Our number one mission is to get people into something safe, sanitary, private, and out of public shelters as soon as we can.
Brad Gair
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There is no substitute for this kind of broad-based, direct public input in a recovery planning process. Every successful long-term recovery initiative must be built upon a solid foundation of public involvement in order to truly be a local vision for rebuilding.
— Brad Gair
The Vernon Parish Storefront is one of the outreach offices being established in severely impacted parishes. We'll work with the local leadership and residents, the LRA and other state and federal agencies to develop a set of essential recovery tools to enable the community to define and plan their recovery.
— Brad Gair
(The cost) is considerably less than everyone anticipated. The around-the-clock operation, 24 hours-a-day, has resulted in cost savings.
— Brad Gair
It may not be quite on the scale of building the pyramids, but it's pretty close. And I'm already telling you right now, get your headlines ready, because we're not going to do a perfect job of it.
— Brad Gair
It is like pushing a big rock down a hill. It takes a little time to get it moving, but once it gets moving, it moves very fast. And that is where we are getting right now.
— Brad Gair