Person of Interest is an example of series which have a lot of reverses... what if somebody knows a lot of about you?? And you don't him??
You are not famous and he doesn't exist as a person?? WOW, isn't it awesome??

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... Lies and lies... lies


not understanding properly


Dexter always keep's a distance... always he lies... soona.... that's how it follows

“It’s simple human nature to keep little secrets about ourselves. We all do it.” – Dexter
“I have to keep my secret safe otherwise my life – her life – will never be the same.”
“She’s not as comfortable lying to the world as I am.” – Dexter
“Even if I’ve put Deb in the uncomfortable position of lying for me, at least I’ve kept the bigger truth from her.” – Dexter
“When you’re losing control of your entire life it helps to focus on what you’re good at – my little secret.” – Dexter
“I shouldn’t be doing a kill now. The irony is that’s the only way I can maintain control, the only way I can keep this from Deb.” – Dexter
“How careless were you? One first class, one-way ticket to Kiev, Ukraine, leaving in less than two hours? Very careless.” – Dexter
“We do everything by the book. We’re cops, not killers.” – Deb
“Being a killer would feel so very good right about now.” – Dexter
“When will she believe me? What happens if she never does?” – Dexter
“If you think she’s upset now, that’s nothing compared to how she’d feel if she learned what you are. She’d be terrified.” – Harry
“Dex, she loves who she thinks you are. If she ever saw the real you, she’d never get over it.” – Harry
“I need control. I’m trying to make things go back to the way they were.” – Dexter
“Oh my God! An employee and a pervert. I don’t know which wall you go to.” – Quinn
Deyth Banger