For the person who tortured me in jail. For the person who tortured the many of
my followers and killed them in jail, and the many other greater leaders than
me and their followers in jail, and for the men who jailed my supporters, I pray.
I don’t hate them. I love them as much as I love my closest loved ones, and I pray
for their guidance. My loves, you be this way too. It doesn’t help to hate. If you
hate, you pollute your own soul … Words cannot express how much I wish the
best for you. My foremost ambition for you is that you have hearts full of light,
thoughtfulness of God, and goodness, so much so that the devil has no space to
get into your hearts. I want you to be happy with yourselves, and for other people
to be happy with you, when you leave this life … May you be so good that rain
of mercy falls onto you. May this brother (Ahmad), that is so unworthy of your
love, also be so lucky.
— Ahmad Moftizadeh