Quindi lei è uno scavatore?” chiesi per toglierlo dall’imbarazzo. Il Professore sorrise. “Il termine giusto è archeologo. Ora mi sono ritirato, ma una volta insegnavo archeologia.
Wu Ming 4
Related - Nulla è eterno, Balbulus. E che cosa c'è di meglio, per le parole, che essere cantate in giro? S... CORNELIA FUNKE Come sono fortunati gli attori! Loro possono scegliere se recitare in una tragedia o in una commedia... OSCAR WILDE Tutti indossiamo una maschera, per alcuni è il trucco, per altri il sorriso, le mogl... ATTICUS POETRY La prossima volta è il tuo turno con la sedia" disse Ottobre. "Lo so" mormorò Novembre. Era p... NEIL GAIMAN Il corpo è la casa del tempo, dentro di lui muoiono gli anni, e con loro noi stessi. Amavo davvero ... ISABELLA SANTACROCE - Il mare sarebbe Dio? - No, ma è lo specchio in cui Dio si riflette. Guai a chi infrange il s... VALERIO EVANGELISTI «Devi vedere i colori di questa città» mi disse mentre già scendevamo la scalinata. «Lond... ANNABELLE BLUE Barzellette matematiche I (*) Un biologo, uno statistico e un matematico sono seduti un caffè ... IAN STEWART E ora vedi: questo "un giorno" è illusione, è soltanto un modo di dire! Il peccatore non è in cam... HERMANN HESSE Il giorno in cui sono morto era un giovedì. Per forza: il giovedì non mi è mai piaciuto. Non era ... CHIARA TANGREDI «Non è possibile.» «Ti prego.» La sua supplica ha un tono seducente, avvinghia a sé... GIOVANNA ROMA Il segreto più profondo di Olimpia è racchiuso in quest'unica nota cristallina: lottare è un gioc... MARGUERITE YOURCENAR Le parole sopravvivono ai sistemi perchè vivono di loro stesse: sono fuochi di memoria, segnali di ... SALVATORE NATOLI Il cuore è solo una metafora che gli uomini hanno inventato per dire la loro sete dell'impossibile. ALESSANDRO D'AVENIA Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad og... EUGENIO MONTALE «La gente muore, questo è un dato di fatto» diceva la mamma. «Ma il modo in cui perdiamo le cose... DONNA TARTT Una volta, il mio capitano disse che nella vita si incontrano persone che, crediamo, diventeranno no... SALLY GARDNER «Non è una frase genuina» protestai. «I mi spiace autentici sono di un rosa più tenue». A... ROBERTO BOMMARITO io, mio caro, non credo nell'amore universale. L'amore esiste in dosi modiche. Si possono amare fors... AMOS OZ Voi che vivete sicuri Nelle vostre tiepide case, Voi che trovate tornando a sera Il c... PRIMO LEVI «Proprio un elfo snob doveva toccarmi in sorte?» le rispose divertito. «Allora, non mi rimane alt... VIVIANA GIORGI Non si pone come regola, non si prescrive di essere casti; la castità è di per sé un ideale, o a ... LEO TOLSTOY È come se non riuscissi a pensare abbastanza a lei e a ricordare: la sua risata, sempre presente, p... KIM HOLDEN Josephine è uno e molti. È fatta di respiri, ricordi, paure. Sogni, anche. Il suo nome è sconosci... MONICA SERRA ... quando un cristiano sente il desiderio di prendere un caffè, non è perché vuole bere un caff�... LUCIANO DE CRESCENZO Vivere è come fare una lunga addizione, in cui basta aver sbagliato il totale dei primi due addendi... CESARE PAVESE Il bello dell'infinito è che non finisce mai. Il brutto dell'infinito è che non finisce mai. MAURIZIO CODOGNO Una lezione ha un denominatore comune che ci lega l'uno all'altro come in una catena. In fondo alla ... CECELIA AHERN Il silenzio è puro. Il silenzio è sacro. Unisce le persone perchè solo chi si sente a propr... NICHOLAS SPARKS Nel tennis il vero avversario, la frontiera che include, è il giocatore stesso. C'è sempre e solo ... DAVID FOSTER WALLACE Il linguaggio umano è, in fondo, il grande scandalo della natura: il linguaggio umano costringe a r... ANDREA MORO Ma la virilità si è tutta smammolata in coccolette; il coraggio svaporato in complimenti, e gli uo... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Ebbene, la nostra forza è nel cambiamento, e anche nel cambiare quello che volevamo cambiare, e qui... STEFANO BENNI «E la storia è su di loro che…?» «Cazzeggiano. Cioè, in realtà viaggiano e cercano la P... ELEONORA C. CARUSO Non so se avrò tempo di scrivere altre lettere, perché forse sarò troppo impegnato a cercare a pa... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Piera, la protagonista di Vuoi vedere che è proprio amore?, è una giovane donna che lavora. Profes... VIVIANA GIORGI [...] non è effetto alcuna in natura, per minimo che e' sia, all'intera cognizion del quale possano... GALILEO GALILEI Vorrei poter fermare il tempo e vivere così per sempre" Di solito questi riferimenti al suo im... SUZANNE COLLINS Quando qualcuno ti ama, il modo in cui pronuncia il tuo nome è differente. Sai che il tuo nome è a... JESS C. SCOTT «Io voglio amarti di più» disse lei lentamente, timorosa di continuare. Si irrigidì e si scostò... JOSEPHINE ANGELINI «Il sesso è una delle cose più intime che si possano condividere. Se si è limitati nel proprio m... LAURELL K. HAMILTON Non posso più ascoltare tacendo. Devo parlarvi con i mezzi che ho a disposizione. Voi mi trafiggete... JANE AUSTEN Quando ti ho visto la prima volta, mi sono detto: Dio mi ha fatto uno scherzo di cattivo gusto. Fina... V.D. PRIN Credevo che per Barney esistessi solo tu. Almeno questo è quello che dicono tutti. Senti, ambasciat... MORDECAI RICHLER Non riesco a uscire dalla mia stanza senza prima fissare il portatile di Bright Side, rimasto intatt... KIM HOLDEN Le cose che voi cercate, Montag, sono su questa terra, ma il solo modo per cui l’uomo medio potrà... RAY BRADBURY E allora quanta sofferenza è accettabile? È questa la base di tutto, ed è questo che ognuno di no... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER A fine giornata ci sono poche persone intorno a voi che vogliono veramente vedervi sereni, felici e ... C. JOYBELL C. Amare è solo una forma di "ri-conoscimento", nella vita riconosciamo ciò che abbiamo già letto, o... ALESSANDRO D'AVENIA Addio, Dann. Addio, piccolo signor Rail, che mi hai insegnato la vita. Avevi ragione tu: non siamo m... ALESSANDRO BARICCO -Per favore. Come ti chiami?- domandò al gatto. -Senti, io mi chiamo Coraline. Okay? Il gatto ... NEIL GAIMAN Distruggere qualcosa è il modo migliore d'imparare. K.W. JETER Quella vita ch'è una cosa bella, non è la vita che si conosce, ma quella che non si conosce; non l... GIACOMO LEOPARDI L'amore comincia sempre come un dolore, perché è la scoperta di un'assenza, come detta il "mi manc... ALESSANDRO D'AVENIA Osserva quella miserabile creatura. Quel Punto è un Essere come noi, ma confinato nel baratro adime... EDWIN A. ABBOTT Tutti facciamo delle scelte. Non sempre sono giuste. È il modo in cui ti rialzi che dimostra che ti... JESSICA CLARE E infatti ci divertivamo. Ma poi i tempi sono cambiati e si è diffusa l'idea che leggere non sia pi... ALICIA GIMéNEZ BARTLETT La vendetta, caro signore, la vendetta, la quale, èur essendo un peccato da gentiluomo come il vino... WALTER SCOTT La vendetta, caro signore, la vendetta, la quale, pur essendo un peccato da gentiluomo come il vino,... WALTER SCOTT «Qualunque cosa succeda, io non tornerò mai a casa» disse lei risoluta. «Lo so.» Ele... RAINBOW ROWELL Ovviamente non si ha il diritto di dar da mangiare a Pop Corn, visto che si trova qui per dimagrire.... ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT La “Crisi Esistenziale” di chi ama l’amore e ha il coraggio di amare. Nell’epoca ... SAVIO DE MARTINO Cara Emmi, nella parte più interna della mia mano sinistra, suppergiù al centro,. 04/10/2012 ... DANIEL GLATTAUER Il genio non è scoprire un motivo esterno e trattarlo bene, ma giungere finalmente a possedere la p... CESARE PAVESE Be’... – disse lei, rigirandosi compiaciuta sulla schiena. – Mi piace mangiare roba buona, bis... RAYMOND CARVER Lui continua a scusarsi e a elencarmi la sua lista di problemi, senza rendersi conto che il vero pro... SARA DARDIKH «Neanche io so come comportarmi con te. Hai abbattuto le mie barriere e non mi aspettavo di lasciar... ORNELLA CALCAGNILE Quante volte mi sono trovato su un trampolino con sotto il mare azzurro, e non mi sono tuffato LORENZO MATTOTTI Fa parte della nostra natura biologica innamorarci, e di solito lo facciamo persino con la persona p... SEMIR ZEKI ”(…) spesso sto davanti a me stesso come davanti a un estraneo, quando in ore tranquille un e... ERIC MARIA REMARQUE Il fatto è che è difficile rigare dritto quando sai che dalla vita non avrai niente anche se ti im... LIVIN DEREVEL Poi è andata com'è andata. É andata come sappiamo. Sono finite le autoriduzioni, le lotte armate,... DIEGO DE SILVA Quando la stanchezza della corsa mi faceva cadere sulle pietre credevo di essere lontano da quell'or... MARIO RIGONI STERN - Fanciulla, non so se sei una dea o una mortale, se sei una dea certo sei Artemide con le tue ancel... JEAN-PIERRE VERNANT Secondo l'esperienza di Archie, qualunque cosa dotata di memoria lunga mantiene i rancori, e non va ... ZADIE SMITH Per chi cade nella colpa, signore, il responsabile di tutte le colpe che seguono, non è sempre chi,... LUIGI PIRANDELLO - Fuggi, finché hai aria nei polmoni e sangue nelle vene e possiedi ancora la tua mente e la tua an... NEIL GAIMAN Quando si strappano tutte le fibre della civiltà è un lavoro lento quello di ricucirle insieme. Ve... CHRISTOPHER MORLEY Il futuro è come l'acqua. Tutte le nostre azioni lo increspano, cambiandone i riflessi. Se avessi d... JEANIENE FROST Mi resi conto che il valore degli oggetti di cui ho goduto da sola è decisamente minore del valore ... MARIE KONDō Quello che voglio dire è che una condizione del genere dopo un po' diventa cronica. La ferita è ri... HARUKI MURAKAMI per troppo tempo l'Afghanistan è stato usato come terreno di scontro nel "Grande Gioco" delle super... MALALAI JOYA «Mancano venti miglia a Limerick» disse, mostrandosi molto interessata al percorso. «So legg... VIVIANA GIORGI Credo che Dio mi abbia dimenticato dentro qualche fessura del suo mondo. Egli è libero di dime... GILBERTO FORTI Cosa farei senza libri? Ne ho la casa piena, eppure non mi bastano mai. Vorrei avere una giornata di... DACIA MARAINI Se un popolo è unito, puo cambiare il paese anche solo spegnendo la TV. SILVANO ENZO Sollevo il mio calice e bevo un sorso. Se ho imparato qualcosa guardando Scandal è che il vino ross... ALESSIA ESSE Prima o poi arriva l'ora in cui bisogna prendere una posizione che non è né sicura, né convenient... MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. L’arte di vivere è l’arte di credere alle menzogne, il tremendo è che, non sapendo quid sit... CESARE PAVESE Ho visto qualcosa di diverso in te! Sei intrappolata in questa guerra che non ti appartiene, c'è un... B. TIANA LORENA Gridavamo siamo angeli, possiamo lanciarci senza distruggerci, abbiamo le ali nei muscoli, siamo spa... ISABELLA SANTACROCE Hedwig Marty : – Mantieni la tua libertà di coscienza e d’azione, è preziosa e noi ce la... GIANI STUPARICH L'essere umano è davvero una creatura straordinaria. Ha scoperto il fuoco, edificato città, scritt... UMBERTO ECO ...notai che le armature di ferro di plaza Costituciòn avevno cambiato non so quale pubblicità di ... JORGE LUIS BORGES -Sir, se lei fosse mio marito, io le avvelenerei il tè. -Madam, se lei fosse mia moglie, io lo... WINSTON S. CHURCHILL «Non tutte le parole sono precipitate al suolo» disse Lucio, trovando infine il coraggio di guarda... ROBERTO BOMMARITO ...noi arabi inventammo questi numeri: il sistema decimale. Ma la nostra più grande invenzione fu S... STEFANO BENNI Puoi levarti anche le calze?" Gli chiedeva lei. "E i calzoni?" "E tu ti puoi levare i tuoi?" JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Fiona ritorna a Cape Love dopo undici anni, scrittrice di successo e con una bambina di dieci anni a... VIVIANA GIORGI «Si riferisce ai loro poteri magici? Vorrei, lo vorrei tanto. Ma anche così questi scavi sono inco... CHINA MIéVILLE
More Wu Ming 4
There are many possible directions to go from here. The current structure is folded only once. Like ... MING WU One can envision using similar technique to produce stacked thin slices of integrated circuits into ... MING WU The effects of our actions may be postponed but they are never lost. There is an inevitable reward f... FU WU MING A threefold cord is not quickly broken. ECCLESIASTES 4:12 And He is with you wherever you may be. QURAN (57:4) If you are too lazy to plow, don't expect a harvest. . PROVERBS 20:4 If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done. ECCLESIASTES 11:4 I'm getting fat... because my size, I put on 20 or 30 pounds, it doesn't show very much... I... YAO MING Everybody is improving but I am improving slowly, which seemingly widens our distance. YAO MING When I was young, we were taught not to dunk. We were taught not to stand out from the rest of the t... YAO MING I finished my high school. I think an educate is very, very important. YAO MING If you're going to learn a new language, you can't try to be perfect. You'll stop yourse... YAO MING No matter whether you are new or an old team member, you need time to adjust to one another. YAO MING Putting our ecosystem in great peril is certainly not a part of Chinese culture that I know. YAO MING A good leader must be fair. YAO MING Endangered species are our friends. YAO MING Basketball, in America, is like a culture. It is like a foreigner learning a new language. It is dif... YAO MING Discrimination is not done by villains. It's done by us. VIVIENNE MING What drives success, and the most successful students, is internal motivation. VIVIENNE MING I love to accentuate my eyes, so I'll wear eyeshadow and mascara. MING XI Fortune cookies are a good idea. If the message is positive, it can make your day a little better. YAO MING My personal style is kind of random; it's always changing - I'm a Pisces! Sometimes I like o... MING XI I have had a small handful of truly blatantly discriminatory experiences for being transgender, but ... VIVIENNE MING It was like if I didn't keep reminding myself, I'd make mistakes. YAO MING Housekeeping? If it pays well, I might as well have a try. ZHANG MING They just double-team so hard. At times they would just take the ball away from me. I couldn't see t... YAO MING I don't think I can play in the National Games. My contract (with the Rockets) d oesn't allow me tho... YAO MING Since this exchange, our team's gained renewed space to lift-off, and this space I think can take us... YAO MING I want to literally make people smarter by jamming things in their brains. VIVIENNE MING The tax on being different is largely implicit. People need not act maliciously for it to be levied.... VIVIENNE MING I can put more energy into next season and future seasons now that the matter has been put aside, ..... YAO MING I have Mr. Alexander's trust and the chance to play in Houston. I believe I will have a great career... YAO MING I just started playing basketball and I feel pretty healthy. I feel by the time I return to Houston ... YAO MING The NBA is a big family, and I think of all these rookies as my brothers. I still believe I am blue ... YAO MING Let's test it. It should be fine. YAO MING I hope I'm the last one. YAO MING I hope I'm the last one. Maybe the whole team needs to go to church to pray for the future. YAO MING First of all, I'm not buff enough. I got pushed away from the basket. And even when I didn't, I coul... YAO MING He gave me a couple sweet passes today, ... Those passes were on time and on target, like Jeff (Van ... YAO MING Shanghai's future is full of hopes and challenges, which is the same case with me. YAO MING I remember my first game was here, my first preseason game. It was the first night I got here. He to... YAO MING I think I'm still not in great shape now because it's only been two games. We struggled scoring in t... YAO MING If we want to beat great teams, we cannot play without Tracy. Our opponent did not play well tonight... YAO MING We still need to look forward. The way Miami will miss Shaq (O'Neal), they'll still need to play. We... YAO MING The talk has got to change, ... We need to do it for ourselves -- talk the talk and walk the walk. YAO MING I couldn't catch the ball in the post. I had to set more screens on the perimeter to try to and get ... YAO MING That's just trusting my teammate. Ryan, I didn't know who it is. All I know it was a red jersey, und... YAO MING All I did was follow the trainer's (workout) schedule, ... I feel pretty healthy. Upon my return to ... YAO MING Today is barbecue my feet. It's pretty warm here. It's soft (turf), but it's heat. But we're from Te... YAO MING I think I could have played better. YAO MING We?re all basketball players, and were all out there on the court, ... We all live together on this ... YAO MING I really can?t describe it. It completely surpasses what I imagined, ... Basketball is my job. It?s ... YAO MING It was not difficult because I love Houston and I have very good teammates, ... Our team is getting ... YAO MING Her talent and poise is what's very compelling for companies. Her ethnicity is icing on the cake. YAO MING I understand that this is a great example of Mr. Alexander's trust in me, YAO MING The victory was right in front of our face. If we could have gotten one or two more rebounds, it wou... YAO MING I'm just one of the 1.3 billion Chinese. YAO MING It's getting a lot easier. I'm getting used to it. YAO MING The traditional markers people use for hiring can be wrong - profoundly wrong. VIVIENNE MING With their shooting range, it took so long to recover, ... It's like when we play Dallas, when they ... YAO MING We need to do like we did in the Golden State game. Everybody do something more. YAO MING If my son came to me years from now and told me, 'I'm gay,' I'd say, 'That's... VIVIENNE MING I felt like somebody had a vice and was squeezing it on my head. MING CHIN Design proposals are expected to interpret the themes and values of the Olympic movement with Chines... ZHANG MING I can put more energy into next season and future seasons without that worry of contracts. YAO MING I think we lose concentration at the end of the third quarter and the start of the fourth quarter - ... YAO MING Usually I like going to the paint because I could get close shots, or physical contact and get a fou... YAO MING All I did (this summer) was follow the trainer's schedule (of workouts), ... I feel pretty healthy. ... YAO MING They put a lot of pressure on me. YAO MING The third quarter was the turning point. The third quarter when Kobe hit those shots. Those were gre... YAO MING Low turnover levels in recent sessions indicated that people are unsure about prospective market mov... XU MING Physically, I may still be needing a little bit. I think I may need a suit of armor. YAO MING We worked from sunup to sundown. I think that's what convinced me not to go into farming. MING CHIN Maybe it's the best thing for me and when I come back I'll be stronger. YAO MING Because of the tax on being different, individual actors in the labour market from different backgro... VIVIENNE MING I saw them when I was 5 or 6 years old in China in my hometown, Shanghai. That's the only game I wat... YAO MING We are bad at valuing other people, and we are worse the more different they are than us. VIVIENNE MING Nobody likes to lose. Down the stretch, we have to know we're playing for something, anything, just ... YAO MING It's important to me that talking about my experience not undermine those who choose differently... VIVIENNE MING The designs for the Beijing Olympic medals should highlight the themes of 'glory and dream' and 'fas... ZHANG MING There are neural networks that can build whole apps from scratch - so why are we teaching high schoo... VIVIENNE MING On weekdays we mainly target tour packages and on weekends individual sightseers. LUO MING We've also received many calls from foreign tourists visiting the city. LUO MING This is a very encouraging achievement. It was really hard to track snow leopards down due to their ... MA MING This is an encouraging achievement for Chinese scientists after one year spent tracking the snow leo... MA MING The thief only stole the expensive crabs. He had good taste, MING PAO We all want to be a little glamorous, a little playful and a little mischievous at times. JASON WU All the networks have always been willing to have ethnic people as the third or fourth lead or the b... CONSTANCE WU If you're down to 6% body fat, which I've done before, you burn out really quickly. Like, in... DANIEL WU Spring comes with flowers, autumn with the moon, summer with the breeze, winter with snow. When idl... WU-MEN Spring comes with flowers, autumn with the moon, summer with the breeze, winter with snow. When id... WU-MEN There are no mundane things outside of Buddhism, and there is no Buddhism outside of mundane things. YUAN-WU Puberty was not kind to me. I had acne, eczema and had a stye in my eye, so it was quite hard to go ... SOPHIE WU I think clothing is transformative. When you put something really beautiful on, you feel something. ... JASON WU I was a hyperactive kid, and it took awhile for me to find the right teacher. My master was a Shaoli... DANIEL WU Close to 90 percent of the people surveyed want [gay] marriage to be legalized. However, only 57 per... ASHLEY WU In the future we will have it. It's just a problem of time. It will take a long time. ASHLEY WU But they can't apply for rooms for a couple. They must live apart. ASHLEY WU When she went to the kindergarten to pick up the child, the teachers questioned her and asked her if... ASHLEY WU But she paid for her child's living expenses and schooling. ASHLEY WU The partner could not adopt this child. You need to be a heterosexual couple legally to adopt a chil... ASHLEY WU Working on 'Fresh Off the Boat' has been really enlightening to me because it's made me ... CONSTANCE WU It's not at all my objective to become an Asian-American star. DANIEL WU Asian Americans haven't had as many opportunities as other people to build their careers in Holl... DANIEL WU I saw my potential as artistic director, which is very different from designer. Fashion companies mi... JASON WU I hope I am the antithesis of disposable fashion. JASON WU In 'The Matrix,' you see the fight between Keanu Reeves and Lawrence Fishburne. It's an ... DANIEL WU You've gotta understand camera angles, camera movement - a kick that may not be very powerful ma... DANIEL WU It is a wise policy. CAI WU In just over 100 years, the 'Southern Continent' has sprouted into a modern country. CAI WU We Chinese hold strong sense of history, which in this case serves as a tie connecting the two peopl... CAI WU China's development and future trends need the attention from Australian media. We hope that the Aus... CAI WU There's something to be said about a girl who knows what she wants. One of my favorite girls to ... JASON WU I don't believe that you have to dress in a masculine way to seem powerful. I think that the way... JASON WU People are embracing the thing that made them different growing up instead of letting that thing eli... CONSTANCE WU Designers have always shown outlandish and exuberant clothes, but that hasn't always translated ... JASON WU That's the fun thing about fashion: it changes. One day, we're into short, the next we'r... JASON WU While investing in Dell shares now might not offer instant gratification, we believe investors with ... SHAW WU When I was a teenager, I worked at the Gap for a summer folding shirts. That was pretty mindless and... CONSTANCE WU I'm constantly paranoid that I'll be unemployed for the rest of my life... and have to go ba... CONSTANCE WU My mom is a really good cook. We used to make dumplings together. JASON WU We are now preparing for the reform of the yuan's exchange rate system. For such reforms to take... WU YI For Mandarin scripts, there's software now where you can just insert the Chinese script, and it ... DANIEL WU Imagine what it would be if prices went up 20 percent. This is nothing. This is just a rehearsal, an... DAVID WU We are trying to develop methods that are simple and not very expensive so they can be used by Maine... VIVIAN WU China and Bolivia are both developing nations. Enhancing unity and cooperation with developing natio... WU GUANZHENG I worked with Jackie Chan for a long time, and seeing how much pain he's in, I realized that tha... DANIEL WU In my 20s, I could just power through stuff and be fine, but now, in your 40s? It's kind of like... DANIEL WU I'm always hungry for the next thing. I'm never resting on my laurels. CONSTANCE WU Bruce Lee was the first star I idolized. Growing up as a Chinese American, there weren't many pe... DANIEL WU One of the outstanding problems in astronomy today is whether complex organic molecules of hydrogen ... YANLING WU The city's suburban heritage buildings are as important as those garden villas in the downtown. WU JIANG And it couples that with commitment to the city and to civil rights and couples that within a urban ... FRANK WU We obtained sufficient capital to build a new plant through two large-scale syndicate bank loans in ... JAMES WU I definitely don't think I'm going to have a mid-life crisis. DANIEL WU We believe that there is room within the IAEA to resolve this. Iran should give up uranium enrichmen... WU HAILONG I do think there are some actors that can get away with trying to be funny, and they're still fu... CONSTANCE WU I'm an American designer. It's important to riff on that. I remember, when my mom and I firs... JASON WU I wanted to try every style available to me - large productions, small productions, studio films, lo... DANIEL WU It is hard to kill an airline. They can limp along for years. HOWARD WU Investors are going after Merchants Bank stock as the revised plan is better than expected. WU YONGGANG Corruptions, which emerged in personnel adjustment, may shake and undermine the CPC's ruling foundat... WU JIANG But they have to pass strict examinations at the end of the first three years before they can contin... WU TONGSHUI Imagine what it would be if prices went up 20 percent, ... This is nothing. This is just a rehearsal... DAVID WU As the pits planned to be covered are close to the emperor's mausoleum, which is the most important ... WU XIAOCONG Their profitability hasn't been shining. They need to work harder on higher technology nodes, and ge... CHRISTINE WU China's move showed serious disrespect for Taiwan. The two sides haven't started negotiations on the... JOSEPH WU The 'green card' simplifies the procedure of applying for a Chinese visa and renewing it over and ov... WU YI China believes that using diplomatic means within the framework of the Agency (IAEA) to resolve the ... WU HAILONG The countryside can only develop with peasants' pocket full. WU BANGGUO The rapid increase in such cases can be attributed to the government's enhanced efforts to crack dow... WU HEPING The Mainland Affairs Council currently has not received any formal applications and so I can't respo... JOSEPH WU Raisins are perceived as sweet and sticky and any food that contains sugar and is sticky is assumed ... CHRISTINE WU The Chinese come over here with a smiling face, ... but they have bloody hands. HARRY WU Because BCD galaxies are metal poor and very compact, the intense ultraviolet radiation from young s... YANLING WU It is a culture coming out of the Iron Age to 20th century America. There will always be a clash wit... CHU WU Nothing, save the hangman's noose, concentrates the mind like piles of cash. TIM WU Work safety incidents, which always involve losses of human lives, attracted wide public attention. ... WU BANGGUO Someone who doesn't know the industry would think that Microsoft is the worst thing since Attila the... DAVID WU Besides providing the operating system platform, we realized there are some devices (where) we need ... EDDIE WU We believe that BCD galaxies are similar to the universe's first galaxies because they are infant ga... YANLING WU A color screen would be a positive, ... Doing that could spur some people to want to upgrade. SHAW WU No one had any doubt they would reach 1 million (downloads). But I think the speed of adoption is ah... SHAW WU A transition to Intel is technically possible but from a marketing standpoint it could be more chall... SHAW WU It's probably closer to 2 million as we enter the holidays. SHAW WU When everyone else is slowing and you're not, it means share gains. SHAW WU They were seeing some weakness in desktop and strength in notebooks, but not enough to offset the we... SHAW WU In our view, Dell is pretty much the same company and we believe most have forgotten about its struc... SHAW WU [Apple is] one of the few quality names out there with pretty high visibility, ... You know whether ... SHAW WU It's the flight to quality. Investors want to own the names that are doing well. SHAW WU I was emotional. I wanted to be taken seriously. I was pretty emo. I was reciting Shakespeare monolo... CONSTANCE WU To resolve the Taiwan issue and achieve the final reunification of the motherland is the common aspi... WU BANGGUO We believe both PSG [H-P's personal-systems group] and ESS [enterprise storage and servers] benefite... SHAW WU I feel really angry because the excuses the EU gave are ridiculous. WU ZHENCHANG This result has not come easily and therefore all the parties should highly cherish and seriously tr... WU DAWEI Sino-Moroccan relations have all along developed soundly and stably with friendly cooperation deepe... WU BANGGUO They have to find a very rich, drunken buyer. The buyer must be drunk. Anybody who has good sense is... DAVID WU The business of America must be more than just business, and engagement must be through more than ju... DAVID WU In short, chemistry and chemical engineering contribute in critical ways to the economic strength, s... DAVID WU We must not push the panic button, but we must engage in a persistent and consistent effort to prepa... DAVID WU By the early part of next year, with everything else being equal, Intel should be ahead in the dual-... DAVID WU So, it's actually a growing area of the business and Intel want to get into that area because that's... DAVID WU But under the pressure from the four above-mentioned factors, many officials are still following the... WU JINGLIAN They also called for improvements to the social security system, an acceleration of medical reform a... WU JIANMIN Especially when there are difficulties in our relations, parties and statesmen in China and Japan sh... WU BANGGUO The more you know about somebody's back story, the deeper you can delve into that well, and the ... CONSTANCE WU They have to find a very rich, drunken buyer, ... The buyer must be drunk. Anybody who has good sens... DAVID WU It's a series of stumbles that Intel has had over the last 12 months. They had the inventory correct... DAVID WU The Republicans' ability to enforce uniformity in the House has been diminished somewhat, but even g... DAVID WU The last time this happened in the Pacific Northwest, the geologists tell us, was 1701 so no one in ... DAVID WU I thank the Oregon Science Teachers Association for its participation in National Chemistry Week. Th... DAVID WU Micron is ... moving into flash memory, which is used in the hand held and cell phone markets. The w... DAVID WU The market still likes exciting stories, and currently Silicon Labs is one of the exciting stories. ... DAVID WU We always try to go out of our way to come out with cool and unique ways to show our employees they'... DAVID WU People were anticipating the worst and the worst case news didn't come through. DAVID WU All these companies are saying we have an inventory correction but that the market will come back. DAVID WU Together, we will not fail Oregonians, ... Oregon will be prepared, and they will receive the compet... DAVID WU The Advanced Micro Devices conference call after the market close (Wednesday) convinced us that the ... DAVID WU We like Analog Devices ( ADI : Research , Estimates ) because it's a leading company in the analog... DAVID WU Fundamentally, this company depends on capital spending coming back, and I think IT spending will co... DAVID WU