My son was killed in a war without honor for the sake of lies.
Nadia McCaffrey
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The question is the morning after. What sort of Iraq do we wake up to after the bombing? What happens in the region? What impact could it have? These are questions leaders I have spoken to have posed.
— Kofi Annan
We cannot let extremists and terrorists, a small number, here in Iraq deprive the 27 million Iraqis of what they want which is a better freer life, safer life for themselves and their children
— Joseph Lieberman
A catastrophic outcome in Iraq would affect directly or indirectly all members of the (NATO) alliance as well as countries from South East Asia to the northern hemisphere,
— Henry Kissinger
Everybody wants a timeline, but you can't get a timeline because, in Iraq, it's not a one-sided mechanical problem.
— Wesley Clark
Major combat operations in Iraq have ended.
— George W. Bush