Our aim is to survive and we need to beat West Brom. There will be big pressure on us to win and we have to handle it.
Julio Arca
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It goes without saying that it's a big game, we knew that even before the Chelsea game,
— Julio Arca
We played well against Chelsea, but it's about points now. We need to beat West Brom.
— Julio Arca
I have to be honest, it was kind of a 50-50 decision at the time because I was looking forward to signing a contract, but wanted to be as sure as I could that we would be back in the Premiership,
— Julio Arca
If I ever have to leave the club I will be very sorry because I have a lot of ties here now. I would like to stay here for a few more years yet.
— Julio Arca
I am very settled in the North East now. I'll have been here nearly six years by the end of this season and I feel like the people of Sunderland have adopted me,
— Julio Arca