Now that you’re old, cut yourself some slack, would you?
Let yourself off the hook.
Give yourself a break.
You don’t have to do it all anymore. Take it easy for a change.
It’s OK with the rest of the world. So why not you?
For the first time in your life, do what you want.
Not what everyone else thinks you should.
Not what you think everyone else thinks you should.
Do what you want.
Excuse yourself. Say no. Back out. Beg off. Stay home. Take a rain check. Take a nap. Watch the ball game on TV.
Anything but what you’d rather not do but feel you have to for everyone else's sake but your own. And then feel bad about having done it. That's plain wrong.
And ask for some help when you need it: 'It’s too heavy.' 'It's too far.' Too near. Too cold. Too hot. Too bright. Too dark.
It's OK because there's always going to be something you need help with anymore.
And be grateful for the helping hand. You'll find more and more people extend one to you these days. Whatever the reason for accepting you’ve got the best excuse in the world. The only one you’ll ever need: