Men's minds are too ingenious in palliating guilt in themselves. [Lat., Ingenia humana sunt ad suam cuique levandam culpam nimio plus facunda.]
Titus Livy
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Men's minds are too ready to excuse guilt in themselves
— Titus Livy
Men's minds are too ready to excuse guilt in themselves.
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Treachery, though at first very cautious, in the end betrays itself. [Lat., Ipsa se fraus, etiamsi initio cautior fuerit, detegit.]
— Titus Livy
Present sufferings seem far greater to men than those they merely dread. [Lat., Graviora quae patiantur videntur jam hominibus quam quae metuant.]
— Titus Livy
It is easy at any moment to resign the possession of a great fortune; to acquire it is difficult and arduous. [Lat., Facile est momento quo quis velit, cedere possessione magnae fortunae; facere et parare eam, difficile atque arduum est.]
— Titus Livy