Nunca percebi, disse-me um dia, por que é que os meus pais me puseram, no meio de tanta pobreza, este nome pretensioso e brilhante: Diamantina! Ajustei os óculos e sorri.
Rosa Lobato de Faria
Related E aprendi oque é óbvio para uma criança. Que a vida é simplesmente uma coleção de pequenas vid... NICHOLAS SPARKS Tenho consciência de ser autêntica e procuro superar todos os dias minha própria personalidade, d... CORA CORALINA Existe um outro motivo para o fato dos blogs terem um ciclo de vida diferente dos principais meios d... LAWRENCE LESSIG Há um morcego de papel da festa das bruxas pendurado num cordão acima de sua cabeça; ele levanta ... KEN KESEY De vez em quando eu vou ficar esperando você numa tarde cinzenta de inverno, bem no meio duma praç... CAIO FERNANDO ABREU E quando eu disse a ela que já os tinha lido, ela me fez umas perguntas muito longas, que na verdad... STEPHEN CHBOSKY (...) compor meticulosamente o cadastro afetivo e o retrato fantástico-histórico de uma comunidade... GESUALDO BUFALINO Os livros de física podem ser complicados, mas eles, assim como os carros e os computadores, são p... RICHARD DAWKINS O darwinismo é uma teoria de processos cumulativos tão lentos que se desenrolam ao longo de milhar... RICHARD DAWKINS Tendemos a desejar que ninguém morra e nada termine daquilo que nos acompanha e é nosso amado cost... JAVIER MARíAS Parece que os velhos são capazes de ficar sentados um ao lado do outro sem dizerem nada e aind... NICHOLAS SPARKS olhe, hoje é possível reviver o fascismo, quer saber. é possível na perfeição. basta ser-se tr... VALTER HUGO MãE - OK, suponhamos que vai à copa - disse ela -, e duas pessoas que quem gosta estão lá, suponhamos... EMILY ST. JOHN MANDEL Por outro lado, quando você se sentir tentado a não se incomodar com os problemas de alguém porqu... C.S. LEWIS O que parece haver de desprezo entre homem e homem, de indiferente que permite que se mate gente sem... FERNANDO PESSOA Os homens que andam divorciados de Deus deixam de ver e interpretar as expressões mais eloquentes d... JURACI ROCHA É a sensação de rodar, rodar, rodar sem saber exatamente para onde estava indo ou como se já est... LEILA GOMES LOPES - Não sei se interprete as suas palavras como um galanteio, se não - replicou Scarlett, indecisa.<... MARGARET MITCHELL Ele [Deus] suscitará dentre o povo comum a homens e mulheres que realizem Sua obra. Em breve haver�... ELLEN G. WHITE Normalmente eu não tinha muita paciência para estar com uma gaja durante muito tempo. Cada uma del... BOAVENTURA CARDOSO “Deus é amor” (1 João 4:8), está escrito sobre cada botão que desabrocha, sobre cada haste d... ELLEN G. WHITE Meu filho, se você aceitar as minhas palavras e guardar no coração os meus mandamentos;
se der ou... JESUS CRISTO Nesse mundo moderno, Os sãos são muito poucos. E ainda que no inferno, São chamado... ANA CLAUDIA ANTUNES O pilar e o anel em forma de círculo representam os princípios masculino e feminino. Na Grécia an... JEAN SHINODA BOLEN A Hazel é diferente. Ela caminha com leveza, velhote. Caminha com leveza sobre a Terra. A Hazel sab... JOHN GREEN Aprendi que viajar ainda é a melhor forma de alterar a vida, mudar as ideias e abraçar a inspiraç... ADRIANA TRIGIANI Nossos dias são muito curtos para que tomemos, nos próprios ombros, o peso dos erros de outrem. Ca... OSCAR WILDE – Assim, nós – dizia ele –, por que nós nos conhecemos? Que acaso o quis? É que através da... GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Os gatos não têm nomes - respondeu. Não? - perguntou Coraline. Não - respondeu o gato.... NEIL GAIMAN É, o mundo moderno tem um tipo de seleção natural e não tem jeito de eu me encaixar nessa histó... IRVINE WELSH Ontem é história, amanhã é um mistério, hoje é um dom de Deus, que é por isso que chamamos o ... BIL KEANE Mas além da arquitetura, os blogs também resolveram o problema das regras. Não existe (ainda) nen... LAWRENCE LESSIG Quando brilhou a aurora, dissolveram-se Entre a luz as florestas encantadas Arvoredos azui... SOPHIA DE MELLO BREYNER ANDRESEN Mas como era extraordinária aquela sala cheia de gente — ou melhor, de animais -, a olhar na mesm... DORIS LESSING Coitadinhos ou coitadinhas não devem ir a campo de batalha. Só atrapalham. Alguém gostaria de ter... JORGE KISHIKAWA E assim, quando os geeks e os tecnólogos defendem as tecnologias dos novos Armstrongs ou irmãos Wr... LAWRENCE LESSIG A maior necessidade do mundo é a de homens — homens que se não comprem nem se vendam; homens que... ELLEN G. WHITE É só que eu não quero ser a paixonite de ninguém. Se alguém gosta de mim, eu quero que goste de... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Esse protecionismo não visa proteger os artistas. Na verdade, esse é um protecionismo que visa pro... LAWRENCE LESSIG Não é por meio de debates e discussões que a mente é iluminada. Devemos olhar e viver. Nicodemos... ELLEN G. WHITE Os livros são escritos devido a anos virados do avesso por ideias que não nos libertam até serem ... RICHARD BACH Não tenhas medo, ouve: É um poema Um misto de oração e de feitiço... Sem qualque... MIGUEL TORGA Pergunto-me, às vezes, o que pensarão os meus amigos quando vêem os seus entes queridos afas... NICHOLAS SPARKS O mais corrente neste mundo, nestes tempos em que às cegas vamos tropeçando, é esbarrarmos, ao vi... JOSé SARAMAGO Primeiro surgiu o homem nu de cabeça baixa. Deus veio num raio. Então apareceram os bichos que com... FERNANDO BONASSI O pior da luta entre criados e patroas é que estas são compelidas a exigir o máximo, e as criadas... MONTEIRO LOBATO Quero hoje dizer-te uma coisa, algo que já sei há bastante tempo, e que também tu já sabes, mas ... HERMANN HESSE O Filósofo e a Velhice Não é bom deixar a noite julgar o dia: pois com frequência o cansaç... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Descobri que ajuda muito na convivência com os outros. Às vezes a gente não sabe o que dizer e en... LYGIA FAGUNDES TELLES A cronologia da infância não segue uma linha reta, mas é feita de sobressaltos. A memória é um ... HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE Os guaraos, que habitam os subúrbios do Paraíso terrestre, chamam o arco-íris de serpente de cola... GALEANO EDUARDO Como a maioria das pessoa desse mundo, a minha maldade é meio que um a maldade passiva, uma maldade... IRVINE WELSH Epitáfio /J.L.Borges (?) Já somos a ausência que seremos. O pó elementar que nos ignor... HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE O amor, presidindo a ação, insinuava o prazer e o gozo. E confesso, de bom grado, que me persuadi ... JOHN CLELAND Vai chegar um dia em que todos vamos estar mortos. Todos nós. Vai chegar um dia em que não vai sob... JOHN GREEN Era um vestido projetado para realçar, encorajar e levar os homens à loucura. Um vestido que só s... SARAH MACLEAN - Um dia, um marciano sábio vem à terra para ensinar umas coisinhas às pessoas - começo. - ... KATHRYN STOCKETT Os meios de que dispomos talvez não pareçam suficientes para a obra mas, se avançarmos com fé, c... ELLEN G. WHITE Percebi então, o crepúsculo,é apenas uma ilusão, porque o sol ou está acima ou abaixo do horizo... NICHOLAS SPARKS Falar do passado é o mais fácil que há, está tudo escrito, é só repetir, papaguear, conferir p... JOSé SARAMAGO A centralização administrativa tende a multiplicar em demasia as rodas e as peças da máquina adm... VISCONDE DO URUGUAI 1862 O amor é sempre paciente e terno, nunca é invejoso. O amor nunca é pretensioso, nem vaidoso. Nunc... NICHOLAS SPARKS Amar é, sempre, ser vulnerável. Para que nunca se sofra com isso, aconselha-se não se amar algo, ... C.S. LEWIS Era só isso?" _ Sim, só isso. Existe sabedoria na descoberta de que tudo é imperfeito e triv... FABíOLA SIMõES As tecnologias digitais criam o ambiente propício para uma nova forma de bricolagem, ou "colagem li... LAWRENCE LESSIG Quando te vejo agora - movendo-se lentamente com uma nova vida crescendo dentro de você - espero qu... NICHOLAS SPARKS - As wiccanfae não merecem estar entre nós...e Tir Alainn não é o lugar delas. - Nesse ca... ANNE BISHOP Aqueles que apreciam posições de grande influência e de segurança financeira talvez achem que o ... ELLEN G. WHITE Todos nós crescemos vendo os mesmos programas de TV. É como se tivéssemos os mesmos implantes art... CHUCK PALAHNIUK A enorme multiplicação de livros, de todos os ramos do conhecimento, é um dos maiores males de no... EDGAR ALLAN POE Há qualquer coisa de libertador associada à perda de tudo. Primeiro chora-se, depois fica-se atord... JUDITH MERKLE RILEY A gente acha que é menos infeliz quando não é infeliz sozinho; mas, segundo Zoroastro, não é po... VOLTAIRE Yo sé que tiene alas. Que por las noches sueña en alta voz la brisa de plata de sus... RAFAEL ALBERTI Esse protecionismo não visa proteger os artistas. Na verdade, esse é um protecionismo que visa pro... LAWRENCE LESSIG E por aí vão, metidos nessa batalha, testando forças e afirmando um ao outro que não discordam f... IRVINE WELSH -Me has dicho que no dura, que desear ser feliz nunca dura. Así que lo que me haría sentir complet... JACKSON PEARCE O tipo da marinha e eu dissemos um ao outro que tinha sido um prazer. Que é uma coisa que me deixa ... J.D. SALINGER Ele me revelou um lado melhor do meu ser. Quer dizer, não falo apenas do talento para literatura. R... CAMILO GOMES JR. (...) a língua é, para o espírito de uma nação, o que o estilo é para o espírito de um indiv�... ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER Isso é mais uma coisa que aprendi com o tempo, sabe? O bem e o mal não existem! Quer dizer, existi... CAMILO GOMES JR. Vais encontrar muita gente pela vida fora que diz as palavras certas na altura certa. Mas, ao fim e ... NICHOLAS SPARKS Evitar a felicidade com medo de que ela acabe, é o melhor meio de se tornar infeliz. ALBERT EINSTEIN A vida no campo é assim: nos anos de abundância, quando chove muito e nas alturas certas, enchem-s... MIGUEL SOUSA TAVARES Resta-nos esclarecer a parte que nesse golfo fantástico cabe ao imaginário indireto, ou seja, o co... ITALO CALVINO A poesia traz grande beleza à vida, mas também uma grande tristeza, e não tenho a certeza se a tr... NICHOLAS SPARKS Mi vida estuvo siempre perturbada por una maraña de trampas, gambetas e ilusiones para burlar los i... GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ À medida que a mídia convencional tradicional é substituída por uma imprensa personalizada, a in... ANDREW KEEN - Escute mais isso. Por outro lado, forças jovens, frescas, sucumbem em vão por falta de apoio, e ... FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY Só é saudável em nós aquilo pelo que não somos especificamente nós mesmos: são nossas aversõ... EMIL M. CIORAN Nunca lo he considerado así, pero ahora tengo la impresión de que era inevitable que me ocurriera.... BANANA YOSHIMOTO Você não grita nem acorda. Não há terror, mesmo sendo aterrorizante: é assim que é. E pior ain... CAIO FERNANDO ABREU Mas uma vez o senhor me disse: "Que Deus a abençoe! Que Deus a perdoe!" E se foi capaz de me dizer ... CHARLES DICKENS É estranho como tudo pode voltar ao que era antes tão de repente quanto mudou originalmente. E qua... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Clark observa a actividade nocturna na pista, os aviões que estão parados à vinte anos, o reflexo... EMILY ST. JOHN MANDEL vermelha do sangue do rei. Os meus homens começavam a encher a sala atrás de mim. Os de Lannister ... GEORGE R.R. MARTIN Tanto os pastores como os marinheiros, ou os caixeiros-viajantes, sempre conheciam uma cidade onde h... PAULO COELHO La mujer nunca podrá encontrar un objeto que realmente colme sus expectativas, por la sencilla raz�... TOLSTOI Na solidão da noite, quase conseguia sentir a finitude da vida e como ela era preciosa. Nós damo-l... JOHN GROGAN O que é o desejo do nosso coração?" "A vingança," a voz dele era baixa, como se tivesse rec... GEORGE R.R. MARTIN …porque somos como elles; porque, bem como elles, nos persuadimos de que, varrendo todos os vestig... ALEXANDRE HERCULANO
More Rosa Lobato de Faria
Ah rapariga! feliz do homem que venha a merecer o teu amor. Com essa beleza toda e essa nuvem dentro... ROSA LOBATO DE FARIA The quarterly result errs on the sobering side as a result of the development in revenues, in partic... HERNANI DE FARIA This enables the drug to enter another indication with an innovative therapy. It's certainly got blo... HERNANI DE FARIA O pior da luta entre criados e patroas é que estas são compelidas a exigir o máximo, e as criadas... MONTEIRO LOBATO It's a misconception that men are the only ones who can do business on the golf course. We want to d... KATHY LOBATO A lot of women think they need to be a good golfer, but what they need to know are the rules and eti... KATHY LOBATO We want to introduce women to the game and keep them in the game for life, and for business as well. KATHY LOBATO We're not looking to leave Merced. We couldn't have done all this without the help of our family. BOBBI FARIA I guarantee that you won't see what you buy here on anyone else. BOBBI FARIA We've been in business for 8 years. BOBBI FARIA We've been one of the biggest traveling western stores in California. Now we want to expand in Merce... BOBBI FARIA Western wear is at its peak. I mix the traditional type of Western wear with what I call 'shabby chi... BOBBI FARIA She is very fond of him and he still holds a candle for her. You could say that the calls were of se... FARIA ALAM I guess some of this was brought on myself, my stupidity. I don't know if it was naivety. FARIA ALAM The knives are out. FARIA ALAM want to destroy him. FARIA ALAM master of the art of lovemaking. FARIA ALAM The whole world thinks I'm a slut and a whore. That's what I'm going to have to cope with for the re... FARIA ALAM Let's call him Sugar, he's very sweet and he's the coach. ... Sugar is brilliant, I've even told you... FARIA ALAM When it comes to actual light vehicle sales in North America through mid-November (2005), sales are ... ANTHONY FARIA GM has been cutting back on production for a while now and that has meant losses for Delphi. This co... ANTHONY FARIA I would be somewhat surprised to see them come to Windsor. ANTHONY FARIA They say if you come to Buenos Aires and you haven't danced tango, then you haven't been to Buenos A... EMILENE FARIA Various jurisdictional and legal issues in Delaware and in New Jersey still need to be resolved befo... ANTHONY FARIA Characteristics of a leader:
1. Servanthood
2. Discipleship
3. Obedience RYAN DE LA ROSA Don't let your fear, eat away at your dreams! God has not given you a spirit of fear! but a sound mi... RYAN DE LA ROSA Leaders: Focus on your "today", so it can benefit your "tomorrow." RYAN DE LA ROSA Young Leaders: your opportunity will come when it is given. Don't rush what's not perfected yet. RYAN DE LA ROSA Leaders don't make your message about you, but about Him. If you focus on the "me" you miss the mess... RYAN DE LA ROSA I've notice that when people receive a leadership title they automatically get this mindset of "I'm ... RYAN DE LA ROSA Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black. She has a knife, knife, knife, stuck... LAURIE FARIA STOLARZ You need to screw up to learn. You need to experience to create greatness. LAURIE FARIA STOLARZ Can you go cazy without knowing you're crazy? LAURIE FARIA STOLARZ People always say that I didn't give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn't true. I ... ROSA PARKS Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and,... ROSA PARKS I have never been what you would call just an integrationist. I know I've been called that... In... ROSA PARKS It was not pre-arranged. It just happened that the driver made a demand and I just didn't feel l... ROSA PARKS Why do you all push us around? ROSA PARKS My only concern was to get home after a hard day's work. ROSA PARKS Let us look at Jim Crow for the criminal he is and what he has done to one life multiplied millions ... ROSA PARKS I don't think well of people who are prejudiced against people because of race. The only way for... ROSA PARKS I have been refused entrance on the buses because I would not pay my fare at the front and go around... ROSA PARKS As far back as I can remember, I knew there was something wrong with our way of life when people cou... ROSA PARKS I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing wha... ROSA PARKS God has always given me the strength to say what is right. ROSA PARKS I'm tired of being treated like a second-class citizen. ROSA PARKS Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. ROSA LUXEMBURG Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, brain and spinal cord disorders, diabetes, cancer, at least 58 dis... ROSA DELAURO Whites would accuse you of causing trouble when all you were doing was acting like a normal human be... ROSA PARKS You spend your whole lifetime in your occupation, actually making life clever, easy and convenient f... ROSA PARKS The Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute accepts people of any race. We don't discriminate against a... ROSA PARKS There is just so much hurt, disappointment, and oppression one can take... The line between reason a... ROSA PARKS Work for legal reform takes place only within the framework of the social form created by the last r... ROSA LUXEMBURG I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free... so other people would be also fre... ROSA PARKS I had felt for a long time that, if I was ever told to get up so a white person could sit, that I wo... ROSA PARKS 1 month ago the American people stopped to remember the third anniversary of the beginning of the Ir... ROSA DELAURO Bourgeois class domination is undoubtedly an historical necessity, but, so too, the rising of the wo... ROSA LUXEMBURG Those who do not move, do not notice their chains. ROSA LUXEMBURG People finally understood that the role of the social-democratic party rests on its conscious leader... ROSA LUXEMBURG Time begins the healing process of wounds cut deeply by oppression. We soothe ourselves with the sal... ROSA PARKS But the suit I wear is my work attire, and nothing else. ROSA BONHEUR I was born 50 years after slavery, in 1913. I was allowed to read. My mother, who was a teacher, tau... ROSA PARKS At the time I was arrested I had no idea it would turn into this. It was just a day like any other d... ROSA PARKS I wear American Apparel jeans every day of my life. ROSA SALAZAR Credit reproduces all the fundamental antagonisms of the capitalist world. It accentuates them. It p... ROSA LUXEMBURG The masses are the decisive element, they are the rock on which the final victory of the revolution ... ROSA LUXEMBURG Expanding eligibility of family planning services to low-income women will maximize cost-savings to ... ROSA DELAURO The more that social democracy develops, grows, and becomes stronger, the more the enlightened masse... ROSA LUXEMBURG I believe that the issue of mental health services for our troops deploying or returning from combat... ROSA DELAURO Without general elections, without unrestricted freedom of press and assembly, without a free strugg... ROSA LUXEMBURG The only tired I was, was tired of giving in. ROSA PARKS Whatever my individual desires were to be free, I was not alone. There were many others who felt the... ROSA PARKS Our mistreatment was just not right, and I was tired of it. ROSA PARKS My only concern was to get home after a hard day's work. ROSA PARKS Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others. ROSA PARKS It was not pre-arranged. It just happened that the driver made and demand and I just didn't feel lik... ROSA PARKS I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and pro... ROSA PARKS I knew someone had to take the first step and I made up my mind not to move. ROSA PARKS I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what mu... ROSA PARKS I do the very best I can to look upon life with optimism and hope and looking forward to a better da... ROSA PARKS Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over... ROSA PARKS Each person must live their life as a model for others. ROSA PARKS It's very sad, very sad, ... He was just as close to me as if he was my own grandson, and I felt tha... ROSA PARKS Without general elections, without freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, wit... ROSA LUXEMBURG In it not easy to remain rational and normal mentally in such a setting where, even in our airport i... ROSA PARKS The Texas Energy Office's Loan Star Program has reduced building energy consumption and taxpayer... ROSA DELAURO President Kennedy understood the importance of equal pay for equal work and signed historic legislat... ROSA DELAURO Under the leaden sway of Alexander III's government, the silence of the graveyard prevailed. Rus... ROSA LUXEMBURG We are looking at our options. We are reviewing and looking at it more carefully now to ensure we're... BRAULIO ROSA Though foreign loans are indispensable for the emancipation of the rising capitalist states, they ar... ROSA LUXEMBURG Never accept criticism from a stranger , people with no skills at all, like to tell gifted artists h... PATRIK ROSA Our scribblings are usually not lyrics but whirrings, without colour or resonance, like the tone of ... ROSA LUXEMBURG I talked and talked of everything I know about the white man's inhuman treatment of the Negro. ROSA PARKS The epithets of imbeciles have never bothered me. ROSA BONHEUR No, ROSA PARKS I didn't want to. I didn't think I should have to. I didn't feel that it was the right thing for us ... ROSA PARKS You may do that, ROSA PARKS It's very sad, very sad, ROSA PARKS I heard that she sat down on the bus. That is all that I know. They don't tell you too much about th... ROSA PARKS People are exploiting it, ... We are very concerned about that. ROSA PARKS I'm tired of being treated like a second-class citizen. ROSA PARKS failing to obey the order of bus driver. ROSA PARKS I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free... and other people would be also fr... ROSA PARKS I do the very best I can to look upon life with optimism and hope and looking forward to a better da... ROSA PARKS I only knew that [as] I was being arrested it was the last time I would ever ride in humiliation of ... ROSA PARKS Mother Parks, take your rest. ROSA PARKS so that the citizens of the United States may pay their last respects to this great American. ROSA PARKS Victory or defeat? It is the slogan of all-powerful militarism in every belligerent nation. And yet,... ROSA PARKS Her act of civil disobedience, for which she was willing to pay the price to end the rein of terror,... ROSA PARKS Only through the conscious action of the working masses in city and country can it be brought to lif... ROSA LUXEMBURG While it is a truism to observe that if humans were angels, law would be unnecessary, we could equal... ROSA BROOKS Marxism is a revolutionary worldview that must always struggle for new revelations. ROSA LUXEMBURG There are so many loopholes in this bill, you could drive a truck through it. ROSA DELAURO I was just trying to let them know how I felt about being treated as a human being, ROSA PARKS the real reason of my not standing up was I felt that I had a right to be treated as any other passe... ROSA PARKS At the time I was arrested I had no idea it would turn into this, ... It was just a day like any oth... ROSA PARKS They look like big fuzzy patches to the unassisted eye. ROSA WILLIAMS Last week, the president suggested his tax cut will solve energy crisis. That is a bizarre and disco... ROSA DELAURO You treated her with deference because she was so quiet, so serene -- just a very special person, ROSA PARKS He pointed at me and said, 'that one won't stand up.' The two policemen came near me and only one sp... ROSA PARKS When they stood up and I stayed where I was, he asked me if I was going to stand and I told him that... ROSA PARKS The Rosa Parks Story. ROSA PARKS The Battle Hymn of the Republic. ROSA PARKS was that I was a person with dignity and self-respect, and I should not set my sights lower than any... ROSA PARKS The moral issue here is whether the United States Congress is going to stand in the way of science a... ROSA DELAURO .. the homemade wisdom of the parliamentary nursery: in order to carry anything, you must first have... ROSA LUXEMBURG The purpose is to provide residents with current and on-time information relative to town functions.... BRAULIO ROSA The town will continue to work with PAL to facilitate their operations. BRAULIO ROSA What we need now is kitchenware - pots and pans. ROSA BROOKS It can spread through local spread, through blood circulation, and through the lymphatic system. RHEA ROSA What do you want with these special Jewish pains? I feel as close to the wretched victims of the rub... ROSA LUXEMBURG Building relationships on a global scale requires putting human beings on the ground in regions all ... ROSA BROOKS Don't tell me about people. There's not a lot of people there. ROSA DURANDO Acme has overwhelmed both the refuge and stands in a position to continue overwhelming terrible wate... ROSA DURANDO It was the first time I've been invited in from the ground floor. ROSA DURANDO Addie did nothing different than her white counterparts have been doing for years. ROSA DURANDO The property was supposed to be maintained as a wetland. I'm angry. Peacock Pond is destroyed. And t... ROSA DURANDO If it's adjacent to a city's incorporated area, I have no problem. ROSA DURANDO There's a history to Peacock Pond. It was a very valuable conservation area. ROSA DURANDO We do everything together. I'm a homemaker and he's retired. It's not like we're in a contest agains... ROSA ELKINS Somewhere you draw a line in the sand ... unless you have an unspoken policy to keep moving it. ROSA DURANDO Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently ROSA LUXEMBURG Freedom is always freedom for the one who things differently. ROSA LUXEMBURG The high stage of world-industrial development in capitalistic production finds expression in the ex... ROSA LUXEMBURG All I was doing was trying to get home from work. ROSA PARKS The only tired I was, was tired of giving in, ROSA PARKS she stood up by sitting down. I'm only standing here because of her. ROSA PARKS Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit des Andersdenkenden Freedom is always, and exclusively, f... ROSA LUXEMBURG During the night two delegates of the railwaymen were arrested. The strikers immediately demanded th... ROSA LUXEMBURG Being human means throwing your whole life on the scales of destiny when need be, all the while rejo... ROSA LUXEMBURG The very action of the proletariat is a determining factor in history. And although we can no more j... ROSA LUXEMBURG Democracy is indispensable, not because it renders superfluous the conquest of political power by th... ROSA LUXEMBURG Social democracy... is only the advance guard of the proletariat, a small piece of the total working... ROSA LUXEMBURG History is the only true teacher, the revolution the best school for the proletariat. ROSA LUXEMBURG Between social reforms and revolution there exists for the social democracy an indissoluble tie. The... ROSA LUXEMBURG One day, when the world market is more or less fully developed and can no longer be suddenly enlarge... ROSA LUXEMBURG My point here is not that the Iraq War was a bad idea in the first place (though it certainly was). ... ROSA BROOKS The working classes in every country only learn to fight in the course of their struggles. ROSA LUXEMBURG The existing legal constitution is nothing but the product of a revolution. Revolution is the act of... ROSA LUXEMBURG I think this is important that this is coming before the council in an election season. DENNIS ROSA If we don't move forward, we're going to waste taxpayer dollars. DENNIS ROSA This seems like the prudent thing to do. Some of this may have been a surprise to some of us, but it... DENNIS ROSA This really is a continuation of the process, ... This is a very smart fiscal move. DENNIS ROSA Je parle de cette douleur qui est tellement grande qu'elle ne semble même pas naître à l'intérie... ROSA MONTERO The best proof of the high quality of American beef is the continued negative BSE findings supported... ROSA DELAURO Social democracy seeks and finds the ways, and particular slogans, of the workers' struggle only... ROSA LUXEMBURG I couldn't begin to tell you what terrible trigger for such insanity lies deep in my sub-conscious. ... ANGEL ROSA Socialism does not mean getting together in a parliament and passing laws, socialism means for us ov... ROSA LUXEMBURG Every time his lips meet mine, my whole body begins a slow tingle that starts from within in my ches... ALEX ROSA Every time his lips meet mine, my whole body begins a slow tingle that starts from within my chest, ... ALEX ROSA To be honest, she would have been trampled had she stuck around since people were jumping in front o... ERIN ROSA I learned to put my trust in God and to see Him as my strength. Long ago I set my mind to be a free ... ROSA PARKS ...And unpredictability can spread: one powerful outlier can pave the way for others, and as more st... ROSA BROOKS I want to burden the conscience of the affluent with all the suffering and all the hidden, bitter te... ROSA LUXEMBURG It has often been our best instincts, not our worst, that have led us to do harm in the world ROSA BROOKS An officer who speaks Spanish can't always be everywhere. It was a hit-or-miss thing. This way they ... ROSA GERRA Some people don't like to get down in the ditches. They just work on the surface. But she's just tha... ROSA WILLIAMS Love yourself as much as those love to hate you. ROSA M. BETANCES Heart beating off the roof. Legs are crumbling down. Soaked in tears. Mind is shutting down. In a st... ROSA M. BETANCES Where do you go when you go blank? Where do you go when the only thing that's living is your physica... ROSA M. BETANCES Everyone in this world is a main character of their own movie. Fighting evil and rooting for a happy... ROSA M. BETANCES To be true to yourself is the only way to break free from the lie you live. Remember, Living a lie i... ROSA M. BETANCES Your relationships with others shouldn't hinder the self. They should be an extension of the self, a... ROSA M. BETANCES Fuck it right; make me scream your name till sunrise. Free me with your long strokes. Ride my curves... ROSA M. BETANCES Good and evil are the key elements that make a human. ROSA M. BETANCES A man's ego is the world biggest enemy. It destroys everything. A man's ego is the cause of all wars... ROSA M. BETANCES To love him has been the easiest thing I have ever done, but to be love by him has been the hardest ... ROSA M. BETANCES Who I am is within my eyes and what you see is through my eyes. ROSA M. BETANCES Rosa, what does freedom mean to you? It means to be content no matter where I am in life, to enjoy e... ROSA M. BETANCES Life is not really what it seems like at times; what you see, hear, read or even taste isn't really ... ROSA M. BETANCES I sometimes think that I don't have a purpose in this world. I am simply useless and wanderin... GINGER AND ROSA Love so wrong that it can break walls of souls, love so wrong that it can put me behind walls, love ... ROSA M. BETANCES You were like a blank piece of paper, sitting there; lonely, empty, lifeless, and soulless. Until li... ROSA M. BETANCES There has to be some level of narcissism for one to willingly and actively be on social media or any... ROSA M. BETANCES I feel a great war is coming our way, one that no one would be prepare for. I remember as a kid read... ROSA M. BETANCES No matter what I do and say people’s perception of life will make them miss my point; who I am as ... ROSA M. BETANCES You need to ride these curves to get to my fountain of love ROSA M. BETANCES How I wish that the world can feel beauty instead of seeing it. For seeing beauty is not nearly as e... ROSA M. BETANCES racism and equality has only been painted on, it hasn't been erase. ROSA M. BETANCES its always so easy to be beat down by the bad in a situation that we forget the good the brought us ... ROSA M. BETANCES