Rising unemployment, ironically, contains good news. It signals people who had given up and dropped out of the work force are back looking for jobs. Clearly, they have hope there are jobs to be found.
Bill Cheney
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It's another in the long series of the no-news-is-good-news story about inflation.
— Bill Cheney
I don't think the Fed is under pressure to raise rates faster than they have been but I think they'd be crazy to think that they should be done tightening.
— Bill Cheney
There really is no inflation problem right now, and there's certainly nothing in the pipeline, with the economy as weak as it is.
— Bill Cheney
This is a perfect jobs report. Job growth slowed significantly and there are absolutely no signs of inflation. Greenspan may be pulling off what once seemed impossible: two soft landings in one economic expansion.
— Bill Cheney
We're still several months away from job growth catching up with labor force growth and driving the unemployment rate back down, but that's really just a matter of time. Our economy is moving again, and once that happens it's actually quite hard to stop the forward momentum.
— Bill Cheney