Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land; Ring in the Christ that is to be.
Lord Alfred Tennyson
Related Quotes
Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow.
— Lord Alfred Tennyson
Ring out, will bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light.
— Lord Alfred Tennyson
Ring out old shapes of foul disease; Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace.
— Lord Alfred Tennyson
The time draws near the birth of Christ: The moon is hid; the night is still; The Christmas bells from hill to hill Answer each other in the mist
— Alfred Lord Tennyson
Birth Of Chrst
Softly the loud peal dies, In passing winds it drowns, But breathes, like perfect joys, Tender tones.
— Frederick Tennyson