New York is a shopper's paradise, and people know that you can go to Chinatown or Broadway in Manhattan to buy a knock- off. It's even mentioned in tourist guides.
Barbara Kolsun
New York
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Notwithstanding some quotes attributed to me in the Feb. 15 edition of the New York Post, I wish Pat no ill. Our marriage has had its difficulties. We are separated. And while I may wish that it were not so, our marital difficulties in no way reflect on his capacity to service his constituents or the people of New York.
— Barbara Manning
New York
The lesson from that is don't let political people decide to make the rebuilding their legacy, as [New York Gov. George] Pataki did. It isn't anyone's legacy. And beware when it gets taken over by real estate.
— Frederic Schwartz
New York
We're just grateful to them in some real and intense way. Here in New York, people, they go up to these guys at the firehouses and in the streets, and they just want to say how grateful they are.
— David Blankenhorn
New York
We're just grateful to them in some real and intense way. Here in New York, people, they go up to these guys at the firehouses and in the streets, and they just want to say how grateful they are,
— David Blankenhorn
New York
Sometimes you can find great people in New York.
— Dax Maier
New York