Ljubav se cesto svede na lose oblikovan mozaik secanja i osecanja koja se ispostave kao jedna obicna kamuflaza za zeljom da sto duze opstane.
Tamara Stamenkovic
Zato što velika ljubav mora da se dokazuje. Mala ne mora. (...) Velikoj ljubavi nijedan dokaz nije ...
DOBRICA ĆOSIć Uzela sam knjige, misleći da ću iz njih trgati po nekoliko stranica, spaljivati ih dio po dio. Prv...
PHILIPPA GREGORY (...) Tada, ne znam zašto, kao da nešto puknu u meni. Prodereh se iz sveg glasa, ispsovah ga i rek...
ALBERT CAMUS Kad umrem, prekinuce se jedna srebrna nit sa nanizanim glatkim biserima koji ce se rasuti po zemlji ...
JOSTEIN GAARDER Svako od nas je najveći stručnjak na svetu za jednu stvar-kako da bude baš ono što jeste i kako ...
NEBOJšA JOVANOVIć Kad se čovek izloguje, kao da je umro. Oflajn je čist limb: prokleta i diskonektovana duša tumara...
ALEKSANDAR ILIć Mislim da je ljudima koji vole horore samo dosadno u životu. Žude za podsticajma, a kada se stvarn...
RYū MURAKAMI Rekao sam ti da pomislim na Veroniku svaki put kad bacim pogled na tu planetu, jer "Venera" je stara...
JOSTEIN GAARDER VOJNI ŽUPNIK: Hoću reći, mira ima i u ratu, ima on svojih mirovnih mjesta. Rat naime zadovoljava ...
BERTOLT BRECHT Beograd je najbolje mesto da se sačeka autobus za Zemun.
MOMO KAPOR Cula su naelektrisala vrhove prstiju kojim sam joj doticao kozu i pratio besprekornu liniju glatkih ...
ĐORđE BALAšEVIć Ono što sam od života naučio je,
Da bez obzira na to koliko je neko dobar čovek,
PAULO COELHO Religija budućnosti nastaje na internetu, a kao lažni proroci biti blokirani svi oni koji ne budu ...
ALEKSANDAR ILIć Ali sigurno razumije. Sigurno zna da se dogodilo nezamislivo, i da će preživljavanje iziskivati ne...
SUZANNE COLLINS Često me svladaju živci, osobito nedjeljom, osjećam se užasno jadno. Atmosfera u kući je tada p...
ANNE FRANK Zabuna o odnosu između poimanja osobe i čovjeka može uzrokovati golemu štetu. Američki Vrhovni ...
PETER KREEFT Prijateljstvo se ne bira, rekao je, ono biva, ko zna zbog čega, kao ljubav. A ništa ja nisam tebi ...
MEšA SELIMOVIć Kada sedite sat vremena kraj lepe devojke, to prodje kao minut. Sedite minut na vrelu pec i to ce tr...
ALBERT EINSTEIN Dželat mi prilazi i kaže: "Spustite glavu na panj i raširite ruke kad budete spremni, gospo."
PHILIPPA GREGORY Ljepota je krupan, nezaslužen dar koji se dijeli nasumce, glupavo.
Tako sam odabrao svoj...
KHALED HOSSEINI Drzeci se za proslost,
odricemo se buducnosti.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC NAREDNIK: Vidi se, davno tu nije bilo rata. Pa kako da onda bude morala, pitam se ja? Mir, to je pus...
BERTOLT BRECHT Ne može se živjeti samo od pucanja i strahovanja, čovjek mora i da dođe sebi, da se provjetri, d...
MEšA SELIMOVIć Sad znam da neki ljudi proživljavaju nesreću onako kao što drugi proživljavaju ljubav: samotno, ...
KHALED HOSSEINI Nesreća nesrećnih ljudi i jeste u tome što za njih stvari koje su inače zabranjene postanu, za t...
IVO ANDRIć Znaš jedno je požuda, a drugo ljubav. Iako su povezane, ipak su potpuno različite. Za ovu prvu do...
ANNE FORTIER Odakle dolazi dojam da je Crkva lakše izlazila na kraj s krivcima-počiniteljima negoli s nedužnim...
JOHANN BAPTIST METZ Pred platnima impresionista čovek nije mogao verovati da jedna životinjska vrsta koja je tako neš...
ERICH MARIA REMARQUE Postojis u meni i prisecam se svega.
Dovoljno da ne probijes kroz srce,
dovoljno da me uni...
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ali svi se slažu u tome da se ne podižu lakomislene optužbe i da se sud, kad jedanput nekog optu�...
FRANZ KAFKA Dobri i iskreni se vazda pitaju jesu li dobri i jesu li iskreni. Ne predstavljaju se time kao imenom...
AMMARA ŠABIć Tako obično biva. Oni koje želimo da vidimo ne dolaze u časovima kad na njih mislimo i kad ih naj...
IVO ANDRIć Sećam se da sam jedno jutro video ispred samoposluge nekog popa kako ljušti kikiriki, odmah mi je ...
SLOBODAN TIšMA Svako dalje ratovanje na ovim prostorima bi bilo bezumno naplaćivanje drumarine preko jednog poruš...
RATKO PETROVIć La alegría se da por un momento, la felicidad se da por muchos momentos de alegría
ED HERNANDEZ Nitkovu bi uzvratila na prezir dakako samo prezirom, ali ipak bi je zaboljelo srce kad bi se tko nar...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY Kad jedna osoba pati od iluzije,
to se naziva poremećenošću uma. Kad mnogo ljudi pati od ilu...
ROBERT M. PIRSIG Zar sve danas nije samo imitacija? Zar u današnjem vremenu nije sve samo imitacija stvarnosti, sve ...
YUKIO MISHIMA „Kada se nađem u situaciji da mi je neprijatno ili da ne znam kako da odreagujem, ja se šalim. T...
S.J. ABBO Precisar tornar-se o que já se é é a característica da vida moderna.
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Takva je ljubav.
Ona može da uništi čoveka, i nanovo ga podigne i preporodi. Danas može da ...
KNUT HAMSUN Ne treba čovjek da se pretvori u svoju suprotnost. Sve što u njemu vrijedi, to je ranjivo. Možda ...
MEšA SELIMOVIć Ljudi preziru sve one koji ne uspiju, a mrze one koji se uspnu iznad njih; Navikni se na prezir ako ...
MEšA SELIMOVIć Medju nama nije bilo nikakve veze, osim sto smo pili i vodili ljubav.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Nestankom interneta svet kakav poznajemo bi se raspao i prestao da postoji. U tom usporenom, postapo...
ALEKSANDAR ILIć Ja uopšte mislim da najčudniji ljudi izgledaju vrlo konvencionalno, vrlo
standardno. Jer čov...
MOMO KAPOR Bože moj...
Prošao sam kroz Vukovar mnogo puta...(...)
Kad sam dolazio sa zapadne strane...
ĐORđE BALAšEVIć O esplendor da manhã não se abre com faca.
MANOEL DE BARROS Prvo što me zapanjilo kad smo došli u Sovjetski Savez bilo je to što nam je na ulici svaki čas p...
VLADO DAPčEVIć Braćo, ne bojte se grehova ljudskih, volite čoveka i u grehu njegovom, jer kad ko voli čoveka gre...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY Duga popodnevna sjenka, tmurna duša brda, puzila je poljem, zatamnjujući ga, prešla je i preko me...
MEšA SELIMOVIć Ne veruj ni u šta što se na strahu temelji.
DOBRICA ĆOSIć Poslije se Rale navukao na nacionalizam, a Kole na heroin. Heroin bolje puca, ali nacionalizam je je...
BEKIM SEJRANOVIć Svoju patnju, koju prihvatam, moram da prihvatim kao dragocenost. Ne postoji nijedan ispirač zlata ...
YUKIO MISHIMA Opasni su ljudi koji vam se smeju bez osmeha na licu.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ne usudjuj se da das svoje vrelo srce hladnim rukama opet.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Scenery without solace is meaningless.
MITCH ALBOM Being human means having doubts and yet still continuing on your path.
PAULO COELHO Glumite da ste dobri ljudi. Al' retko ko je istinski dobar čovek. Mnogo su češće ljudi dobri jer...
MARKO ŠELIć Kad naiđu teška, mutna vremena i učestaju sukobi i uzbune među ljudima, otvori se odjednom Bibli...
IVO ANDRIć Trpljenje patnikâ nije ništa veliko ni uzvišeno; u svome korijenu ono je sve drugo samo ne solida...
JOHANN BAPTIST METZ Pretjerano čitanje ne čini nas pametnijim. Neki ljudi jednostavno 'gutaju' knjige. Oni to čine be...
ALIJA IZETBEGOVIć Ljubav je u sredistu svega. Revolucionarna je, lek za drustvene probleme i zla.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC ...a vida humana é convívio. Para o ser humano, viver é conviver. É justamente na convivência, ...
KáTIA ROCHA - Ime i prezime? - zapitala je gospođa knjižničarka pogleda uprtog u članske iskaznice.
- ...
MELITA RUNDEK Kucam na vrata kamena.
-To sam ja, pusti me.
Hoću da uđem u tvoju unutrašnjost,
WISłAWA SZYMBORSKA Tko npr. formulira govor o Bogu Abrahamovu, Izakovu i Jakovljevu tako da se u njemu više ne čuje J...
JOHANN BAPTIST METZ Kuna sababu za msingi na za kinabii za damu na maji vilivyotoka katika mbavu za Yesu Kristo msalaban...
ENOCK MAREGESI La peor guerra es la que se da entre la humildad Y TU ORGULLO...
RON CHACHAGUA Kompjuter je samom sebi zbrinuto zaćeretao primijetivši da se jedna zračna komora otvorila i zati...
DOUGLAS ADAMS Sa vrha mosta dve vrane posmatrale su reku, grakćući oštro s vremena na vreme kao da nekoga preko...
HARUKI MURAKAMI somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence: E.E. CUMMINGS Il fuoco è bello da vedere. Mentre brucia, ipnotizza lo sguardo. Se riesci a contenerlo, ti fa luce...
JODI PICOULT - Falhamos a vida, menino!
- Creio que sim... Mas todo o mundo mais ou menos a falha. Isto é,...
EçA DE QUEIRóS - Mrzim sve što je odricanje!
- Ni ja, Ivane, ne pristajem da se odričem. Ja hoću ceo, sav, ...
DOBRICA ĆOSIć Cesto cujemo kako smo puni sebe.
Pa bolje da smo puni sebe, nego prazni.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC O português nunca pode ser homem de ideias, por causa da paixão da forma. A sua mania é fazer bel...
EçA DE QUEIRóS Jer, ako ima boga, on je samo jedan.
I ne treba ti mač i crkva da mu budeš odan.
On od t...
MARKO ŠELIć Pro jednoduché hledání je svitkový formát zbytečně složitý a nikdo z dnešních vědců nem...
RODERICK CAVE Svijet obično ne sudi mladića po duševnih vrlinah, već po školskih svjedodžbah ili kašnje po ...
AUGUST ŠENOA Hranimo se ponosom i tako siti se razilazimo.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Poder y placer no se anulan; no se vuelven el uno contra el otro; se persiguen, se encabalgan y reac...
MICHEL FOUCAULT Maisha yangu ni darasa. Jifunzeni kutokana na maisha yangu, jifunzeni kutokana na sifa zangu za ushu...
ENOCK MAREGESI Smrtonosan je život, ali smrti odoleva.
Jedna strašna bolest po meni će se zvati.
BRANKO MILJKOVIć Ali to su riječi! Riječi ne dolaze iz želje, nego s jezika. Lako je jeziku mljeti koješta; od to...
RANKO MARINKOVIć Z útrob Asketické jeskyně v nitru Nezajímavé hory, která se tyčí v části pekla nazývané ...
JOHN CONNOLLY Nismo li možda tijekom vremena tumačili kršćanstvo suviše isključivo kao religiju osjetljivu z...
JOHANN BAPTIST METZ A evolução da espécie humana está intimamente ligada à sua auto-reprodução. É através da in...
FREDERICO ROCHAFERREIRA El amor no se crea ni se destruye, sólo se deforma.
RAFAEL LECHOWSKI Threats, Prophet? After all we've been through."
"Promises. And I'm really goddamned good at pr...
S.E. JAKES Planinski vrhunci su posebna mjesta koja mogu dati energiju svakome tko boravi na njima.
JAMES REDFIELD Ona vrsta usamljenosti u kojoj moraš da se boriš kako bi prihvatio situacju iz korena je drugačij...
RYū MURAKAMI You’re too much of a bitch to go gently into that good night.”
“You should put that on a ...
SE ZBASNIK Há esperanças que é loucura ter. Pois eu digo-te que se não fossem essas já eu teria desistido ...
JOSé SARAMAGO - Albert Kami, naime, tvrdi da je za dokolicu potrebno mnogo više snage nego za rad! - pokušah da ...
MOMO KAPOR Sposobnost može da te dovede na vrh al da bi opstao na vrhu, potreban ti je karakter.
JOHN WOODEN O andar de Enoque com Deus não foi em arrebatamento de sentidos ou visão, mas em todos os deveres ...
ELLEN G. WHITE Ukanda wa Gaza ni jimbo lenye miji minne na kambi mbalimbali za wakimbizi za Umoja wa Mataifa – le...
ENOCK MAREGESI Hasta que se llora de veras no se sabe si se tiene o no alma.
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Zavolio sam ga, znam po tome što mi je postao potreban, što nisam zamjerio ničemu ma šta da je r...
More Tamara Stamenkovic
Being a writer makes you immortal.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Nikada necu nauciti da izgovaram tvoje ime bez osmeha na licu.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Volimo na prave nacine,
ali pruzamo to pogresnim ljudima.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ne volim te zato sto si sa mnom.
Volim te zato sto pripadas meni.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Podsetite osobu sa kojom ste zasto je volite, a ne da je volite.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC When I touch you, it makes me trembling.
I feel like I've lost myself, existentially.
Your smile.
Your voice.
Your eyes.
Your personality.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ljubav odlazi tiho.
Nikad necete cuti njen kraj.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Opasni su ljudi koji vam se smeju bez osmeha na licu.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Nemojte da budete ograniceni ogranicenoscu drugih ljudi.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Zelim da mi procitas makar jednu stranicu svoje duse.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ti si moje secanje na bolje dane.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ljudi nisu losi, samo su osteceni.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Life without flying unconditionally,
life with hindered and heartless ending.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Sad smo samo dva srca izmedju mnogih drugih srca.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Postojis u meni i prisecam se svega.
Dovoljno da ne probijes kroz srce,
dovoljno da me uni...
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Zelim zagrljaj protiv hladnokrvnosti, ne protiv hladnoce.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ne usudjuj se da das svoje vrelo srce hladnim rukama opet.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC There is something way more bigger than just being a writer. Being a writer doesn’t mean you just ...
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC We almost made love with fire, fire in our eyes, fire in our souls, and even in our bones.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Secanja su previse bitna.
Bila dobra ili losa, pamtite ih.
Toliko povrsno, toliko nezrelo od nas.
Ali sta cemo, ne mozemo se izborit...
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Svi smo mi malo izgubljeni u ovom svetu.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Oci su kao galaksije.
Nedostizne, neobjasnjive.
Toliko prostrane, toliko tajnovite.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Drzeci se za proslost,
odricemo se buducnosti.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Oci su obuzete daljinom, emotivnom razdaljinom izmedju nas dvoje.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Bitan deo zivota jeste pronaci svrhu.
Svrhu borbe za necim.
Svrhu postojanja.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Svet je pun praznih ljudi.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC U nekim trenucima, cak i pisac pozeli da bude necija poezija.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Da li ste zaista zaljubljeni u tu osobu ili ste zaljubljeni u osecaj koji imate dok ste sa njom?
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ljubav je u sredistu svega. Revolucionarna je, lek za drustvene probleme i zla.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Do you think your soul is more beautiful than your body?
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Hranimo se ponosom i tako siti se razilazimo.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Iako imas nekog pored sebe,
da li u njemu pronalazis srecu?
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Ti si moja jedina vrsta umetnosti.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Cesto cujemo kako smo puni sebe.
Pa bolje da smo puni sebe, nego prazni.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC Treba nam mnogo veci broj osmeha koji ne kidaju, vec spajaju ljude.
TAMARA STAMENKOVIC I just think there are enough hours in the day. If you just focus and dedicate yourself and approach...
TAMARA TUNIE I've lived in New York for thirty years now, but I'm a proud Pittsburgher, and home is home....
TAMARA TUNIE You have to continue to grow and evolve as individuals in order for your marriage to evolve. It take...
TAMARA TUNIE My Native American heritage was not embraced by our family, and we grew up African-American, so I di...
TAMARA TUNIE I have Native American blood. I have African blood. I have European blood.
TAMARA TUNIE I've always come into a show when the show was already up and running.
TAMARA TUNIE I want to play Eva Peron. I've already done a lot of Shakespeare, but I'd like to do Lady Ma...
TAMARA TUNIE I am always happy to use my song and dance training.
TAMARA TUNIE Chuck Cooper is a friend, and I adore him. He can do so many things.
TAMARA TUNIE Understand that the time in the audition is your time. Really own it and take control of it. And do ...
TAMARA TUNIE I always watch the work I do.
TAMARA TUNIE When I first got to New York, all I did was musicals. After a few years I had to make a conscious ch...
TAMARA TUNIE Show business is fickle, and though I have been blessed with a healthy career, who knows how long th...
TAMARA TUNIE I grew up in a funeral home, born and raised, and everyone was always like, 'Well, what was that...
TAMARA TUNIE I've been in this business a long time, and I'm very clear on what is real and what is fleet...
TAMARA TUNIE I believe in saying 'yes.' I love to work, and I always believe that the schedule can work o...
TAMARA TUNIE Here's how I look at it: Life is full of challenges. Everybody has them. For some, it's heal...
TAMARA TUNIE Even though you're married, you're still individuals. You still have to grow and nurture you...
TAMARA TUNIE I'm always happy and most at home on the stage. I love film and television, but I love live perf...
TAMARA TUNIE All you have is yourself and what you have to present, and just focus on that. And if you can walk o...
TAMARA TUNIE I truly believe that when a person makes a concrete decision and takes action towards a goal that th...
TAMARA TUNIE I took the whole college prep trajectory, and then in my senior year of high school, I decided that ...
TAMARA TUNIE I was the first African-American woman to play Maggie in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.' It was at ...
TAMARA TUNIE I'm Irish on St. Patrick's Day. I'm Italian on Columbus Day. I'm a New Yorker every ...
TAMARA TUNIE The first thing I do is brush my teeth - we like to start the morning with fresh breath - and put on...
TAMARA TUNIE I believe that you can always learn from observation.
TAMARA TUNIE I tried martial arts classes for three weeks, but I quit because you actually get hit. I just want t...
TAMARA TAYLOR I was an only child, and my mom threw me into some modeling classes to get me out of my shell.
TAMARA TAYLOR I saw 'Mahogany' and 'Lady Sings the Blues' when I was little and thought, 'That...
TAMARA TAYLOR Hanging out with my girlfriends is my sanity saver. We go out for a bad chick flick and dinner. I su...
TAMARA TAYLOR Have the pride of the brown girl and know that you'll figure out your own beauty in time.
TAMARA TAYLOR Anything salty and crunch is a world of perfection to me. Put chips in front of me, and I will eat t...
TAMARA TAYLOR I recommend people develop a fear of elevators, like I have. Even if something is on the tenth floor...
TAMARA TAYLOR Every night before bed, I drop down to the floor and do 20 sit-ups, 5 push-ups and stretching. No ma...
TAMARA TAYLOR I just can't see myself as a trophy wife. I can't imagine not having my own life.
TAMARA MELLON My mother and I never got along, not even when I was a child.
TAMARA MELLON As a Business Ambassador, I am delighted to help both new and established British designers receive ...
TAMARA MELLON My worst date would be with someone nervous who has nothing to say. I like people who inspire me.
TAMARA MELLON A little jewellery on a man is OK, although he should never wear too much. Every man should always h...
TAMARA MELLON When you get divorced, you have to go through this awful thing of listing everything you own. When y...
TAMARA MELLON It's important for women to work. They need to keep their independence, to keep earning and bein...
TAMARA MELLON The reality is that I spent years in the factories in Italy when I first set up Jimmy Choo. Today, e...
TAMARA MELLON The thing about Uggs is that they're so comfortable. Once you've worn them, you don't wa...
TAMARA MELLON The truth is that we all have lives that are complicated. We all get hurt by people we love sometime...
TAMARA MELLON When someone asks about a career in fashion, I say start at the bottom. If you want to start a busin...
TAMARA MELLON There have been moments in my career when I've had to be tough and I've had to step up to th...
TAMARA MELLON If I wasn't in fashion, I would have been a psychiatrist.
TAMARA MELLON I actually have more shoes than anyone will ever know.
TAMARA MELLON I think it takes 30 years to build a luxury brand.
TAMARA MELLON I don't really understand what the public perception of me is. I think public perception and rea...
TAMARA MELLON I always knew I wanted to make my own way; I never wanted to be dependent on my father.
TAMARA MELLON People who are over-educated become risk-averse.
TAMARA MELLON Men always look smart in a well-fitted, tailored suit. Conversely, they can be incredibly handsome i...
TAMARA MELLON I have Vie Luxe candles in every room. In 2006 I spent the month of August in Sardinia, and the scen...
TAMARA MELLON I don't really care about gossip. I care about building great businesses.
TAMARA MELLON I'm always impressed by confidence, kindness and a sense of humour.
TAMARA MELLON I would love to go help baby sea turtles back into the ocean after hatching in Mexico.
TAMARA FELDMAN I don't feel famous.
TAMARA FELDMAN I like dirty boys. Mechanics, construction workers, artists who get paint and clay everywhere. They ...
TAMARA FELDMAN Moviewise, I would love to make the story of princess Erendira. She was a 16 year old princess/warri...
TAMARA FELDMAN I would like to see 'A Confederacy of Dunces' by John Kennedy Toole adapted.
TAMARA FELDMAN I really like structured coats and layered scarves, and I especially love cashmere sweaters.
TAMARA FELDMAN I was raised to want to work for a living. The idea of just sitting around or going shopping every d...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE Im very nurturing.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE There's a big difference between being privileged and being spoilt. My parents always said, '...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE You don't find happiness by being able to buy everything you want, whenever you want it.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE At the end of the day, I'm not a bad person; I don't hurt anyone.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE People don't get my sense of humour.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE On my foot it says, 'The best is yet to come,' and that's there because I really believe...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE I love looking at people who have achieved a lot - even Kim Kardashian, who has made a brand out of ...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE My dream job would be a lawyer. I can talk my way out of anything, and I love cross-examining people...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE I don't need anyone to look after me financially and, while it's hard to trust that a man lo...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE Everyone has a past, and the downside to my life is that the past gets dragged up.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE Without trust, you have nothing: trust is so important to me.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE Before mobile phones, I used to call my parents from a phone box and reverse the charges.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE When you are rich, people try to take advantage of you.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE My parents are opposites who balance each other out.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE Not every woman has time to go to a salon and have her hair blow-dried every day.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE I want people to see that I'm a real person, I overreact, I cry, I'm emotional. If I come ac...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE My boyfriend thinks it's crazy that I wear a different bikini every day on holiday.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE I enjoy shopping and going on holiday.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE My father started with nothing and is a self-made man. No matter what I do with my life, I can never...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE My dogs are spoilt for sure. They are pampered pooches. But I love them so much! I guess all dogs ne...
TAMARA ECCLESTONE As a woman, I believe you have to embrace your body, and feel beautiful both inside and out.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE When I'm upset, everyone knows about it, and it's a selfish trait because everyone suffers.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE Id rather have a fake smile than a nasty stare.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE We all need to slow down and go to acupuncture.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE If a woman gets tough in negotiations, she's difficult, whereas a man would be considered a bril...
TAMARA MELLON My daughter is my passion and my life.
TAMARA MELLON Formula One has been the backdrop of my life.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE My motto is: feel the fear and do it anyway.
TAMARA MELLON Everything I do is just really my intuition, and every time I go against my intuition, it's a mi...
TAMARA MELLON I'm all about the drugstore beauty products. They're affordable and get the job done.
TAMARA TUNIE When you believe in your dreams and realize that you are deserving and capable, no earthly being can...
TAMARA AW It's a lot easier than waiting tables or working as a cashier. I only stay out for four hours.
TAMARA CARTER Prescription anti-depressant manufactures and the whole pharmaceutical industry earn big money for a...
TAMARA AW The way I see it, there are three choices. 1) Continue to do the same stuff you’ve been doing and ...
TAMARA AW Those shots came off the dribble, so that tells you what kind of player she is. Lee can really shoot...
TAMARA JACOBUS So what the folk you expected to be happiest about your positive growth are your biggest doubters, h...
TAMARA AW Catherine bristled at the amusement in his voice. He could laugh all he wanted when he stood tied to...
TAMARA HUGHES it is estimated that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. So, the stat...
TAMARA AW They rode their bikes together.
TAMARA BOWERS Amidst a sea of company men and women I struggle in vain attempts to fit my triangular mind into a s...
TAMARA AW We have two shows to allow families with small children an opportunity to celebrate the new year in ...
TAMARA DOOR It took decades of negative experiences and hurts to build up your bad habits, defenses & issues; it...
Autumn moon
incautious in the dark river
Winter’s ghost walks
TAMARA RENDELL Hate your job? Instead of bemoaning that today is Monday, consciously take positive action with the ...
TAMARA AW Take your time, but make steady progress. Work it 'til it's right, but set milestones and benchmarks...
TAMARA AW Sometimes we feel bad for wanting to move on, but I really believe that folk either help or hinder.....
TAMARA AW It's okay to say "I'm no longer into that." If they can't respect the new direction of your life may...
TAMARA AW High blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, Depression, Substance abuse, Obesity, STDs - all...
TAMARA AW When people are exposed to the possibilities, even for the briefest of moments, paradigms can shift ...
TAMARA AW Even the tiniest baby steps, taken often enough, cover great distances. It's time to get to stepping...
TAMARA AW Frequent, long and honest looks in the mirror go a long way towards keeping you grounded and sane - ...
TAMARA AW If you truly believe that we are God’s creations and that He is great and limitless, why can't you...
TAMARA AW I guess it could be worse. My name could be Tlaquepaque, or Irkutsk, or Pyongyang. Or, you know, Pit...
TAMARA SUMMERS Dreams are like the old stories where wolves are seekers always running, and women carry fire in the...
TAMARA RENDELL There's still things we have to do better to win on Thursday. ... But really, it's mental — we've ...
TAMARA WEATHERBY There are so many misconceptions about me, and it gets frustrating no matter how thick skinned.
TAMARA ECCLESTONE Recognizing the impact he has already had, I am confident that achieving his ultimate vision for our...
TAMARA DOOR There was a time, actually, when I hadn't been singing, and I'd lost a lot of my ability. My...
TAMARA TUNIE To every dreamer, you direct the light of all the world!
TAMARA HENSON Malory! You've got a chipmunk on your pussy!
TAMARA THORNE I didn’t go there looking for you. I went looking for me.” My voice is soft, low, and shaky. “...
TAMARA IRELAND STONE My mother kept calling me out of myself. She wanted to show me a picture, the first picture from the...
TAMARA FAITH BERGER The moment we think we have arrived in God, He changes locations! -Tamara Green
TAMARA N. GREEN "There is a difference between being anointed and being gifted. The anointing is the ability to exer...
TAMARA N. GREEN "To be born-again is to be made over. To be converted is to changed." -Tamara Green
TAMARA N. GREEN "If you want to win the lost, love them. If you want to offend the lost, preach to them without lovi...
TAMARA N. GREEN "It is taking the church a lifetime to see what it took Jesus 3 years to accomplish in his public mi...
TAMARA N. GREEN "Some people will drain you of your gift and when you correct them, their true colors show. The true...
TAMARA N. GREEN "You will become who others say that you are when you refuse to act like who God says you are." -Tam...
TAMARA N. GREEN "A man who changes his thoughts can change his life; a man who changes his life can change the lives...
TAMARA N. GREEN "How can we preach Christ to the lost when they cannot see His agape love within us? Before we can r...
TAMARA N. GREEN "One should not expect change (conversion) if they have rejected rebirth (salvation)." -Tamara Green
TAMARA N. GREEN "There is a difference between being anointed and being gifted. The anointing is the ability to exer...
TAMARA N. GREEN "I'm letting go of what I have outgrown and pressing towards the unknown." -Tamara Green
TAMARA N. GREEN To be created is to be anew; to be made is to be processed. -Tamara Green
TAMARA N. GREEN A man's foot may be upon your back but God's hand is upon your life! -Tamara Green
TAMARA N. GREEN "If it seems as though you have lost friends, believe me, it wasn't the case at all; God simply allo...
TAMARA N. GREEN What God is doing in the earth, it's not strange, it's supernatural! It's not mediocre, it's miracul...
TAMARA N. GREEN "Any great work will experience great resistance. The greater the resistance, the greater the outcom...
TAMARA N. GREEN The vampire moved as a unit, talons extended, fangs sprung free of their houses of flesh.
Letting them out.
Freeing my words
Building better walls.
TAMARA IRELAND STONE Yesterday, when I took the stage for the sixth time, I read a poem about unreliable friends, people ...
TAMARA IRELAND STONE What you see, it isn't me
TAMARA IRELAND STONE The few lamps we left on softly illuminate the walls, and I think about all the paper around us, all...
TAMARA IRELAND STONE Shy, insecure, afraid to speak up? “Act as if,” they say. Act as if you’re not. Stand tall whe...
TAMARA IRELAND STONE I have a tendency to overthink things, especially when it comes to my friends, and I don’t know…...
TAMARA IRELAND STONE Everyone’s got something. Some people are just better actors than others.
TAMARA IRELAND STONE I remember the embarrassment I felt when Lie With Me came out over ten years ago. There was no good ...
TAMARA FAITH BERGER Then the Skopamish showed up. Their chests heaving, rotting eyes like dull raisins in their skulls. ...
TAMARA ROSE BLODGETT Somewhere deep inside, his humanity had been shaken by something so unnatural, so foreign in its ess...
TAMARA ROSE BLODGETT ...because of the foulness of her mother's emotional river, a current which ran swift, changing its ...
TAMARA ROSE BLODGETT Christ is the core of my child's curriculum.
TAMARA L. CHILVER "You become who people say that you are when you refuse to be who God says that you are!" - Tamara G...
TAMARA N. GREEN "He created you to call you, he will break you to make you, he tries you to trust you, he will separ...
TAMARA N. GREEN "One should NOT be more concerned with being popular as they should with being powerful and purposef...
TAMARA N. GREEN Successful teaching is not head-to-head; it is heart-to-heart.
TAMARA L. CHILVER The trick is to recognize your mistakes, take what you need from them, and move on.
TAMARA IRELAND STONE Sam: Do you always say exactly what you're thinking?
AJ: I try to. I like to know where I stand...
TAMARA IRELAND STONE Technology is a trap.
TAMARA IRELAND STONE I’m merely reminding you to embrace who you are and surround yourself with people who do the same.