People have asked what Original Town does. This project will be something people can see. Banners are nice, but this will be something concrete, and hopefully the seeds have been planted so we can go forward.
Dave Harrold
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I don't make resolutions. I have hopes. My hope for the New Year is that Original Town will continue to make progress.
— Dave Harrold
New Year
This didn't happen by accident. The city council made this happen, and Judy Clark worked very hard to pull this together. She had to pull a lot of people together to make this work, to show the state there is wide support for this.
— Dave Harrold
A typical parent will go for a time with concerns like, 'It bothers me because my child can't draw well and his friends are able to draw shapes and he can't.' 'Or it bothers me because he's not doing as well in school as he should.' A mom or dad who has that feeling wants to know what to do.
— Gayle Harrold
It remains to be seen how many people go down the stretch, but Tech will be one of them certainly. They're very talented, athletic and deep. Obviously, they're playing well right now.
— Dave Loos
Those people will be notified that their product is going to ship and they will be given the opportunity to change their order to a slightly different configuration—either up or down—if they like. The can also add other options—we are going to be completely fair to them.
— Dave Russell