Look honestly at yourself. Ask yourself if you are the person you always wanted to be. If you can see how you can become closer to that ideal, then you need the strength to commit to making the changes that will get you there.
Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Self Motivation
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Set a large and specific goal. This will motivate you much more than small goals. A big goal has a big effect and can create a lot of motivation. Instead of jumping into something at full speed start slow.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Self Motivation
One with mindset to never give up takes him to his desire destination where he truly wants to be.There is no osbstacle which can’t be taken care of with undying amount of faith & supreme effort to continue to grow for the rest of life time.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Self Motivation
Self motivation is the driving force behind growth & success.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Self Motivation
.It's hard to motivate yourself when you don't have a goal or objective. Set a goal and decide how you are going to go about it. Visualize the end result and 'feel' how gratified and triumphant you will be when you've achieved your goal
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Motivation is one's effort & action with stimulus of drive.When effort & action culminates in success , a person wants to repeat what he has achieved to his satisfaction. Achievement in itself is biggest motivator.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha