Love is like a bleeding rose
Madelin M.
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Friends forever that's what we said, I'll be there for you until the end, for if I die before you i'll go to heaven and look after you.
— Madelin M.
When you look up in the sky at night and see that one star shining brightly, You know that a friend somewhere is missing you.
— Madelin M.
Friends show their love - in times of trouble, not in happiness, therefore if they don't show their love in times of trouble then they're not true friend
— Madelin M.
A lie eventually leads to a loss of promise, A loss of promise leads to a loss of trust, But what hurts the most is that a loss of trust leads to the loss of friendship.
— Madelin M.
Lies... Damage Done Friendship
Friendship is the most powerful thing in the world, It is like life or death, It can either get healthier or fade away, If it does fade away it is because it never existed.
— Madelin M.