Once BIC gets a lead, they're hard to come back against. They don't make many mistakes.
Mark Manchester
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We played pretty good against BIC. We got behind and they're hard to come back on. They made free throws late in the game and limited their mistakes.
— Mark Manchester
They're a very good rebounding team. In the second half, they went to the boards hard and we couldn't stop them. They're playing really well right now.
— Mark Manchester
We had a really good third quarter. We were able to make up some ground playing against their starters.
— Mark Manchester
We're getting better, but we're running out of time. We need to turn that corner. We've made some strides, but we're just not where we need to be.
— Mark Manchester
Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
— Mark Twain