New York didn't create this mess, but we have the power to help people survive it.
Assemblyman Richard Gottfried
New York
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If you're writing a book that takes place in New York in the moment, you can't not write about 9-11; you can't not integrate it. My main character's view is the Statue of Liberty and the Trade Center. It doesn't have to take over, but it has to be acknowledged.
— Richard Price
New York
Giuliani visited Indian Point and said, 'It's a reverse of Marion' high-security prison in upstate New York. It's as secure as Marion, but not in keeping people in but keeping people out.
— Richard Sheirer
New York
The lesson from that is don't let political people decide to make the rebuilding their legacy, as [New York Gov. George] Pataki did. It isn't anyone's legacy. And beware when it gets taken over by real estate.
— Frederic Schwartz
New York
We're just grateful to them in some real and intense way. Here in New York, people, they go up to these guys at the firehouses and in the streets, and they just want to say how grateful they are.
— David Blankenhorn
New York
We're just grateful to them in some real and intense way. Here in New York, people, they go up to these guys at the firehouses and in the streets, and they just want to say how grateful they are,
— David Blankenhorn
New York