O, weary angels, <br />don’t look at me with those eyes.<br />If that is your state <br />then what of our cries?<br />What can I tell you of goodness <br />that you don’t already know?<br />What can I tell you of faith,<br />of hope and love<br />that you yourselves bestow?<br />O, angels, <br />don’t pluck another feather,<br />this isn’t the sky, <br />it’s just the weather.<br />Please, angels, try.<br />We are one all together.<br />Look up and listen, <br />I’ll say it once and then put down my pen:<br />We are sorry for our ignorance<br />and even though we are worldly,<br />it might happen again.<br />We are sorry for your weariness<br />and even though you aren’t worldly,<br />we are no more than human.