Now the Forest Service and BLM must stop avoiding their legal responsibilities and get to work implementing the Forest Plan, so at least minimal protections are in place for ancient forests, salmon, wildlife and clean drinking water.
Doug Heiken
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We don't have the details but we can be outraged in general.
— Doug Heiken
We read the rules and they clearly require the BLM to prepare a full environmental impact statement and include the public in these processes. The BLM is simply trying to intimidate the public and prevent citizens from enforcing the law and protecting their public forest.
— Doug Heiken
They made a promise to protect species by doing surveys back in 1994 and they've known about it all along, but they've delayed and delayed and delayed and we are not going to let them get away with ignoring their responsibility to protect our ancient forests and the species that depend on them.
— Doug Heiken
The maintenance building serves a need, but not the higher need the social service groups can provide to the people in that neighborhood.
— Doug Kupper
Social service
They'd start playing at 2 a.m.. And they'd gather at 6 a.m. for service.
— Doug Ludlum