Para Amy, o amor era como drogas, álcool e pornografia: não havia limite. Cada exposiçao precisava ser mais intensa que a última para alcançar o mesmo resultado.
Gillian Flynn
Related Às vezes me lembro dele. Sem rancor, sem saudade, sem tristeza. Sem nenhum sentimento especial a n�... CAIO FERNANDO ABREU O mito não passa da face misteriosa e oculta do Logos, que terá de ser continuamente por nós desv... ÂNGELO MONTEIRO Como é que sabes que era amor? Bem, sabe-se que é amor quando tudo o que nos apetece fazer é... NICHOLAS SPARKS Vai chegar um dia em que todos vamos estar mortos. Todos nós. Vai chegar um dia em que não vai sob... JOHN GREEN O homem não tem nada melhor para fazer do que tentar estar em perfeito acordo consigo mesmo. SIGMUND FREUD E quando olho para seu rosto, um rosto que conheço melhor que o meu, sei que para ela fui igualment... NICHOLAS SPARKS Percebi então, o crepúsculo,é apenas uma ilusão, porque o sol ou está acima ou abaixo do horizo... NICHOLAS SPARKS Enquanto não consentirmos em pecar, não há poder, diabólico ou humano, que nos possa trazer uma ... ELLEN G. WHITE Mas uma vez o senhor me disse: "Que Deus a abençoe! Que Deus a perdoe!" E se foi capaz de me dizer ... CHARLES DICKENS Escrevo sem pensar tudo o que meu inconsciente grita. Penso depois: não só para corrigir, mas para... MáRIO DE ANDRADE As religiões, todas elas, por mais voltas que lhes dermos, não têm outra justificação para exis... JOSé SARAMAGO Primeiro surgiu o homem nu de cabeça baixa. Deus veio num raio. Então apareceram os bichos que com... FERNANDO BONASSI - Um dia, um marciano sábio vem à terra para ensinar umas coisinhas às pessoas - começo. - ... KATHRYN STOCKETT Você não grita nem acorda. Não há terror, mesmo sendo aterrorizante: é assim que é. E pior ain... CAIO FERNANDO ABREU Ele me revelou um lado melhor do meu ser. Quer dizer, não falo apenas do talento para literatura. R... CAMILO GOMES JR. ...a vida humana é convívio. Para o ser humano, viver é conviver. É justamente na convivência, ... KáTIA ROCHA Isso é mais uma coisa que aprendi com o tempo, sabe? O bem e o mal não existem! Quer dizer, existi... CAMILO GOMES JR. As aparições são, por assim dizer, pedaços ou fragmentos de outros mundos, o seu princípio. É ... FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY O pilar e o anel em forma de círculo representam os princípios masculino e feminino. Na Grécia an... JEAN SHINODA BOLEN Esse protecionismo não visa proteger os artistas. Na verdade, esse é um protecionismo que visa pro... LAWRENCE LESSIG Amar é, sempre, ser vulnerável. Para que nunca se sofra com isso, aconselha-se não se amar algo, ... C.S. LEWIS Os livros são escritos devido a anos virados do avesso por ideias que não nos libertam até serem ... RICHARD BACH Descobri que ajuda muito na convivência com os outros. Às vezes a gente não sabe o que dizer e en... LYGIA FAGUNDES TELLES E assim, quando os geeks e os tecnólogos defendem as tecnologias dos novos Armstrongs ou irmãos Wr... LAWRENCE LESSIG O amor, presidindo a ação, insinuava o prazer e o gozo. E confesso, de bom grado, que me persuadi ... JOHN CLELAND Tenho consciência de ser autêntica e procuro superar todos os dias minha própria personalidade, d... CORA CORALINA É só que eu não quero ser a paixonite de ninguém. Se alguém gosta de mim, eu quero que goste de... STEPHEN CHBOSKY O Senhor chama homens que estejam dispostos a se porem no jugo com Cristo e com seus irmãos; homens... ELLEN G. WHITE Há um morcego de papel da festa das bruxas pendurado num cordão acima de sua cabeça; ele levanta ... KEN KESEY - As wiccanfae não merecem estar entre nós...e Tir Alainn não é o lugar delas. - Nesse ca... ANNE BISHOP Quero hoje dizer-te uma coisa, algo que já sei há bastante tempo, e que também tu já sabes, mas ... HERMANN HESSE olhe, hoje é possível reviver o fascismo, quer saber. é possível na perfeição. basta ser-se tr... VALTER HUGO MãE Nossos dias são muito curtos para que tomemos, nos próprios ombros, o peso dos erros de outrem. Ca... OSCAR WILDE Sou amigo da divisão do trabalho. Pessoas que não fazem nada devem fazer pessoas, enquanto as dema... LEO TOLSTOY É a sensação de rodar, rodar, rodar sem saber exatamente para onde estava indo ou como se já est... LEILA GOMES LOPES Mesmo ler ao sol matinal nada faz para o aliviar. No entanto, isto já não me surpreende,porque o c... NICHOLAS SPARKS Seguir nosso desejo é o que nos torna livres, e o desejo é variável, mutante, inclassificável - ... MARTHA MEDEIROS - Não sei se interprete as suas palavras como um galanteio, se não - replicou Scarlett, indecisa.<... MARGARET MITCHELL Quando te vejo agora - movendo-se lentamente com uma nova vida crescendo dentro de você - espero qu... NICHOLAS SPARKS Normalmente eu não tinha muita paciência para estar com uma gaja durante muito tempo. Cada uma del... BOAVENTURA CARDOSO Dizem que o tempo sara todas as feridas. Talvez seja verdade. Mas há feridas que parecem não sarar... JOSé SARAMAGO A arte é a mais intensa forma de individualismo que o mundo conhece. OSCAR WILDE Quando vires os teus olhos a verem-te, quando não souberes se tu és tu ou se o teu reflexo no espe... JOSé LUíS PEIXOTO Esse protecionismo não visa proteger os artistas. Na verdade, esse é um protecionismo que visa pro... LAWRENCE LESSIG A "guerra" que foi levantada contra as tecnologias da Internei o que o presidente da Motion Picture ... LAWRENCE LESSIG O exemplo máximo do homem prático, porque reúne a extrema concentração da acção com a sua ext... FERNANDO PESSOA Fui acusado de ser um utópico, de querer eliminar o desprazer do mundo e defender apenas o prazer. ... WILHELM REICH Sim, em teoria, todos achamos que o importante é o bem-estar geral mesmo que isso implique uns... LUíS FILIPE CRISTóVãO Os que são fiéis à vocação de mensageiros de Deus, não buscarão honra para si mesmos. O amor ... ELLEN G. WHITE Sempre quis saber o que aconteceu com as crianças depois que voaram para longe... Eram apenas ... NEIL GAIMAN -Para onde é que vai o Kurika quando morrer, perguntou-me certo dia a minha filha, depois de um dos... MANUEL ALEGRE Sentada na cozinha, Denise pensava que a vida era como o estrume. Quando usado no jardim, servi... NICHOLAS SPARKS Digo-vos: praticai o bem. Porquê? O que ganhais com isso? Nada, não ganhais nada. Nem dinheiro, ne... FERNANDO PESSOA A questão é: você já reparou como nós esmagamos uma barata numa boa e não sentimos remorso nen... CAMILO GOMES JR. La cosa pública es un desastre -voceaba, a la menor oportunidad, don Ramón- Cada uno mira demasiad... MIGUEL DELIBES Cada ochenta o noventa perlas aparece un diamante. Un diamante, para que me entiendas, es una de esa... ALBERT ESPINOSA Esse ciclo diferenciado é possível porque as pressões comerciais que existem em outros meios não... LAWRENCE LESSIG Não faça o quer, e então poderá fazer o que preferir. PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA Um aspecto muito visível do desaparecimento das velhas garantias é a nova fragilidade dos laços h... ZYGMUNT BAUMAN - Estou dizendo ao senhor. Sempre digo aos senhores funcionários da magistratura - prosseguiu o adv... LEO TOLSTOY Os guaraos, que habitam os subúrbios do Paraíso terrestre, chamam o arco-íris de serpente de cola... GALEANO EDUARDO A Hazel é diferente. Ela caminha com leveza, velhote. Caminha com leveza sobre a Terra. A Hazel sab... JOHN GREEN [...] o futuro era um leque de possibilidades, não apenas uma trilha única e inalterável. Contudo... MARY JO PUTNEY Mesmo os lugares mais rarefeitos, como o espaço sideral e a estupidez humana, são preenchidos por ... AFONSO CRUZ Mas apenas eleições não fazem uma democracia. Democracia quer dizer poder para o povo, mas poder ... LAWRENCE LESSIG – Es gracioso lo que la gente está dispuesta a hacer para que la recuerden. – Bueno, o par... JOHN GREEN Ele [Deus] suscitará dentre o povo comum a homens e mulheres que realizem Sua obra. Em breve haver�... ELLEN G. WHITE Ninguém o pode aconselhar ou ajudar, — ninguém. Não há senão um caminho. Procure entrar ... RAINER MARIA RILKE Meu filho, se você aceitar as minhas palavras e guardar no coração os meus mandamentos;
se der ou... JESUS CRISTO «Albrecht discorre sobre este jogo popular [petanca]. [...] Devíamos ser capazes, todos de aprende... MANUEL JORGE MARMELO O mais corrente neste mundo, nestes tempos em que às cegas vamos tropeçando, é esbarrarmos, ao vi... JOSé SARAMAGO Mas além da arquitetura, os blogs também resolveram o problema das regras. Não existe (ainda) nen... LAWRENCE LESSIG (...) compor meticulosamente o cadastro afetivo e o retrato fantástico-histórico de uma comunidade... GESUALDO BUFALINO Quizá para ti hay un mañana. Quizá para ti hay mil mañanas, o tres mil, o diez mil, tanto t... LAUREN OLIVER Ah rapariga! feliz do homem que venha a merecer o teu amor. Com essa beleza toda e essa nuvem dentro... ROSA LOBATO DE FARIA O amor é sempre paciente e terno, nunca é invejoso. O amor nunca é pretensioso, nem vaidoso. Nunc... NICHOLAS SPARKS O amor pertence a outro reino. Não o podemos fabricar a pedido. Nem o podemos subjugar quando apare... DAN BROWN El "pero" es la palabra más puta que conozco -. "te quiero, pero..."; "podría ser, pero..."; "no e... EDUARDO SACHERI Os livros de física podem ser complicados, mas eles, assim como os carros e os computadores, são p... RICHARD DAWKINS Por outro lado, quando você se sentir tentado a não se incomodar com os problemas de alguém porqu... C.S. LEWIS Um homem forte pode dobrar o céu a seu favor, mas só para si mesmo, sabia Temujin. CONN IGGULDEN Cristo queria elevar e refinar a mente humana, purificando-a de toda escória, de modo a poder o hom... ELLEN G. WHITE – Assim, nós – dizia ele –, por que nós nos conhecemos? Que acaso o quis? É que através da... GUSTAVE FLAUBERT [...]O que está faltando? Um nada, mas um nada que é tudo. Vocês têm a aparência da vida mas n�... HONORé DE BALZAC A terra pode oferecer o suficiente para satisfazer a necessidade de todos os homens, mas não para s... MAHATMA GANDHI Ela afastou ligeiramente o cobertor; um assomo de raiva perpassou-lhe o olhar, endurecendo o rosto, ... JOãO TORDO Na solidão da noite, quase conseguia sentir a finitude da vida e como ela era preciosa. Nós damo-l... JOHN GROGAN Ooh, tu tens um ar muito mais saboroso que o Crabbe e o Goyle, Harry J.K. ROWLING Amanda olhou para ele - Tens de compreender que já não sou a rapariga que era dantes. Sou casada e... NICHOLAS SPARKS LISANDRO Ay de mí, por todo lo que jamás leí, y por todas las historias y relatos que h... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Só quero dizer que aquilo que cada um de nós tiver de ser na vida, não o será pelas palavras que... JOSé SARAMAGO As tecnologias digitais criam o ambiente propício para uma nova forma de bricolagem, ou "colagem li... LAWRENCE LESSIG Resistir ao inevitável era o mesmo que nadar contra a caudalosa corrente de um rio. KATHLEEN E. WOODIWISS Le dijo que el amor era un sentimiento contra natura, que condenaba a dos desconocidos a una depende... GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ O que é o desejo do nosso coração?" "A vingança," a voz dele era baixa, como se tivesse rec... GEORGE R.R. MARTIN Quando uma mulher sente desprezo pelo seu marido, o casamento passa a ser uma escravidão, e contra ... CHARLOTTE BRONTë El amor es un elemento... Como el aire que se respira, o el suelo que se pisa. LAINI TAYLOR Não exagero ao afirmar que o primeiro problema com que me defrontei na vida foi a questão da belez... YUKIO MISHIMA, 三島 由紀夫 - Falhamos a vida, menino! - Creio que sim... Mas todo o mundo mais ou menos a falha. Isto é,... EçA DE QUEIRóS El amor verdadero no era precisamente uno de esos absolutos; pregunta en la cual la palabra <>... ERNESTO SABATO
More Gillian Flynn
I love Robin Wright's character in 'House of Cards' because she's a bona fide villai... GILLIAN FLYNN I lack formal education. So I'm left with the feeling that I'm smarter than everyone around me but t... GILLIAN FLYNN I am not angry or sad or happy to see you. I could not give a shit. You don't even ripple. GILLIAN FLYNN The old Amy, the girl of the big laugh and the easy ways, literally shed herself, a pile of skin and... GILLIAN FLYNN I put on a skirt and blouse for the meeting, feeling dwarfy, my grown up, big-girl clothes never qui... GILLIAN FLYNN My parents have always worried that I’d take Amy too personally — they always tell not to read t... GILLIAN FLYNN I wanted to slice barren into my skin. That’s how I’d stay, my insides unused. Empty and pristin... GILLIAN FLYNN Go didn't like grilled cheese; she was scooping peanut butter out of the jar onto saltines. When a c... GILLIAN FLYNN A molta gente manca questo dono, la capacità di capire quando deve levarsi dai coglioni. Alla gente... GILLIAN FLYNN It had turned me into a knee-jerk suckup to authority. Mom, Dad, teachers: Whatever makes your job e... GILLIAN FLYNN Wenn man meine Seele zeichnen könnte, wäre es irgendein wildes Gekritzel mit deutlich sichtbaren R... GILLIAN FLYNN It was one of the few stories we told the same way. GILLIAN FLYNN I’ve grown quite weary of the spunky heroines, brave rape victims, soul-searching fashionistas tha... GILLIAN FLYNN I feel like Amy wanted people to believe she really was perfect. And as we got to be friends, I got ... GILLIAN FLYNN Millions of dollars later, and neither of them were happy. Money is wasted on the rich. We GILLIAN FLYNN Feeling sad means having too much time on your hands, usually. GILLIAN FLYNN ... it’s a nice day’s work when you make a lot of people smile. GILLIAN FLYNN When people ask me that question that everyone asks: "What do you do?" I'd say, "I'm in customer ser... GILLIAN FLYNN I’m a self-didact. (Not a dirty word, look it up.) I read constantly. I think. But I lack formal e... GILLIAN FLYNN But she did invite me to her house, and women like that don’t invite over women like me unless the... GILLIAN FLYNN She called me Nerdy because I wore glasses and read books and ate yogurt on my lunch break. I'm not ... GILLIAN FLYNN She defines and eliminates problems. She’s practical in an evil way. GILLIAN FLYNN Third choice is a single woman who has that open look. You know it : The same woman you stop to ask ... GILLIAN FLYNN Viveca's clients were mostly upper-middle class and lower-upper class.Being of these classes , they'... GILLIAN FLYNN So you can see why the whole hand-job thing felt like a natural career progression. GILLIAN FLYNN I mean, if I were a guy, looking to pay a girl to wank me off, I wouldn’t walk in the room an... GILLIAN FLYNN I never worked holidays, because holiday hand jobs are sad for everyone. GILLIAN FLYNN I would rather be a librarian, but I worry about the job security. Books may be temporary; dicks are... GILLIAN FLYNN inside joke is like a symbol of friendship without having to do the work required of an actual frien... GILLIAN FLYNN Millions of dollars later, and neither of them were happy. Money is wasted on the rich. GILLIAN FLYNN I would rather be a librarian, but I worry about the job security. Books may be temporary; dicks are... GILLIAN FLYNN But I lack formal education. So I’m left with the feeling that I’m smarter than everyone around ... GILLIAN FLYNN She was clearly rich. Her handbag was too plain to be anything but incredibly expensive. GILLIAN FLYNN I DIDN’T STOP giving hand jobs because I wasn’t good at it. I stopped giving hand jobs because I... GILLIAN FLYNN I heard you could do that—buy books by the yard, turn them into furniture. People are dumb. I’ll... GILLIAN FLYNN Feeling sad means having too much time on your hands, usually. Really. I’m not a licensed therapis... GILLIAN FLYNN I’m not really a nerd; I only aspire to be one. GILLIAN FLYNN She is an incredibly intelligent idiot GILLIAN FLYNN But I wasn't a well-read bookworm; I was just a dumb whore in the right library. GILLIAN FLYNN Empathetic silence is one of the most underused weapons in the world. GILLIAN FLYNN Money is wasted on the rich. GILLIAN FLYNN People are dumb. I’ll never get over how dumb people are. GILLIAN FLYNN Books may be temporary; dicks are forever. GILLIAN FLYNN Women shouldn't be expected to only play nurturing, kind caretakers. GILLIAN FLYNN Sometimes I think illness sits inside every woman, waiting for the right moment to bloom. I have kno... GILLIAN FLYNN Writing has certainly helped me explore about 20,000 versions of my authentic self. I suppose that... GILLIAN FLYNN That's always been part of my goal - to show the dark side of women. Men write about bad men all... GILLIAN FLYNN My dad had limitations. That's what my good-hearted mom always told us. He had limitations, but he m... GILLIAN FLYNN I don't understand the point of being together if you're not the happiest. GILLIAN FLYNN It had gotten to the point where it seemed like nothing matters, because I’m not a real person and... GILLIAN FLYNN For several years, I had been bored. Not a whining, restless child's boredom (although I was not abo... GILLIAN FLYNN I can't think of anything more crushing than slowly, over time, realizing exactly how wrong you ... GILLIAN FLYNN I assumed that 'Gone Girl' would do incrementally better than 'Dark Places,' and tha... GILLIAN FLYNN I just think - the Midwest, if you grow up there, you're deathly afraid of putting on airs. Any ... GILLIAN FLYNN And if all of us are play-acting, there can be no such thing as a soul mate, because we don't have g... GILLIAN FLYNN There’s something disturbing about recalling a warm memory and feeling utterly cold. GILLIAN FLYNN He could cheat on me and he would never tell me, and he would think less and less of me for not figu... GILLIAN FLYNN There is an unfair responsibility that comes with being an only child - you grow up knowing you aren... GILLIAN FLYNN I just think some women aren't made to be mothers. And some women aren't made to be daughters. GILLIAN FLYNN The truly frightening flaw in humanity is our capacity for cruelty - we all have it. GILLIAN FLYNN There's no app for a bourbon buzz on a warm day in a cool, dark bar. The world will always want a dr... GILLIAN FLYNN I waited patiently - years - for the pendulum to swing the other way, for men to start reading Jane ... GILLIAN FLYNN People say children from broken homes have it hard, but the children of charmed marriages have their... GILLIAN FLYNN She’s easy to like. I’ve never understood why that’s considered a compliment - that just anyon... GILLIAN FLYNN I was told love should be unconditional. That's the rule, everyone says so. But if love has no bound... GILLIAN FLYNN Because isn’t that the point of every relationship: to be known by someone else, to be understood?... GILLIAN FLYNN Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Gi... GILLIAN FLYNN My favorite game was one I invented with my cousins called Mean Aunt Rosie, where I was a deranged m... GILLIAN FLYNN Female violence is a specific brand of ferocity. It's invasive. A girlfight is all teeth and hai... GILLIAN FLYNN I have four or five ideas that just keep floating around and I want to kind of just let one - like a... GILLIAN FLYNN I've always had a fondness for the Gothic. That's what kind of stories attract me: Why do pe... GILLIAN FLYNN I was raised feral, and I mostly stayed that way. GILLIAN FLYNN I am a great believer in jobs for teens. They teach important life lessons, build character, and inf... GILLIAN FLYNN I always loved ghost stories and haunted house stories, whether they were done in a fantasy way or d... GILLIAN FLYNN Love makes you want to be a better man—right, right. But maybe love, real love, also gives you per... GILLIAN FLYNN ...and you drink a little too much and try a little too hard. And you go home to a cold bed and thin... GILLIAN FLYNN People want to believe they know other people. Parents want to believe they know their kids. Wives w... GILLIAN FLYNN I was not a lovable child, and I'd grown into a deeply unlovable adult. Draw a picture of my soul, a... GILLIAN FLYNN He was one of those guys who'd pronounce I'm a hugger as he came at you, neglecting to ask if the fe... GILLIAN FLYNN People love talking, and I have never been a huge talker. I carry on an inner monologue, but the wor... GILLIAN FLYNN The ones who are not soul-mated – the ones who have settled – are even more dismissive of my sin... GILLIAN FLYNN I've wondered if 'Harry Potter' would have been as big if it was 'Harriet Potter.... GILLIAN FLYNN Sleep is like a cat: It only comes to you if you ignore it. I drank more and continued my mantra. 'S... GILLIAN FLYNN She was scared. I pictured the police knocking, and here I was with a girl I'd been fucking the morn... GILLIAN FLYNN Amy! My God! My God! My darling!' and buried my face in her neck, my arms wrapped tight around her, ... GILLIAN FLYNN She released her grievances like handfuls of birdseed: They are there, and they are gone. GILLIAN FLYNN The face you give the world tells the world how to treat you. GILLIAN FLYNN Sometimes if you let people do things to you, you're really doing it to them. GILLIAN FLYNN I could see the cat was definitely on the steps. Still on the steps, 20 minutes after Carl's call. T... GILLIAN FLYNN There's nothing lovelier than having a newborn and still plotting a dark conspiracy. GILLIAN FLYNN The number of mystery and horror writers I've met who are just the sanest and the nicest people.... GILLIAN FLYNN Yes, I am finally a match for Amy. The other morning I woke up next to her, and I studied the back o... GILLIAN FLYNN I am smiling a big adopted-orphan smile as I write this ... I still love scribbling the word - WRITE... GILLIAN FLYNN A child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort. GILLIAN FLYNN There was nothing I wanted to do more than be unconscious again, wrapped in black, gone away. I was ... GILLIAN FLYNN For me, suspense is always harder and better than going for the quick, outright scare. GILLIAN FLYNN Worries find you easily enough without inviting them. GILLIAN FLYNN Being a novelist, you can roam around with a story and indulge yourself. GILLIAN FLYNN I grew up in the '80s where there's a lot of these kind of post-apocalyptic, post-comet, pos... GILLIAN FLYNN Blame the economy, blame bad luck, blame my parents, blame your parents, blame the Internet, blame p... GILLIAN FLYNN No one watches 'Taxi Driver' and says, 'Oh, it's a male-oriented film.' No one l... GILLIAN FLYNN Whenever I see news stories about children who were killed by their parents, I think: But how could ... GILLIAN FLYNN I'm like that, nothing sticks. GILLIAN FLYNN I felt hollowed out. My mom's death was not useful. I felt a shot of rage at her, and then imagined ... GILLIAN FLYNN It seemed like a joke, how much all of these dudes looked alike, like living was so hard it just era... GILLIAN FLYNN A veces sienta bien joder a alguien. En vez de que siempre lo jodan a uno GILLIAN FLYNN Do you understand this is serious?" "I understand you think it's serious. GILLIAN FLYNN I have a meanness inside of me, real as an organ. GILLIAN FLYNN The actual stuff my family owned, those boxes under my stairs, I can't quite bear to look at. I like... GILLIAN FLYNN When I was fourteen, I thought a lot about killing myself—it’s a hobby today, but at age fourtee... GILLIAN FLYNN I've had the blues for twenty-four years. GILLIAN FLYNN I'm not someone who can be depended one five days a week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday? ... GILLIAN FLYNN The Days were a clan that mighta lived long But Ben Day’s head got screwed on wrong That... GILLIAN FLYNN Sometimes he felt like he'd been gone his whole life--in exile, away from the place he was supposed ... GILLIAN FLYNN You think you know the answer, you’re going to find peace? Like knowing is somehow going to fix yo... GILLIAN FLYNN Glum. It meant having the blues in a way that annoyed other people. Having the blues aggressively. GILLIAN FLYNN I assumed everything bad in the world could happen, because everything bad in the world already did ... GILLIAN FLYNN I should just listen to my gut and then do the opposite. GILLIAN FLYNN There are few phrases that annoy me more than I won't bite. The only line that pisses me off faster ... GILLIAN FLYNN Everyone who keeps a secret, itches to tell it. GILLIAN FLYNN Coffee goes great with sudden death. GILLIAN FLYNN Don't be discouraged - every relationship you have is a failure, until you find the right one. GILLIAN FLYNN I felt something loosen in me, that shouldn't have loosened. A stitch come undone. GILLIAN FLYNN I am, I guess, depressed. I guess I've been depressed for about twenty-four years. I can feel a bett... GILLIAN FLYNN It was surprising that you could spend hours in the middle of the night pretending things were okay,... GILLIAN FLYNN I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ. Slit me at my belly and it might slide out, meaty and... GILLIAN FLYNN I like the idea that people who see 'Gone Girl' are possibly going to come out with incredib... GILLIAN FLYNN I feel like I need to give people a note with the book that says, 'I'm OK, no worries!' GILLIAN FLYNN A lot of people lacked that gift: knowing when to fuck off. GILLIAN FLYNN You don't normally see incredibly ugly people who've gone missing and it becomes a sensation... GILLIAN FLYNN I think that women really entwine with the people that they become close to in a way that men don... GILLIAN FLYNN He wears his cockiness like an ironic T-shirt, but it fits him better. GILLIAN FLYNN I'm not much of a procedural person. That's not what I'm interested in. GILLIAN FLYNN Tampon commercial, detergent commercial, maxi pad commercial, windex commercial - you'd think all wo... GILLIAN FLYNN I remember always being baffled by other children. I would be at a birthday party and watch the othe... GILLIAN FLYNN I'm the bitch who makes you a man. GILLIAN FLYNN It is a do-it-yourself era: health care, real estate, police investigation. Go online and f*ing figu... GILLIAN FLYNN Because you can't be as in love as we were and not have it invade your bone marrow. Our kind of love... GILLIAN FLYNN It’s humbling, to become the very thing you once mocked. GILLIAN FLYNN My mother had always told her kids: if you're about to do something, and you want to know if it's a ... GILLIAN FLYNN There's a difference between really loving someone and loving the idea of her. GILLIAN FLYNN I'm all for whatever transitions the book properly to a movie. GILLIAN FLYNN I always loved scary movies, and my dad was a film professor. GILLIAN FLYNN Please let him look. I didn't need to hide from someone courting oblivion as ardently as I am. GILLIAN FLYNN I don't feel the need to explain my actions to her. I don't clarify, I don't doubt, I don't worry. I... GILLIAN FLYNN Back in grade school, my shrinks tried to channel my viciousness into a constructive outlet, so I cu... GILLIAN FLYNN We're into this barrage of pop culture - you know, TV, movies, the Internet. We become creatures... GILLIAN FLYNN in these shitty plastic days ... GILLIAN FLYNN Worries find you easily enough without inviting them. With Diane, worries were almost physical being... GILLIAN FLYNN And I don’t know, you’re at that age, if a bunch of grownups are telling you something or encour... GILLIAN FLYNN It was surprising that you could spend hours in the middle of the night pretending things were OK, a... GILLIAN FLYNN Instead of asking yourself what happened, just accept that it happened. Grant me the serenity to acc... GILLIAN FLYNN She talked to me because we had the same chemicals in our blood: shame, anger, greed. Unjustified no... GILLIAN FLYNN I can feel a better version of me somewhere in there—hidden behind a liver or attached to a bit of... GILLIAN FLYNN I knew you could do it, I knew you could, Libby," she mumbled into my hair, warm and smoky. GILLIAN FLYNN It's an insane, insane crime, a lot of it isn't going to make sense. That's why people are so obsess... GILLIAN FLYNN I appreciate a straightforward apology the way a tone-deaf person enjoys a fine piece of music. GILLIAN FLYNN Draw a picture of my soul, and it’d be a scribble with fangs. GILLIAN FLYNN Sometimes it feels good to fuck with something. Instead of always being fucked with. GILLIAN FLYNN The phrase fuck you may not rest on the tip of my tongue, but it’s near. Midtongue. GILLIAN FLYNN Children digest terror differently. The boy saw a horror, and that horror became the wicked witch of... GILLIAN FLYNN Depression to me is urine yellow. Washed out, exhausted miles of weak piss. GILLIAN FLYNN I always feel sad for the girl that I was, because it never occurred to me that my mother might comf... GILLIAN FLYNN See, there I am. I told you I lived. I told you I was. GILLIAN FLYNN I don't have anything else to add. I just wanted to make sure I had the last word. I think I've earn... GILLIAN FLYNN I was not a nice little girl. My favorite summertime hobby was stunning ants and feeding them to spi... GILLIAN FLYNN I often don't say things out loud, even when I should. I contain and compartmentalize to a disturbin... GILLIAN FLYNN I felt a queasy mixture of relief and horror: when you finally stop an itch and realize it’s becau... GILLIAN FLYNN I'm definitely much more of a beach bunny. I prefer the sun over the snow. GILLIAN ZINSER I am trying to break free from my stripes addiction, but the pull is strong! I need help buying non-... GILLIAN JACOBS A lot of my friends are guys, so I'm used to bro antics. GILLIAN JACOBS Just as sure as each knot on a fisherman's net does not physically connect so far as each knot forms... GILLIAN DUCE Love reached across space and time to find you. You are the smile of a million stars. GILLIAN DUCE I know other actors who are relieved when their shows get cancelled, and I've never felt that wa... GILLIAN JACOBS I've always thought - and I don't even know if I'd be right for the part - that Jean Seb... GILLIAN JACOBS Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that... GILLIAN ANDERSON Feeling the anguish does not make you weak, but conceding and hiding from it makes a coward. GILLIAN DUCE I believe people are in our lives for a reason. We're here to learn from each other. GILLIAN ANDERSON We are all dying. Every single day that we are alive! GILLIAN ANDERSON Let's stop being so damn judgemental & crucifying everyone who doesn't fit into our boxed-in percept... GILLIAN ANDERSON I wouldn't say I'm normal. But I'm relatively stable. When I think of normal, I think of mediocrity,... GILLIAN ANDERSON There is a difference between being listened to and being heard. GILLIAN ANDERSON People generally treat me like I'm very intelligent and really, I'm much less intelligent than she i... GILLIAN ANDERSON I used to take myself very seriously, now it's all just funny. You gotta laugh at yourself. You know... GILLIAN ANDERSON We can only make ourselves the victim. GILLIAN ANDERSON It is not a matter of being fearless. The fear is sometimes constant, but it's about moving forward ... GILLIAN ANDERSON Success has nothing to do with happiness. GILLIAN ANDERSON Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way. GILLIAN ANDERSON Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that... GILLIAN ANDERSON I had my life Monday through Friday in school, and then I had my 'real life,' which was my a... GILLIAN JACOBS I think we're tremendously different than the series, if they were to tune in to the series afte... GILLIAN ANDERSON I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that... GILLIAN ANDERSON I love discovering new young brands and watching these fashion lines take off, like Peter Pilotto, C... GILLIAN JACOBS I'm not conservative, but I am kind of clean living in my own life. GILLIAN JACOBS My grandfather can barely even hear, and Chevy Chase makes a face, and he laughs. GILLIAN JACOBS I love the way little kids dress themselves! They're completely carefree about how others percei... GILLIAN ZINSER Craig Robinson is basically the mayor of wherever he goes. GILLIAN JACOBS When I was 18 years old, I had never before seen Australian film on the big screen. GILLIAN ARMSTRONG Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every ... GILLIAN ANDERSON In the Arab and Israeli worlds' eyes, Jared Kushner is a perfectly plausible American arbiter of... GILLIAN TURNER