Our goal isn't to dumb down the rules. It's to use some common sense in what we regulate.
Michelle Thomas
Common sense
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It doesn't happen so frequently that we have rules. It's just common sense. With witnesses from the candidates, they were able to gather up and put (the ballot box) back together so that they could continue and maintain the integrity of the election.
— Dana Doiron
Common sense
The current anti-doping rules lack any notion of common sense.
— Howard Jacobs
Common sense
The current anti-doping rules lack any notion of common sense. ... He had a well-documented reason for the positive test. It had nothing to do with performance enhancement.
— Howard Jacobs
Common sense
Common sense, you know, has got to prevail.
— Brad Weaver
Common sense
They just put common sense to it.
— Billy Lynch
Common sense