Life is just as simple as living, just live life as another day of living
Matthew Wayne Gaulin
Live Life
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In life we say what we want to speak, listen to what we want to hear, look at what we want to see, and, touch what we want to feel, so why can't we know what we want to know?
— Matthew Wayne Gaulin
Life is uncertain and death is unknown, so forget your past and stick with the present cause you wont understand life until you know death
— Matthew Wayne Gaulin
In your life time you will be criticized by others and they're opinion either to bring you down or make you feel like your wrong when your not sure if your right, but at the end of the day you are your own critic no matter what any body says
— Matthew Wayne Gaulin
we can only see forwards and never look back and when we turn around we can miss what's to come so don't dwell on what's behind you when everything you need to see Is in front of you
— Matthew Wayne Gaulin
Looking Forward
We do what we want cause we want to do it, and if we didn't we would lose the desire to have what we want
— Matthew Wayne Gaulin