Mr. Herring had the resources to do something that other folks can't. The mental health system is so clogged up that, for a lot of people who don't have the means, they end up sitting in a jail getting what little services they can.
Dave Almeida
Mental Health
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The truth is that statewide, funding for mental health has not kept up with the cost of it. And King County, particularly, feels it.
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The findings have important implications for estimating the level of mental health services that may be needed.
— Col. Charles Hoge
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That's a much lower percentage than for other mental health disorders. It suggests that a lot of these individuals probably don't need treatment, but at the same time it might well be that people who do need treatment are not getting it, for personal reasons or because of external barriers.
— Dr Wendy Slutske
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It's important to get an update on the current physical and mental health status.
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Building survivors overall had high levels of respiratory symptoms and high levels of mental health symptoms two or three years after the event, when we interviewed them.
— Dr. Lorna Thorpe
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