Natural-gas prices have been hovering around $7, which is much closer to their long-term average. More warm weather in the near future will put even more downward pressure on natural-gas prices.
Ben Weagraff
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With stocks at 47.9 pct above the five-year average, any upward momentum on futures prices is expected to be modest.
— Ben Weagraff
The build recorded for the week compares to a five-year average draw for this time of the year of 90 billion cubic feet and a similar draw of 101 billion cubic feet recorded one year ago.
— Ben Weagraff
Take long walks in stormy weather or through deep snows in the fields andwoods, if you would keep your spirits up. Deal with brute nature. Be coldand hungry and weary.
— Henry David Thoreau
There have been some down days (during which patrols were not conducted) because of weather and other reasons, but we are still patrolling the no-fly zones, particularly in the south, aggressively.
— Ken Bacon
Obviously, it's frustrating when you get weather like this. And the (weather) forecast is not good for the next two days, so I think it will be a drawn match.
— Bob Woolmer