Perfection is not the state of being without blemishes,but acknowledging that there are blemishes on our character sheets,hence more daily reforms needs to be embarked upon.
david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
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Never blame yourself for your imperfections,for no one is indeed perfect.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
We are all imperfect creatures pretending to drink from the fountain called perfection.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Man can never be perfect in all spheres of life,for as he pursues perfection in one sphere of life,imperfection will also be pursuing him in many others.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Take to your heels anytime you see a human they call perfect,for he is only being perfect with his imperfections.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Strive to be perfect,but be content with your imperfection,for perfection is not within your reach.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)