Radiant Day is slowly fading;
and the evening calm and still.
Gazing through the oak and willow;
stoop to kiss the ancient mill.
Listen to the damsel dancing;
to the jig of feed and flower.
And the water wheel revolving;
with the dashing constant power.
There is music in the rattle;
of the tinkling wheat that falls.
In the hopper, as the miller;
stops to hear the gristmens calls.
Yes, I love this shaded building;
love the flowing streams and flowers.
Love to hear the busy clatter;
of the lingering summer hours.
More of all, I love the miller;
For his sake I love the rest.
Of this world and its enchantments,
I adore him as the best.
Of these twilights I would weary,
If his voice came not to cheer,
And this mill life would grow dreary;
If my darling were not here.

Sara Lousisa Oberholtzer