No quiero que hagan lo que yo quiero, solo quiero que me den lo que deseo
Ed Hernandez
Realmente no lo entiendes, ¿verdad?. No quiero tener todo lo que deseo. Nadie lo quiere, no de verd...
NEIL GAIMAN Cierra los ojos- me dijo- Voy a prometerte cosas y no quiero que veas lo mucho que las deseo.
ELíSABET BENAVENT Realmente no lo entiendes, ¿verdad? —repuso—. No quiero tener todo lo que deseo. Nadie lo quier...
NEIL GAIMAN Así pues, ¿qué deseo? ¿Algo que no sé si quiero? ¿A alguien que no sé si me conviene? ¿A alg...
STEPHANIE PERKINS Quiero lo que somos cuando estamos juntos. Amo lo que creo que podríamos llegar a ser.
NORA ROBERTS Yo no soy tan fuerte. A mi me importa que me entiendan. Hay personas a quienes quiero comprender y q...
HARUKI MURAKAMI ¿Sabes por qué te quiero? No sabía que estaba perdido hasta que me encontraste. No sabía lo solo...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Quiero llegar hasta donde pueda empleando todas mis fuerzas. Tomando lo que quiero, dejando lo que n...
HARUKI MURAKAMI ... me paso tanto tiempo esforzándome para no decepcionar a la gente… Y qué pasa con lo que yo q...
ELIZABETH EULBERG Sólo quiero que se haga justicia. Nada más. En toda mi vida he pensado que lo que quería era veng...
CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN Cuando yo muera quiero tus manos en mi ojos:
quiero la luz y el trigo de tus manos amadas
PABLO NERUDA -Te quiero -añadió él-. ¿Sabes cuánto te quiero?
- Más que todos los peces del mar juntos...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos
PABLO NERUDA Quiero vivir antes de morir. Es lo único que tiene sentido
JENNY DOWNHAM Quiero hacer contigo
Lo que primavera hace con los cerazos
PABLO NERUDA Además no es tan malo vivir solo. Yo la paso bien, decidiendo a cada instante lo que quiero hacer, ...
FACUNDO CABRAL -Quieren conocerte Katniss!
-Es que no quiero quue me conozcan! Ya mme han quitado el futuro! N...
SUZANNE COLLINS ¿Por qué me lo cuentas ahora?
-Porque no quiero que olvides lo distintas que son nuestras cir...
SUZANNE COLLINS -Me has dicho que no dura, que desear ser feliz nunca dura. Así que lo que me haría sentir complet...
JACKSON PEARCE Por favor, no te enfades conmigo los días en que no te reconozca. Los dos sabemos que llegarán. Pi...
NICHOLAS SPARKS El "pero" es la palabra más puta que conozco -. "te quiero, pero..."; "podría ser, pero..."; "no e...
EDUARDO SACHERI Quiero demostrarle que no me hace falta pedir un deseo para formar parte de nada. Aquí estoy yo y m...
JACKSON PEARCE Es preciosa. No te cansas de mirarla. No tienes que preocuparte de si es más inteligente que tú, p...
JOHN GREEN Cuando me besas, Gwendolyn Shepherd, es como si perdiera el contacto con el suelo. No tengo ni idea ...
KERSTIN GIER Lo que me dijiste no cambió mi manera de pensar y te repito que me encantaría ser el compañero de...
LAURA ESQUIVEL Quiero que [mi hijo] conozca el secreto de la felicidad, algo tan sencillo que da la impresión de q...
JAMES RHODES Sabes que siempre voy a estar aquí para animarte. Estoy tan orgullosa de ti que quiero que sepas qu...
LARA A. SERODIO —Dijiste que harías lo que fuera por mi.
—Yo moriría por ti, pero si me pides que lo hag...
LOLO MAYAYA -Todo lo que he hecho en este año de la expiación ha terminado por dejar atrás sólo cenizas. As�...
PATRICK GLEASON No hay pecas suficientes para todos los «te quiero» que siento cada vez que te miro. Treinta y tre...
ALICE KELLEN Quiero que sepas que, cuando este muerta, suspirare desde el cielo cada vez que pidas a alguien que ...
JOHN GREEN Cuántas palabras, sólo para decir que no quiero parecer patético.
MARIO BENEDETTI El corazón siempre gana a la razón. El corazón, a pesar de ser insensato y suicida y masoquista p...
J.A. REDMERSKI Quiero hacer contigoLo que primavera hace con los cerazos
PABLO NERUDA Todo lo que ves no es cierto, pero todo lo que sientes hace que sea cierto lo que ves
ED HERNANDEZ Aquí están todos los sitios a los que hemos ido. Y todos los sitios a los que iremos. Y estoy yo, ...
JOHN GREEN Te quiero, Allie. Soy quien soy gracias a ti. Tú eres todas mis razones, todas mis esperanzas y tod...
NICHOLAS SPARKS -No puedo vivir sin ti
-Sí que puedes.
-Puedo pero no quiero
ALBERT ESPINOSA —Si alguna mujé blanca lee algún día mi historia, sólo quiero que recuerde esto: que dar las g...
LORINDA MONRREAL Y la moraleja de esta historia es que no recuerdas lo que pasó. Lo que recuerdas se convierte en lo...
JOHN GREEN ¿Qué más? Es preciosa. No te cansas de mirarla. No tienes que preocuparte de si es más inteligen...
JOHN GREEN «No es que te esté dando órdenes, sino que quiero probar la sinceridad de tu amor en comparación...
NICHOLAS SPARKS …debes darte cuenta de que nos hemos pasado la vida desde pequeños respondiendo a la pregunta ‘...
ALBERT ESPINOSA Pero diré esto: Cuando los científicos del futuro aparezcan en mi casa con ojos robot y me digan q...
JOHN GREEN Lo que quiero conseguir del curso en la universidad es algún conocimiento sobre la mejor manera de ...
L.M. MONTGOMERY No es necesario decir todo lo que se piensa; lo que sí es necesario es pensar todo lo que se dice.
QUINO No sabía lo que iba a pasar, pero sería mejor que lo que dejaba atrás. - Harry Potter
J.K. ROWLING No puedo hablar de nuestra historia de amor, así que hablaré de matemáticas. No soy matemática, ...
JOHN GREEN —Quiero que me ames—dije mirándolo a los ojos ignorando a los curiosos que se encontraban alred...
LOLO MAYAYA Viendo toda esta armonía del cosmos que yo, con mi mente humana limitada, puedo reconocer, todavía...
ALBERT EINSTEIN Que el lodo sea mi heredero, quiero crecer del pasto que amo;
Si quieres encontrarte conmigo, ...
JOHN GREEN Escribimos lo que somos y somos lo que leemos
JULIA ORTEGA Todo lo que sabemos del amor es que el amor es todo lo que hay.
EMILY DICKINSON Quizás yo no soy muy inteligente. Pertenezco al pueblo. Pero ¿no es el pueblo el que hace funciona...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Quería que lo llamara. Quería que lo echara de menos.
JOHN GREEN Dolor y muerte. Dos palabras que podrían resumir lo que ocurrió en Hollow Hallows a finales de su ...
CARLOS J. EGUREN Algunas cosas las olvidas, no? Olvidas lo que quieres recordar y recuerdas lo que quieres olvidar.
CORMAC MCCARTHY Creo que a veces no sentimos todo lo que somos, pero los demás sí lo notan.
KRISTIN CASHORE Creo que si alguna vez tengo hijos y están disgustados, no les diré que la gente se muere de hambr...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Cualquier cosa que me recuerde a ti, me entristece tanto que no lo puedo soportar.
ORHAN PAMUK Es bueno que las personas signifiquen algo para ti, que las eches de menos cuando no están. Yo no e...
JOHN GREEN No hay medicina que no cure lo que no cura la felicidad.
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Cuando pensaba en él muriendo, que admito que no ha sido muchas veces, siempre pensaba en lo que di...
JOHN GREEN Si miramos el fuego es porque parpadea, porque resplandece. Lo que atrae nuestra mirada es la luz, p...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Pero diré esto: Cuando los científicos del futuro aparezcan en mi casa con ojos robot y me digan q...
JOHN GREEN Lo esperado no sucede. Es lo inesperado lo que acontece.
ERNESTO SABATO Lo que sabemos es una gota de agua; lo que ignoramos es un océano.
ISAAC NEWTON Dijo que a una chica como Mary Elizabeth no deberías decirle que está guapa. Deberías decirle lo ...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Alguien dice que no le he enseñado nada que pueda recordar. Aún no puede comprender que eso es pre...
IDRIES SHAH Estamos constantemente al borde de lo incognoscible, e intentando entender lo que no puede ser enten...
ISAAC ASIMOV De lo que hemos dicho se desprende que la tarea del poeta es describir no lo que ha
ARISTOTLE Y, entonces, en ese instante que tan solo dura un segundo, el cerebro se encarga de abrir la cerradu...
AUDREY DRY El que tiene fe en sí mismo no necesita que los demás crean en él.
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO lo que allá abajo llamábamos amor era sobre todo el deseo afanoso de ser amados.
C.S. LEWIS Quiero tanto a mi madre... No me importa si es cursi decirlo. Creo que en mi próximo cumpleaños vo...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY A veces una mirada hacia atrás vale más que una hacia adelante, eres lo que has vivido, y serás p...
ED HERNANDEZ Toma de la vida todo lo que te dé, sea lo que sea, siempre que te interese y te pueda dar cierto pl...
DIEGO RIVERA Tal como tu padre diría, hay ciertas cosas que no se solucionan con un "Lo siento". Algunas heridas...
SHERRILYN KENYON Es mejor que alguien busque en ti, lo que tú quieres que busquen de ti
ED HERNANDEZ —¿Y qué ocurre cuando uno muere?
—Tampoco yo lo sé.
—Entonces, ¿por qué tener m...
MATTHEW DICKS He luchado en vano. Ya no quiero hacerlo. Me resulta imposible contener mis sentimientos. Permítame...
JANE AUSTEN —No puedo hablar sobre nuestra historia de amor, así que hablaré sobre matemáticas. No soy una ...
JOHN GREEN Es una mera ficción eso de que no existe un puente de unión entre una y otra gente, y que todos vi...
HERMANN HESSE Es mucho más fácil no saber las cosas algunas veces. Las cosas cambian. Los amigos se van. Y la vi...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Cada quien es lo que es, por lo que la vida le haya hecho ver y aprender
ED HERNANDEZ Sólo un recelo chiquito y fastidioso, como el grano de tierra que en un ojo se nos mete y nos hace ...
BENITO PéREZ GALDóS Lo que menos me gusta es la gente, y lo que más me gusta son las personas (y la yuca, al mismo nive...
REMATE Te cuento lo que no me gusta: desde aquí no se ve el óxido, la pintura cayéndose y todo eso, pero...
JOHN GREEN No importa si no te entienden, lo que importa es que tengas el valor de decirlo.
JACKSON PEARCE No hables nunca de lo que no te importe, si no, oirás cosas que no te gusten.
ANONYMOUS —Yo... no... quiero —
J.K. ROWLING La felicidad no consiste en conseguir aquello de lo que careces y anhelas sino en aprender a saber v...
CARLOS J. CUEVAS Es muy importante porque indica que queremos trabajar juntos en el proyecto, seguir dando una buena ...
FRANK RIJKAARD No necesitas la religión para tener moral. Si no puedes diferenciar lo que está bien de lo que est...
IGNACIO NOVO No hay razón para estar enfadado. La ira solo distrae la tristeza que lo abarca, el sincero conocim...
JOHN GREEN El universo conspira a favor de los que lo mueven. Y ésos son los que lo paran. ¿Tú quieres mover...
ALBERT ESPINOSA Es como saber que eres el centro, lo único que él ve, que solo te ve a ti. Y eso es tan tierno y e...
NORA ROBERTS Merece lo que sueñas.
OCTAVIO PAZ Jace no soportaba que otras personas se preocuparan por èl. Le hacía pensar que tal vez hubiera al...
More Ed Hernandez
hay muchas cosas que le dan sentido a la vida en las que podríamos encontrar la felicidad que tanto...
ED HERNANDEZ Es mejor que alguien busque en ti, lo que tú quieres que busquen de ti
ED HERNANDEZ La vida la empezamos a entender, cuando ya todo empieza a suceder
ED HERNANDEZ No importa que hoy no sea como quieras, mañana lo será y te importará
ED HERNANDEZ A veces una mirada hacia atrás vale más que una hacia adelante, eres lo que has vivido, y serás p...
ED HERNANDEZ Las grandes cosas, los grandes momentos, dejan a veces grandes vacios; las pequeñas cosas, los pequ...
ED HERNANDEZ Solo me basta soñar e ilusionarme para ser feliz
ED HERNANDEZ Piensa en eso, en eso que perdiste y quieres volver a tener, en eso que fuiste, eres y quieres ser, ...
ED HERNANDEZ Siempre nos cuestionamos la vida con mil preguntas que quizás no tienen una respuesta, pero ¿Por q...
ED HERNANDEZ La alegría se da por un momento, la felicidad se da por muchos momentos de alegría
ED HERNANDEZ Todo lo que ves no es cierto, pero todo lo que sientes hace que sea cierto lo que ves
ED HERNANDEZ Cada quien es lo que es, por lo que la vida le haya hecho ver y aprender
ED HERNANDEZ Las personas realmente inteligentes, son aquellas que pueden hablar de cualquier tema y, entre esos ...
ED HERNANDEZ I always felt I was living in two worlds. One was the Mexican world, because nearly everybody I knew...
GILBERT HERNANDEZ In '05, '06, '07 and '08, I wasn't throwing any changeups at all. Maybe two or t...
FELIX HERNANDEZ I'm going to say this - to the people in Seattle, to all the people in Seattle that trust me, th...
FELIX HERNANDEZ Every year, you have to keep adjusting. I'm 28; I'm not 19 anymore. You have to work harder ...
FELIX HERNANDEZ When you work somewhere and you feel comfortable, you don't want to leave. You want to stay ther...
FELIX HERNANDEZ I can't say anything I don't love about Seattle.
FELIX HERNANDEZ I'm kind of lax about hair in general. I stopped shaving my armpits in part to experiment with p...
CALLIE HERNANDEZ My dad was a holistic doctor, so putting good things into my body has always been something I've...
CALLIE HERNANDEZ When I'm doing my makeup, my favorite feature to enhance is the brows. They frame your face - go...
CALLIE HERNANDEZ Before I became an actress, I was a cellist. I've been playing since I was 14, was in a lot of b...
CALLIE HERNANDEZ Since I started acting, I had to quit a lot of bad habits. I've tried to stop biting my nails, b...
CALLIE HERNANDEZ Don't belive what others tell you. You belive in what you belive; there is nothing better.
LYNDA HERNANDEZ A lot of art and visual crafts are based on appropriating things.
LAZARO HERNANDEZ Most of (the protests) are immigrant-driven marches. That's why you haven't had any big ones in San ...
ANDY HERNANDEZ The importance of the marches are they create political consciousness.
ANDY HERNANDEZ I think former Councilman Barrera has strong penetration in the West Side precincts of that district...
ANDY HERNANDEZ If you start with the assumption that people go to church to steal from the offering plate, you'd ma...
ANDY HERNANDEZ That is only one issue, and that's not enough.
ANDY HERNANDEZ Both sides (of the debate) believe they have something to defend.
ANDY HERNANDEZ He never really got traction on the central message that Paul Elizondo has to be replaced.
ANDY HERNANDEZ Many of our graduating students are in vocational programs that focus on preparing for direct employ...
ANDREA HERNANDEZ There are many people like us, who come here to work, to try to give our children a better life than...
ANDREA HERNANDEZ The whole show is going to be awesome.
ANDREA HERNANDEZ It felt like it was personal. I came out and made it personal.
ANDREA HERNANDEZ If he comes and they send me to Triple-A, I'll go because that's their decision. I try to play my ga...
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ Defensively I feel good, that's what they want me to do. But my offense, I don't have many hits.
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ We make mistakes. We're human.
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ I want the opportunity. I'm going to try to do my best. I don't want [Matsui] to get hurt. If he fee...
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ I don't want him to be hurt. But, if I play the way I am capable of, I can do the job.
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ I think I've got a chance.
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ I feel comfortable at short, but if they tell me to play at second, that's where I'm going to play. ...
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ You never know. I could handle shortstop. I've been there all my life. If I had to, I could.
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ I played against major leaguers all winter. I know I can play against them now.
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ This is just the beginning, there are five games left and this isn't the time to think that (the tit...
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ What I miss most about Mexico isn't the food or the customs; it's my family and the way we...
JAVIER HERNANDEZ You never know what's going to happen the rest of the way. You can't predict. You don't ...
KEITH HERNANDEZ Every day, when you walk out the door, you're worried because you don't have papers.
ALFREDO HERNANDEZ We have to start with the basic rules. There has to be zero tolerance.
ALFREDO HERNANDEZ The point is to make them understand.
ALFREDO HERNANDEZ It's the beginning of a culture of legality.
ALFREDO HERNANDEZ Its really exciting just to think about. Were going to have 32 premier programs playing right here, ...
ALEX HERNANDEZ But at the same time, I realize how lucky we were to escape with a tie. John made some big-time save...
ALEX HERNANDEZ The one good thing is that we were able to tie the game up playing a man down,
ALEX HERNANDEZ We showed signs in the beginning of the game, but then we panicked at times. We didnt execute things...
ALEX HERNANDEZ I dont know what was wrong with us. Either we were nervous or were just not that good.
ALEX HERNANDEZ to enforce the rules.
ALEX HERNANDEZ That was a tough loss for us to take, ... But our victory in the third-place game against New Trier ...
ALEX HERNANDEZ Despite an unfortunate loss to Wheaton South, we played solid soccer throughout the tournamentinclud...
ALEX HERNANDEZ To finish third out of 32 teams is a great accomplishment for our kids, program and coaching staff, ...
ALEX HERNANDEZ I don't know what happened, ... Every thing seemed to be going well, but Wilson was just too fast.
ALEX HERNANDEZ I don't want to be just an average guy. I want to do whatever possible to win a lot of games. I&...
FELIX HERNANDEZ My two biggest influences are Archie comics and Dennis the Menace.
GILBERT HERNANDEZ We are a big family; we are all very close, and we always want to talk about what is going on with e...
JAVIER HERNANDEZ He's the one who called it in so we were on the scene right away.
BOBBY HERNANDEZ That is a possibility, it's one of the things we're looking at.
BOBBY HERNANDEZ There might have been an accidental discharge or it could have been a hit-type of incident.
BOBBY HERNANDEZ We have no information on who did it or why, and (we) are investigating.
BOBBY HERNANDEZ We don't have any physical description. We don't know how many subjects were involved, which is mind...
BOBBY HERNANDEZ We are interviewing all the witnesses we can to hopefully develop a composite.
BOBBY HERNANDEZ He refused several orders to get out of the street, and he was arrested.
BOBBY HERNANDEZ We're appealing to anyone who was there and might have seen something to call investigators, so that...
BOBBY HERNANDEZ He didn't see anything, he got shot from behind. He fell to the ground.
BOBBY HERNANDEZ Unfortunately for him or her, had they stopped at the accident scene, they weren't the at-fault pers...
BOBBY HERNANDEZ It wasn't until I started to do 'Poison River' that the readership started falling. '...
GILBERT HERNANDEZ It's tough to lose a game like this. We played great, but our inexperience got the best of us at the...
CARLOS HERNANDEZ He has all the tools. For everybody, if they're consistent and do the job right and have all the too...
CARLOS HERNANDEZ We certainly designed it not to cause any additional flooding upstream. But then again, this is prob...
CARLOS HERNANDEZ As you start developing and making improvements upstream, at some point you're probably going to wan...
CARLOS HERNANDEZ Wind has had tremendous success. We were thrilled to hear that they will take their service to a new...
CARLOS HERNANDEZ I was concentrating the whole game, like I always do when I'm going to face a team I've never faced ...
CARLOS HERNANDEZ I thought a lot about that (Wednesday) night, thinking about pitching to the Yankees. It was just li...
CARLOS HERNANDEZ I grew up being really insecure and dumped on, over-feeling certain things in a negative way. So I t...
GILBERT HERNANDEZ When you're young you don't know anything, but you have lot of energy to express yourself. S...
GILBERT HERNANDEZ I didn't want the school to come off as asking little childish questions. Everyone wanted it to be v...
DAISY HERNANDEZ This guy seems to think that unless you have a certain way of thinking, you don't belong here,
DANIEL HERNANDEZ [Daniel Hernandez had always felt intimidated by both the machinery and people at his gym. He needed...
DANIEL HERNANDEZ This is a significant delivery at our new facility because it signals not only the beginning of UAV ...
CHRIS HERNANDEZ I happen to think Latinas, Latin women, are the most beautiful women in the world. So that's wha...
GILBERT HERNANDEZ I was going to get up and go to restroom and heard shots and woke up and looked out the window and d...
NANCY HERNANDEZ Boaters, particularly those unfamiliar with our local waters and their aggressive tides, can get int...
EMILIO HERNANDEZ I'm done with any visits, this is it. It's over.
AARON HERNANDEZ He was upset because he thought I was going there and I did give him my word on that.
AARON HERNANDEZ I had a great time.
AARON HERNANDEZ Never leave your back uncovered. That's the best way to get killed.
MICHAEL HERNANDEZ This is the materialization of the friendship and relationship that is everyday for us on the border...
DANIEL HERNANDEZ Who is the girl in the dugout, with the long hair?
KEITH HERNANDEZ It was good team defense. We didn't play well against Liberty and needed to get better.
ANTHONY HERNANDEZ They say it's graffiti; that's not graffiti,
DANIEL HERNANDEZ I can be OK, then the next thing I know my arms get shaky or I can walk and my legs get frozen.
REYES HERNANDEZ I have to get a feel for knowing these guys. I'm not that brilliant of a coach, I'll be the first to...
CHUCK HERNANDEZ When he tried to stand up, it was like his feet were frozen to the floor.
ANITA HERNANDEZ It was like love at first glance, electric.
ANTHONY HERNANDEZ There have been times when I was afraid to shoot, but this time I had no one within eight feet of me...
ANTHONY HERNANDEZ Money's a major concern right now. This blew the whole thing out of the water.
ANTHONY HERNANDEZ Maybe they were drunk. I see them all the time, they're always drinking.
ANTONIO HERNANDEZ They come in and sleep sometimes. Yesterday there were five sleeping right there, all men.
ANTONIO HERNANDEZ The homeless people they come and sleep inside.
ANTONIO HERNANDEZ Igor stood up and took a stance. I guess the pit bulls took it as a threat and came running at him a...
ARLENE HERNANDEZ He usually stays in the backyard, but if we are doing yard work and the weather is nice, we let him ...
ARLENE HERNANDEZ People love to beat up on the poor umpire. It's like its own sport.
ART HERNANDEZ If customer feedback from our transactional survey is extremely good, Mike will celebrate customer s...
ART HERNANDEZ One thing we have to offer in the hiring process, especially in customer support, is the opportunity...
ART HERNANDEZ We're constantly assessing their needs and communicating with them. Our employees know that their vo...
ART HERNANDEZ When you're worrying about all this stuff, the last thing you want to worry about is a coach yelling...
ART HERNANDEZ Being able to talk to different groups of people from different backgrounds about the major news iss...
ANGELA HERNANDEZ I was very honored to receive the award. I would never have expected it.
ANGELA HERNANDEZ They were so chubby and I'd carry them. Oh, they were so cute.
ANGELA HERNANDEZ The greenery, new lights, architecture and promising stores will all be a nice upgrade for the commu...
ANGEL HERNANDEZ If Cuba wins, Fidel wins. I hope Japan wins.
ANGEL HERNANDEZ I'm trying to win one in a fundraiser.
ANGEL HERNANDEZ I threw every pitch I have. The Dodgers are a good hitting team.
ORLANDO HERNANDEZ The ambassador will continue to travel in Venezuela. We will not be intimidated.
SALOME HERNANDEZ To the best of our knowledge, Ambassador Brownfield has not met with these people. The ambassador me...
SALOME HERNANDEZ We have resolved our basic difference and we hope to be able to sign a new deal soon.
SALOME HERNANDEZ We have resolved our basic differences and we hope that we will be able to sign soon.
SALOME HERNANDEZ I imagine that Elian and his family must be very happy that they have now returned to daily Cuban fa...
AYMEE HERNANDEZ If it is approved, it will only raise more obstacles for clean and unconditional trade between Cuba ...
AYMEE HERNANDEZ Comrade Fidel sent a message congratulating Fox on his success. I know it arrived and was delivered ...
AYMEE HERNANDEZ It means a lot. The Big Ten's a tough tournament and going to nationals as a freshman, it's real big...
ANDRAE HERNANDEZ I was just here a year before watching, so I know this is a big tournament.
ANDRAE HERNANDEZ I'm happy I placed, but overall my performance could have been a little bit better. This is a really...
ANDRAE HERNANDEZ Yeah, I think I have a chance. I'll do whatever they want me to. I'll be ready.
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ I think I've got a chance. We compete for the position, now he's hurt. Whatever they want me to do I...
ANDERSON HERNANDEZ The Tom Strong thing was totally for the money. I plan to get looser after I finish this Maggie saga...
JAIME HERNANDEZ I have fun, but I think about the games. But, I don't think I obsess about it.
FELIX HERNANDEZ I tried to throw my breaking ball, but nothing seemed to work, so I was behind in the count a lot. A...
FELIX HERNANDEZ It was really important to me. It would have been my first major league complete game. It didn't hap...
FELIX HERNANDEZ It was an honor to be on the same field with Randy.
FELIX HERNANDEZ It was a tough play, so I don't feel like it was an error.
FELIX HERNANDEZ My age doesn't matter. I'm a good pitcher. Once I'm on my game, I can't fail.
FELIX HERNANDEZ The whole world can hit a fastball if it's in the right place. I just try to change it up.
FELIX HERNANDEZ They were the first ones to offer me a contract. I just wanted to hear from other teams. It was my d...
FELIX HERNANDEZ They are like any other team. I just try to do my job.
FELIX HERNANDEZ Today was one of those days. Nothing really seemed to work. It was a bad game.
FELIX HERNANDEZ I've had that situation in high school a few times and I've been pretty successful.
CHRIS HERNANDEZ Careless turnovers were a factor and the shots weren't falling as much.
CHRIS HERNANDEZ I think we made some careless turnovers. We were getting good shots, but they were not going down.
CHRIS HERNANDEZ He had the feeling. Just give him the ball when he's like that. And we kept feeding it to him.
CHRIS HERNANDEZ I'm going to be a rock star.
CHRIS HERNANDEZ We've played better at home generally, but I don't think we've played this well consistently all sea...
CHRIS HERNANDEZ The guy was way off me, when I get a look like that, I got to let it go.
CHRIS HERNANDEZ Every time I shoot, I tell myself they're all good. When I got a good look I had to put it up.
CHRIS HERNANDEZ Best thing that's happened this year? Maybe Hostel. It was a great experience. I loved it.
JAY HERNANDEZ I stand by those statements. I think this is a man's game and I feel very strongly about it. And if ...
KEITH HERNANDEZ We get lazy and complacent and just don't want to do it because it's not our priority. Well, look at...
JOHN HERNANDEZ When I was in the bullpen, I felt good, ... And I said, 'Let's see what happens in the game.'
LIVAN HERNANDEZ We're veering away from being a denim and shirt company. We're aiming to be a bit more couture.
DANIEL HERNANDEZ I really think this town is ready to embrace this team like they did the one in '86. It's early, but...
KEITH HERNANDEZ I won't say that women belong in the kitchen, but they don't belong in the dugout.
KEITH HERNANDEZ If we do not get rid of (Chavez), we are going to have another Cuba here.
CARMEN HERNANDEZ My reaction as a voter is to reach Hispanic voters in his district and get them to vote against him.
DAVID HERNANDEZ It's a hell of a deal. It's fantastic,
DAVID HERNANDEZ I think she struck me as being a little overwhelmed,
DAVID HERNANDEZ Frontier is trying to work with us and they have been very responsive to our situation.
DAVID HERNANDEZ The Afghan people in the city live in something like mud houses, ... If they live out in the country...
DAVID HERNANDEZ You don't see too many women and when you do, they're all covered up,
DAVID HERNANDEZ We want to go for gold. We don't just want to be a clothes company. Look at Versace and Armani.
DANIEL HERNANDEZ Now he's more relaxed. His walk is back. We danced on December 3, and that had been five years since...
ANITA HERNANDEZ rifle on their backs, pistol on their hips, sweat on their brows, dust all over their faces, not kno...
PEDRO HERNANDEZ Naomi made a difficult decision due to a series of personal problems to leave her home and her famil...
DAVE HERNANDEZ We'd rather be steady early on and get that much better as the season goes on, instead of being so l...
CHRIS HERNANDEZ We hit the post and missed a couple easy opportunities. Give [Lincoln-Way Central] credit. They scor...
ALEX HERNANDEZ One of the 10 commandments... "Do not commit adultery". Anyone who looks at a woman/man lustfully ha...
MHAE HERNANDEZ I think every national team has the same possibilities to win the World Cup.
JAVIER HERNANDEZ I didn't make plays. They did a good job of rotating and doubling and mixing it up and we just didn'...
CHRIS HERNANDEZ It was just two guys fighting for the ball. He caught me with his elbow at one point but it's no big...
DANIEL HERNANDEZ There's three good players in the middle, and I feel confident in the middle having such good guys n...
DANIEL HERNANDEZ We know what it is like to be on the other side of this,
DANIEL HERNANDEZ Ninety-nine-point-nine percent of people abide by the regulations. But there have been occasions whe...
DANIEL HERNANDEZ Nicol said to The Boston Globe. ''This is a tough place to get a game. But things happen and he has ...
DANIEL HERNANDEZ But you know what? They produced 15 Aggie graduates.
DANIEL HERNANDEZ To us that was the last straw and we started attending City Council meetings asking the officials an...
DAVID HERNANDEZ It's was awkward last year. This year it's more down to business.
CHRIS HERNANDEZ The flames started coming out of that window over there, and the guy came out and started yelling th...
DANIEL HERNANDEZ Everybody knows this lineup is good. When you're on the mound, you know that this team is going to s...
LIVAN HERNANDEZ Rudy has a great slider and changeup to go with that fastball, ... He did a great job pitching to Bo...
RAMON HERNANDEZ We hugged, and jumped up and down.
ELIZABETH HERNANDEZ I haven't the slightest idea who he is.
ROBERT HERNANDEZ Rafael Chaves called me, but not Hugo Chavez.
FELIX HERNANDEZ Women are secluded. All you see is mostly just males. The only time I've seen women is when we're fl...
DAVID HERNANDEZ Sure, you have mixed emotions. I've been here a long time and I wanted to see this thing through. I ...
CHUCK HERNANDEZ His man had come out on me and the defense was rotating the big man back on Lawrence. So I hit Lawre...
CHRIS HERNANDEZ To be able to come back and tie the game late playing a man down was huge for us. I don't know what ...
ALEX HERNANDEZ These girls are amazing, and they gave everything they had ... I really appreciate that.
CAROLINA HERNANDEZ I like to be independent. When I arrived here, if I needed to go with a doctor, I had to call a tran...
CAROLINA HERNANDEZ He had an outstanding year in Puerto Rico. He's obviously carried that into the 2006 campaign.
XAVIER HERNANDEZ I didn't cost the Series. I cost a game in the regular season.