Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.
Thomas Jefferson
Freedom of the press
Related Quotes
Freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected, - these principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us
— Thomas Jefferson
To preserve the freedom of the human mind then and freedom of the press, every spirit should be ready to devote itself to martyrdom; for as long as we may think as we will, and speak as we think, the condition of man will proceed in improvement
— Thomas Jefferson
The press is not only free, it is powerful. That power is ours. It is the proudest that man can enjoy.
— Benjamin Disraeli
Freedom of the press
There are more references in the Koran than the Bible to Mary, the mother of Jesus. -Julia W-.
— Julia W
Freedom of the press
Let it be impressed upon your minds, let it be instilled into your children, that the liberty of the press is the palladium of all the civil, political, and religious rights.
— Junius
Freedom of the press