O woman, <br />father says natural is beautiful<br />so why do you redden your cheeks <br />and blacken your eyes?<br />Why do you remove the hair on your legs<br />and draw them into your brows?<br />Why do you hold your breath<br />lest your stomach show<br />and hold your fart<br />lest they know<br />that you’re a human? O woman, <br />father says natural is beautiful<br />so why do you straighten your hair<br />to curl it next<br />and pretend to orgasm <br />so they think you enjoyed the sex?<br />Why do you dumb yourself down<br />and push your breasts up?<br />Why do you smile when you’re told to<br />and love when you don’t want to?<br />When? When <br />will you stop, woman? <br />Father says natural is beautiful<br />but that is doubtful<br />for what does father know<br />he’s only a fellow.