Observing and understanding are two different things.
Mary E. Pearson
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What we think is ethical today, we may not have thought ethical five or 10 years ago. Cloning, stem cell research? However we feel about those things today, we may feel differently 10 years from now.
— Mary E. Pearson
Cell Research
If one can't be trusted in love, one can't be trusted in anything. Some things can't be forgiven.
— Mary E. Pearson
I felt something wet trickle down the side of my face. I reached up and swiped the salty wetness away.
How quaint.
How very quaint.
Like believing some things last forever.
A tear. As if that could make a difference.
— Mary E. Pearson
Where we are going, I don't know. It doesn't seem to be the place that is important but the steps in between.
— Mary E. Pearson
I think that maybe forgiveness is like change - it comes in small steps. (256)
— Mary E. Pearson