Oni koji imaju svet
Neka misle šta će s njim
Mi imamo samo reči
I divno smo se snašli u toj nemaštini
Branko Miljković
Ono što sam od života naučio je,
Da bez obzira na to koliko je neko dobar čovek,
PAULO COELHO U čoveku se kriju obe mogućnosti: svinja i svetac. Šta će neko ostvariti zavisi od njegovih odlu...
VIKTOR E. FRANKL Zar sve danas nije samo imitacija? Zar u današnjem vremenu nije sve samo imitacija stvarnosti, sve ...
YUKIO MISHIMA Mislim da je ljudima koji vole horore samo dosadno u životu. Žude za podsticajma, a kada se stvarn...
RYū MURAKAMI Ako hoćeš da znaš kakva je neka država i njena uprava, i kakva im je budućnost, gledaj samo da ...
IVO ANDRIć Sudovi, vrednosni sudovi o životu, za ili protiv, ne mogu naposletku nikada biti istiniti: oni imaj...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Smrtonosan je život, ali smrti odoleva.
Jedna strašna bolest po meni će se zvati.
BRANKO MILJKOVIć Ja uopšte mislim da najčudniji ljudi izgledaju vrlo konvencionalno, vrlo
standardno. Jer čov...
MOMO KAPOR No mi kršćani upućeni smo po središtu našega Creda - 'mučen pod Poncijem Pilatom' - u povijest...
Prošao sam kroz Vukovar mnogo puta...(...)
Kad sam dolazio sa zapadne strane...
ĐORđE BALAšEVIć Svoju patnju, koju prihvatam, moram da prihvatim kao dragocenost. Ne postoji nijedan ispirač zlata ...
YUKIO MISHIMA (...) Tada, ne znam zašto, kao da nešto puknu u meni. Prodereh se iz sveg glasa, ispsovah ga i rek...
ALBERT CAMUS Svi smo mi malo izgubljeni u ovom svetu.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ljepota je krupan, nezaslužen dar koji se dijeli nasumce, glupavo.
Tako sam odabrao svoj...
KHALED HOSSEINI Govorite mi da ću izgoriti, da će iza mene ostati samo pepeo, ali ću bar znati da sam bio vatra. ...
IVO ANDRIć Vi ste vernik?
- Jesam.
A koji je Vaš Bog?
- Budućnost.
Budućnost? Ne razumem...
DOBRICA ĆOSIć Tako obično biva. Oni koje želimo da vidimo ne dolaze u časovima kad na njih mislimo i kad ih naj...
IVO ANDRIć Religija budućnosti nastaje na internetu, a kao lažni proroci biti blokirani svi oni koji ne budu ...
ALEKSANDAR ILIć Gospodaru, mudri ne sede tužeći,
već otklanjaju uzrok jadu svom.
Strah smanjuje snagu, ...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Ne veruj ni u šta što se na strahu temelji.
DOBRICA ĆOSIć Sve je to maska.
Toliko povrsno, toliko nezrelo od nas.
Ali sta cemo, ne mozemo se izborit...
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Kad naiđu teška, mutna vremena i učestaju sukobi i uzbune među ljudima, otvori se odjednom Bibli...
IVO ANDRIć The Great and Tragic Love of Jonathan Shadowhunter and David the Silent, by Clary Fray, Aged 1...
CASSANDRA CLARE From the day I entered in to this world and opened
My eyes
N to
The day I passed ...
YASH Cula su naelektrisala vrhove prstiju kojim sam joj doticao kozu i pratio besprekornu liniju glatkih ...
ĐORđE BALAšEVIć Postojis u meni i prisecam se svega.
Dovoljno da ne probijes kroz srce,
dovoljno da me uni...
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Kompjuter je samom sebi zbrinuto zaćeretao primijetivši da se jedna zračna komora otvorila i zati...
DOUGLAS ADAMS Yo no me callo
Perdone el ciudadano esperanzado
mi recuerdo de acciones miserables,<...
PABLO NERUDA Kucam na vrata kamena.
-To sam ja, pusti me.
Hoću da uđem u tvoju unutrašnjost,
WISłAWA SZYMBORSKA - Ne treba se bojati ljudi.
- Pa ja se i ne bojim ljudi, nego onog što je neljudsko u njma.
IVO ANDRIć Kad umrem, prekinuce se jedna srebrna nit sa nanizanim glatkim biserima koji ce se rasuti po zemlji ...
JOSTEIN GAARDER Duga popodnevna sjenka, tmurna duša brda, puzila je poljem, zatamnjujući ga, prešla je i preko me...
MEšA SELIMOVIć Nepromišljeno jurimo za novotarijama, gonjeni sve snažnijim osjećajem nedostatnosti, nezadovoljst...
C.G. JUNG People are not an interruption of our business. People are our business.
A man's worst difficulties begin when he is able to do as he likes.
It is hard to look up to a leader who keeps his ear to the ground.
The most wasted day of all is that in which we have not laughed.
The more intelligent a man is, the more originality he discovers in men. Ordinary people see no diff...
The intelligence is proved not by ease of learning, but by understanding what we learn.
Communication is something so simple and difficult that we can never put it in simple words.
Like threads of silver seen through crystal beads
Let love through good deeds show.
How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.
In everyone's heart stirs a great homesickness.
That is the supreme value of history. The study of it is the best guarantee against repeating it.
Our wisdom comes usually from our experience, and our experience comes largely from our experience.
One thing about the school of experience is that it will repeat the lesson if you flunk the first ti...
To reprove small faults within due vehemence, is as absurd as if a man should take a great hammer to...
Faith is like electricity. You can't see it, but you can see the light.
Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of...
Some families can trace their ancestors back three hundred years, but can't tell you where their chi...
A recent survey was said to prove that the people we Americans most admire are our politicians and d...
If a man defrauds you one time, he is a rascal; if he does it twice, you are a fool.
Flattery looks like friendship, just like a wolf looks like a dog.
Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Courage is always greatest when blended with meekness; intellectual ability is most admired when it ...
Freedom also includes the right to mismanage your own affairs.
Let your friends be the friends of your deliberate choice.
The man who has strong opinions and always says what he thinks is courageous - and friendless.
Friendship is love with understanding.
So few people think. When we find one who really does, we call him a genius
Your life can't go according to plan if you have no plan.
Practicing the Golden Rule is not a sacrifice; it is an investment.
Conversation is an exercise of the mind; gossip is merely an exercise of the tongue.
An expert gossiper knows how much to leave out of a conversation
To live so that you would not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip, is to have li...
Gossip is sometimes referred to as halitosis of the mind
If you would attain greatness, think no little thoughts.
We are born brave, trusting and greedy, and most of us remain greedy.
People are changed, not by coercion or intimidation, but by example.
Children are natural mimics; they act like their parents in spite of every effort to teach them good...
The guilty catch themselves.
Good habits are formed; bad habits we fall into.
If happiness could be brought, few of us could pay the price.
Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.
Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Hatred is a boomerang which is sure to hit you harder than the one at whom you throw it.
Hate pollutes the mind.
If we miraculously became the people we hate, how lovable we would find ourselves.
To feel "fit as a fiddle" you must tone down your middle.
Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it.
A patient going to a doctor for his first visit was asked, "And whom did you consult before coming t...
"Oh," replied his patient, with no malice aforethought, "he told me to come and see you."
It is impossible to make wisdom hereditary.
Honesty is a question of right or wrong, not a matter of policy.
It is a pleasure to give advice, humiliating to need it, normal to ignore it.
It is almost impossible to smile on the outside without feeling better on the inside.
Too many people confine their exercise to jumping to conclusions, running up bills, stretching the t...
Imagination was given man to compensate for what he is not, and a sense of humor to console him for ...
Humor - the perfect relationship of the parts to the whole.
Our five senses are incomplete without the sixth - a sense of humor.
"What made the deepest impression upon you?" inquired a friend one day of Lincoln, "when you stood i...
It isn't easy for an idea to squeeze itself into a head filled with prejudice.
Too many people run out of ideas long before they run out of words.
Imagination is the pontoon bridge making way for the timid feet of reason.
Practical observation commonly consists of collecting a few facts and loading them with guesses.
Friendship is a living thing that lasts only as long as it is nourished with kindness, empathy and u...
Having supplied them with names, omnipotence, justice, knowledge, Providence, - what are they?
A good laugh is sunshine in a house.
When you laugh, be sure to laugh at what people do and not at what people are.