sizes and all the shapes, in o... ANDRES SEGOVIA It seems to me to be a reckless and foolish act that is going to be very costly. ANDRES PEREZ unnecessary provocation of the United States. ANDRES PEREZ He was recognized in the top 10 percent of the state. He was a very smart young man. ANDRES PEREZ Mr. Chavez has fed off the people's rage, and it is dangerous to perceive him as a vindicator rather... ANDRES PEREZ It would kill me. There has to be a system put in place where they can come to this country and work... ANDRES PEREZ We want to be open for anything. We're open to be there to help, everyone together, Hispanics and An... ANDRES PEREZ They were there for each other, ANDRES PEREZ Lori was part of our family, ... She was there for all of my graduations. Whenever my big brother ca... ANDRES PEREZ did not help but instead aggravated the circumstances in which Venezuela's social and political life... ANDRES PEREZ We want people to know Latinos help not only Latinos, but the rest of the people. ANDRES PEREZ Mexico and the U.S. are bound not only because of the common border, but by a shared culture and his... ANDRES OBRADOR Without economic growth and job creation in Mexico, we won't be able to confront the migratory pheno... ANDRES OBRADOR I'm defending a just cause that gives me great spiritual and moral strength. This is no more than a ... ANDRES OBRADOR If we accept the rule of those who think they are the bosses and lords of Mexico, nothing will chang... ANDRES OBRADOR We're not going to meddle in the internal life of other peoples and other governments, because we do... ANDRES OBRADOR It is very important that Fox not be Felipe Calderon's cheerleader. ANDRES OBRADOR They need to stop using government resources to favor one candidate. That is illegal and immoral. Do... ANDRES OBRADOR Start working. Meet your responsibility, because you still have time left in office. ANDRES OBRADOR I want this to be heard near and far  we will have a market econom... ANDRES OBRADOR I'm going to respect everyone. But the poor and forgotten of Mexico will get preferential treatment. ANDRES OBRADOR We played hard all night. We played with intensity and we played a great four quarters. We kept work... ANDRES NOCIONI I think everybody was thinking about that -- we've lost a lot of games at the end of the games. I th... ANDRES NOCIONI I played a good game, but I'm happy because the team won. That's the most important. I played good l... ANDRES NOCIONI Sometimes we have pressure in the last five minutes and today that happened again. I think everybody... ANDRES NOCIONI I played a good game, but I'm so happy because the team won. The last time I played well and we lost... ANDRES NOCIONI We play great for a half, with a lot of energy, [and] we play calm in the offense. In the second hal... ANDRES NOCIONI We need to play like this every night. We lost, but we played hard and aggressive. If we play like t... ANDRES NOCIONI Shoot 25 balls in one minute? It's impossible for me. It's not my game. I know that. ANDRES NOCIONI (The Americans) need to learn to play together. When we beat USA, it always was because they had som... ANDRES NOCIONI This is the right way. This is good because on a national team you can't have 12 star players. You n... ANDRES NOCIONI He played better the entire game, but it's not bad to lose because you learn a lot. ANDRES MARTINEZ That is her angel. She always seems to make the goals with the tough angles. ANDRES MARTINEZ I just think about performing. Whatever I do in practice, I just do it on the court and just let it ... ANDRES MARTINEZ I thought, 'I can play with all those guys,' and my confidence just went up. I guess that was pretty... ANDRES MARTINEZ We're always looking for new ways of using limited resources. ANDRES DURBAK Sometimes that can make all the difference in the world -- the ability to have another couple people... ANDRES DURBAK [Beat downs] have been skipping through the city. [At Kennedy] we have had a reported increase in in... ANDRES DURBAK It may be possible that if some students arrived there early in the morning, say 7 in the morning, t... ANDRES DURBAK We have no evidence at this time of anything else being done, feces thrown around or as a weapon, or... ANDRES DURBAK We spent a lot of time trying to understand the new FEMA rules. That has not been a satisfying exper... ANDRES DUANY The mobile home industry knows very well nobody loves them, and they see this as a chance to be acce... ANDRES DUANY Mobile homes are permanent housing, not temporary. Mobile homes are the only housing affordable to a... ANDRES DUANY It's going to be harder to read because of the destruction. ANDRES DUANY There's a plot in charrettes. There's the Thursday Night Massacre [when architects are forced to adj... ANDRES DUANY This [region] was being eaten up by sprawl, not only the land but the cities. ANDRES DUANY We would love it if every town had their own Home Depot rather than having two huge ones causing tra... ANDRES DUANY The architectural heritage of Mississippi is fabulous, ... really, really marvelous. However, what t... ANDRES DUANY There has to be an organization in place that moves this forward. ANDRES DUANY In every way, this is a model of how things should change. ANDRES DUANY I've been a cook all my life, but I am still learning to be a good chef. I'm always learning... JOSE ANDRES The cheapest gadget - and you don't even have to spend a dime - is chopsticks from a Chinese res... JOSE ANDRES You are letting this feeling get cold, I cant blame you, you must know you are free to go... Don't y... ANDRES OLIVER Our brain, our body, craves fat. We cannot help it. That's why a kid will eat a hot dog quicker ... JOSE ANDRES Like many parents after a long family holiday, I usually welcome the moment when my kids head back t... JOSE ANDRES I believe in tradition and innovation, authenticity and passion. JOSE ANDRES America gave me the opportunity to open successful restaurants, start a TV show, and write books. I ... JOSE ANDRES We should all be involved in the avant-garde as long as we look toward the past. JOSE ANDRES Romesco with asparagus is simple and brilliant. JOSE ANDRES When you go to watch a baseball game, when you go to watch an NBA game, when you watch an NFL game, ... JOSE ANDRES A cocktail can be made by the bartender. But the cocktail also can be made by the chef. JOSE ANDRES My mother and I were born in Mieres, Asturias, the most beautiful region you'll ever see in Euro... JOSE ANDRES Everyone should wake up and have a fresh-squeezed orange every day. By having a fresh glass of orang... JOSE ANDRES In America, diner food or roadside barbecue is the best road food, but I am not a fan of eating whil... JOSE ANDRES Small players learn to be intuitive, to anticipate, to protect the ball. A guy who weighs 90 kilos d... ANDRES INIESTA I started culinary school at a very young age, and really I wanted to be out working, cooking, more ... JOSE ANDRES As chefs, we work with organizations like Oxfam to enrich their projects with culinary tools, recipe... JOSE ANDRES American cooking is one of the unknown cuisines in America. JOSE ANDRES The guitar is a small orchestra. It is polyphonic. Every string is a different color, a different vo... ANDRES SEGOVIA The business of feeding people is the most amazing business in the world. JOSE ANDRES We do approximately one wedding per week. ANDRES ARAYA If there is one thing that all players have in common it is that winning, competitive gene; the abil... ANDRES INIESTA There is no rule that says a footballer needs to be 'this high' and 'this wide.' ANDRES INIESTA Me, I'm an encyclopedia. I'm not a very smart guy, but I'm an encyclopedia. You can ask ... JOSE ANDRES I eventually settled in Washington, where my partners and I have been fortunate to build a restauran... JOSE ANDRES Some people have compared the Klan images to ecclesiastical figures. ANDRES SERRANO In Hong Kong, 'wonton' means swallowing a cloud. JOSE ANDRES In the past, I had my idols but today I enjoy learning from all the soccer I watch. ANDRES INIESTA We go to local communities. We approach groups and special discounts for people that live in the Orl... ANDRES CIBOTTI These initiatives are only two projects in a journey of many more. Essentially, they showcase quick ... ANDRES CARVALLO If (they) had seen the police officers, everything would be safe. ANDRES AVILA I can tell you which customer is involved with in gangs. ANDRES AVILA The fight was here. The guy, the single guy was here. I pulled inside this guys, and the (other) guy... ANDRES AVILA I'm ecstatic. I always had a lot of faith in this team. ANDRES FLOREZ The amount may appear excessive, but we have already received private offers of about that amount. ANDRES FLOREZ I love doing this show and I've been doing it for nine years. I love interacting with the audience, ... ANDRES FERNANDEZ It's different in different countries. ANDRES FERNANDEZ A lot of the solos that you see will be different. But the structure of the show is pretty much the ... ANDRES FERNANDEZ [ Mobile homes. They are a reality in a vast region where so much housing has been obliterated and... ANDRES DUANY Well, it's not the last thing I worry about. I think that there a few tracks that are radio-friendly... ANDRES LEVIN The beauty of this project is that it allows me and CuCu to explore and delve into any style of musi... ANDRES LEVIN We can see the difference in the way we are playing teams in the second round of district. In the fi... ANDRES MACIAS I told the girls at the start of the season that they had to wait for that moment when the opponents... ANDRES MACIAS This is something that was actually overdue. That was something we should have had years ago. ANDRES GARCIA Today we take New England clam chowder as something traditional that makes our roots as American coo... JOSE ANDRES They have no technicians; no trained people. ANDRES STEPKOWSKI You try building a pipeline through that mud -- it can be done, but the price would be so outrageous... ANDRES STEPKOWSKI I don't know any group of professionals that mobilize as fast and as often as chefs do when ther... JOSE ANDRES It was FARC who decided to move away from the peace process. They left their chair empty at the nego... ANDRES PASTRANA I see a proud Colombia with sufficient authority to challenge other nations to control their demand ... ANDRES PASTRANA Peace is the most urgent task on our country's agenda and the best social contract we can make with ... ANDRES PASTRANA They are just a better, stronger, faster and bigger team. They were beating us to every ball. We hav... ANDRES OLMEDO We had two sophomores and a freshman up. There was a little inexperience there. They didn't go for t... ANDRES OLMEDO I think he jumped about as high as he could. ANDRES OLMEDO Simple ingredients prepared in a simple way - that's the best way to take your everyday cooking ... JOSE ANDRES People ask me in Europe, when they do interviews... they ask me, 'Well, how does it feel to be a... JOSE ANDRES The pirate theme is very popular and appeals to families. Focusing on our theme has brought in a 35 ... ANDRES CIBOTTI When we opened in 1996, the whole sequence of our dinner show wasn't fully pieced together, and that... ANDRES CIBOTTI The Christmas market at the Barcelona Cathedral sells all kinds of things for your Nativity scene. I... JOSE ANDRES The first time I saw America was from my perch on the mast of a Spanish naval ship, where I could sp... JOSE ANDRES There are moments when the human body can overcome things you would never expect. ANDRES INIESTA Most of the builders seem to think what we want to do can be done, or are willing to try. ANDRES DUANY Escribo para que la quimera de lo vivido se convierta en esa realidad imaginaria mucho más viva. ANDRES MONTENEGRO At the end, I noticed they were a little angry and frustrated, but that's to be expected. ANDRES NOCIONI Don't ask what your community can do for you. Ask what you can do for your community. STEVE ANDRES I think it's a good move for our program. We are playing at the highest level. Our younger players w... COREY ANDRES In my work, I explore my own Catholic obsessions. ANDRES SERRANO Puerto Rico is the perfect meeting place between Spain, the country I come from, and America, the co... JOSE ANDRES Chef Michel Richard is always at the top of his game. JOSE ANDRES Roberto Donna is a great Italian chef. JOSE ANDRES I love going to Rodeo Drive with my wife. JOSE ANDRES In Spain, we mainly use red plum tomatoes, but it is always fun to experiment. Try using a mix of co... JOSE ANDRES IBM has research and development; so do Microsoft and Nike and even Jose Andres. But there hasn'... JOSE ANDRES I think if the Vatican is smart, someday they'll collect my work. ANDRES SERRANO Cotton candy is the most amazing form of caramelization ever invented by man. JOSE ANDRES As legal residents, immigrants would contribute more in taxes, spend more at our businesses, start c... JOSE ANDRES I love to talk about cooking and recipes, but I love as much talking about how food and cooking can ... JOSE ANDRES There is nothing better than picking up sun-warmed tomatoes and smelling them, feeling them and scru... JOSE ANDRES As a chef and father, it kills me that children are fed processed foods, fast food clones, foods loa... JOSE ANDRES Most people only use their griddles for pancakes, but you can sear vegetables like sliced zucchini o... JOSE ANDRES We lost some good seniors, but I expect to get better and better as the season progresses. Guys will... COREY ANDRES We spent a great deal of time in the weight room coming into the season. The guys came into the seas... COREY ANDRES Among God's creatures two, the dog and the guitar, have taken all the sizes and all the shapes, ... ANDRES SEGOVIA I was very impressed with the street food of Singapore. I was very impressed with the dishes that th... JOSE ANDRES My family and I cook at home almost every day together. The kitchen is the central and most importan... JOSE ANDRES I always say that I don't believe I'm a chef. I try to be a storyteller. JOSE ANDRES With their bright color and fantastic balance of acidity and sweetness, tomatoes are a natural refre... JOSE ANDRES Don't skimp on the ice. Bags from the grocery store melt so fast and water down your drinks. I p... JOSE ANDRES I realized very early the power of food to evoke memory, to bring people together, to transport you ... JOSE ANDRES For me, summer hasn't really started until tomatoes reappear in local farmers' markets. JOSE ANDRES If you win without sacrifice you enjoy it but it's more satisfying when you have struggled. ANDRES INIESTA The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from. ANDRES S. TANNENBAUM The nicest thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from. ANDRES S. TANNENBAUM This building is being built as a sustainable building in the spirit of Louis Bromfield. The buildin... LOUIS M. ANDRES We offer guided tours of the Bromfield 32-room country home and farm wagon tours showing the natural... LOUIS M. ANDRES So from a long time ago, every year 700,000 Mexicans have only three routes to take: migration, the ... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR In the last 15 years, only 500,000 jobs have been created per year. So from a long time ago, every y... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR We're not going to meddle in the internal life of other peoples and other governments, because w... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR Mexico and the U.S. are bound not only because of the common border, but by a shared culture and his... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR Without economic growth and job creation in Mexico, we won't be able to confront the migratory pheno... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR I'm defending a just cause that gives me great spiritual and moral strength. This is no more than a ... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR If we accept the rule of those who think they are the bosses and lords of Mexico, nothing will chang... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR We're not going to meddle in the internal life of other peoples and other governments, because we do... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR It is very important that Fox not be Felipe Calderon's cheerleader. ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR They need to stop using government resources to favor one candidate. That is illegal and immoral. Do... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR Start working. Meet your responsibility, because you still have time left in office. ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR I want this to be heard near and far we will have a market economy. But the state will promote de... ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR I'm going to respect everyone. But the poor and forgotten of Mexico will get preferential treatment. ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR