Not every day is awful.
Not every day is good.
Despite the way the hours pass
I’m living like I should.

Not every day is all wrong.
Not every day is right.
At least I’m not a spider
trying to scamper out of sight.

Not every day is ideal.
Not every day is bad.
At any rate I have my senses
even if they’re mad.

Not every day is happy.
Not every day is glum.
When sadness drags me in the dumps
A simple tune I hum.

Not every day I smile.
Not every day I frown.
With effort, I can take a scowl
and turn it upside down.

Not every day is crazy.
Not every day is sane.
If consequence nips at my heels
I don’t pass on the blame.

Not every day is giddy.
Not every day is blah.
Yet I can still appreciate
a giggle and guffaw.

Not every day is timid.
Not every day is proud.
I may not be a dragon
but I roar about as loud.

Not every day has rainbows.
Not every day has rain.
Despite the fact I’m stiff and sore,
I’m not in chronic pain.

On every day the sun shines,
so every night I pray
that I might see the morning light
and live another day.