L’histoire a sa vérité, la légende a la sienne. La vérité légendaire est d’une autre nature que la vérité historique. La vérité légendaire, c’est l’invention ayant pour résultat la réalité. Du reste l’histoire et la légende ont le même but, peindre sous l’homme momentané l’homme éternel.
Victor Hugo
Related La vérité légendaire, c’est l’invention ayant pour résultat la réalité. VICTOR HUGO La règle d'or de la conduite est la tolérance mutuelle, car nous ne penserons jamais tous de la m�... MAHATMA GANDHI La vérité c'est comme la lumière, aveugle. Le mensonge, au contraire, est un beau crépuscule qui... ALBERT CAMUS Le fameux discours de Saint-Just a ainsi tous les airs d'une étude théologique. "Louis [XVI] étra... ALBERT CAMUS Cette qualité de la joie n’est-elle pas le fruit le plus précieux de la civilisation qui est nô... ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY Une condamnation de la vie de la part du vivant n’est finalement que le symptôme d’une espèce ... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE À l’époque primordiale, l’homme était, en lui-même, parfaitement équilibré quant au compl�... RENé GUéNON En admettant que l’on ait compris ce qu’il y a de sacrilège dans un pareil soulèvement contre ... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Le malheur avait mis les habits du mensonge Ils étaient d’un beau rouge couleur du... JACQUES PRéVERT Si, bien avant la puberté, et parfois même dès sa toute petite enfance, elle nous apparaît déj�... SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR Voyager, c'est vivre dans toute la plénitude du mot; c'est oublier le passé et l'avenir pour le pr... ALEXANDRE DUMAS Qu'est-ce que le roman, en effet, sinon cet univers où l'action trouve sa forme, où les mots de la... ALBERT CAMUS C’est ainsi que, par exemple, l’idée de l’Infini, qui est en réalité la plus positive de to... RENé GUéNON Il est incertain où la mort nous attende, attendons-la partout. La préméditation de la mort est p... MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE We don’t look at the sun of truth, but we look at its effects. (Le soleil de la vérité - Ne se r... CHARLES DE LEUSSE Lorsque la confusion règne, il est facile de se rappeler cette vérité : Je ne suis ni mes pensée... ECKHART TOLLE La raison nous impose des limites bien trop étroites et nous invite à ne vivre que le connu - enco... C.G. JUNG Qu’est-ce qui peut seul être notre doctrine ? — Que personne ne donne à l’homme ses qualité... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE D'Adam nous sommes tous enfants,
La prove en est connue,
Et que tous, nos premier parents
... MARQUIS PHILIPPE EMANUEL DE COULANGES [A propos du faux évolutionnisme] Il s'agit d'une tentative pour supprimer la diversité des cultur... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Une catastrophe, en général et quelle que soit sa nature, s'annonce avec fracas, a son lot de sign... LUCAS VALLERIE Temperee, riante, (comme le sont celles d'automne dans la tres gracieuse ville de Buenos Aires) resp... LEOPOLDO MARECHAL En ce moment, je me sépare tant soit peu de moi-même et vais à la rencontre de la personne qui s'... VIRGINIA WOOLF Le voyageur sait qu'il n'y a plus de bouts du monde. Ils sont tous atteints, balisés, photographié... JEAN-DIDIER URBAIN Photographier : c'est mettre sur la même ligne de mire la tête, l'oeil et le coeur. HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON La pensée est le labeur de l’intelligence, la rêverie en est la volupté. VICTOR HUGO Caustique ? Vous voulez dire : méchant ? Oui, je suis un peu méchant, dit Settembrini. Mon regret ... THOMAS MANN L’homme cherche un principe au nom duquel il puisse mépriser l’homme ; il invente un autre mond... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE – Bah alors, c’est ce que je dis, avec la dotation qu’on a, ajouta Făneață puis il se leva... CăLIN TORSAN Tu as tout à apprendre, tout ce qui ne s'apprend pas: la solitude, l'indifférence, la patience, le... GEORGES PEREC — Ce n'est pas en Egypte que je vais, répondit le Martinet. Je vais à la maison de la Mort. La M... OSCAR WILDE On dit père grec, mère suisse-française... On me demande, mais alors, quelle est votre patrie? Je... GEORGES HALDAS La molesse est douce, et sa suite est cruelle. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS J'ai perdu ma force et ma vie, Et mes amis et ma gaieté; J'ai perdu jusqu'à la fierté ALFRED DE MUSSET La vie est un long fleuve qui mene a la mort. La survie est une goutte d'eau dans le desert... le fl... KRISTEVEN MOOTIEN J'attends avec impatience le jour où les chercheurs se rendront compte que, dans les mythes, ils on... RENé GIRARD Des jugements, des appréciations de la vie, pour ou contre, ne peuvent, en dernière instance, jama... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE C'est donc la proportion existante entre la somme des capitaux et celle des revenus qui détermine p... ADAM SMITH Les hommes extrêmement heureux, et les hommes extrêmement malheureux a , sont également portés �... MONTESQUIEU L'homme oriente sa voile, appuie sur le gouvernail, avançant contre le vent par la force même du v... ALAIN La vie est un voyage solitaire et, être mariée n'y change rien. D'ailleurs je pense que le fait de... AGATHE COLOMBIER HOCHBERG Le visuel est l'instrument du virtuel, de la mémoire, de l'au-delà, qui se traduit par le fait de ... ALBERTO CASTOLDI Recuerdo que una vez le dijo a la raza que leyeran los poemas en voz alta porque la voz era la semil... TOMáS RIVERA Oui, partout, oui, toujours, oui, pour combattre les violences et les impostures, oui, pour réhabil... VICTOR HUGO Oui, partout, oui, toujours, oui, pour combattre les violences et les impostures, oui pour réhabili... VICTOR HUGO Oui, partout, oui, toujours, oui, pour combattre les violences et les impostures, oui pour réhabili... VICTOR HUGO « Oui, partout, oui, toujours, oui, pour combattre les violences et les impostures, oui pour réhab... VICTOR HUGO Comment des sociétés contemporaines, restées ignorantes de l'électricité et de la machine à va... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS La monnaie est souvent mythifiée, conçue comme magique et obscure. Son ambivalence fondamentale fa... EMMANUEL TODD Tu vois, Jo, cette petite étoile au bout de la casserole, elle est comme toi, si tu l'enlèves, la ... PANCOL KATHERINE J'ai quitté Paris et même la France, parce que la Tour Eiffel finissait par m'ennuyer trop. Non se... GUY DE MAUPASSANT Le premier symbole où nous reconnaissons l'humanité dans ses vestiges est la sépulture, et le tru... JACQUES LACAN Au moyen âge… L’introduction du trivium est attestée: SÂDI, un noir lettré de Tombouctou, au... CHEIKH ANTA DIOP Les tentatives faites pour connaître la richesse et l'originalité des cultures humaines, et pour l... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS On meurt toujours trop tôt ― ou trop tard. Et cependant la vie est là, terminée: le trait est t... JEAN-PAUL SARTRE La classe des ouvriers modernes, qui ne vivent qu'à la condition de trouver du travail, et qui n'en... KARL MARX Mes joues creuses et mon regard perçant ne facilitent pas les choses quand il s'agit de franchir un... BJøRN GABRIELSEN A qui écris-tu? -A toi. En fait, je ne t'écris pas vraiment, j'écris ce que j'ai envie de fa... ANNA GAVALDA Est-ce que nous voyons la cent millième partie de ce qui existe ? Tenez, voici le vent, qui est la ... GUY DE MAUPASSANT La cucaracha, La cucaracha, Ya no puede caminar, porque no tiene, porque le falta, I don't know the ... SIMONE ELKELES Comment pouvaient-ils accepter que l'histoire de leur vie s'efface sous le souffle d'une bombe? Alor... JEAN BARBE Force and not opinion is the queen of the world; but it is
opinion that uses the force.
[Fr., La ... BLAISE PASCAL Es la imagen más pura de la mujer amada: la que aún no conocemos totalmente, la que se revelará, ... HENRI BARBUSSE Gratitude is the memory of the heart.
[Fr., La reconnaissance est la memoire du coeur.] JEAN BAPTISTE MASSIEU The wound is for you, but the pain is for me.
[Fr., La blessure est pour vous, la douleur est pour... CHARLES IX Finalement, ce n'est peut-être pas la corruption ni l'avidité qui rend lâche. Peut-être n'est-ce... ANN BRASHARES Magnificat de Bach. Remué jusqu'aux larmes. Il est impossible que ce qui s'y exprime n'ait q... EMIL M. CIORAN Voilà bien la famille : même celui qui n'a pas sa place dans le monde, qui n'est ni célèbre ni r... ROBERT MUSIL - « Ces règles sont un rapport constamment établi. Entre un corps mû et un autre corps mû, c’... MONTESQUIEU « L'acte est la parole du corps » MARIE-HéLèNE ET PASCALE POURRUT Una "persona" hace lo que debe, cuando debe y donde debe. Una "bestia" hace lo que le da la gana, cu... HENRY A. ROJAS L. Nous avons déjà parlé de la notion temporelle propre à chaque saison, l'été étant l'époque o... MARIE-CLAIRE DOLGHIN-LOYER Gauvin reprit : -Et la femme? qu'en faites-vous? Cimourdain répondit: -Ce qu'elle es... VICTOR HUGO I tried to make my mind go blank. La la la la la la la la. 'You can't keep that up forev... SARAH ALDERSON Je ne connais pas la moitié d'entre vous autant que je le voudrais. Et j'aime moins de la moitié d... J.R.R. TOLKIEN Tel fut aussi le cas d'un Nietzsche, génie volcanique s'il en est ; ici encore - mais d'une façon ... FRITHJOF SCHUON Exclusive property is a theft against nature.
[Fr., La propriete exclusive est un vol dans la natu... BIDPAI (PILPAY) J’ai déjà dit que la Communauté juive s’était chargée de recruter les travailleurs pour le ... BERNARD GOLDSTEIN Mais, j’aurai beau supplier, j’aurai beau me révolter, il n’y aura plus rien pour moi ; je n... HENRI BARBUSSE Lorsque la sexualité disparaît, c'est le corps de l'autre qui apparaît, dans sa présence vagueme... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Avec quelque spontanéité que nous obéissions à la voix qui nous dicte cette abnégation, nous se... ÉMILE DURKHEIM All children are morbid: it's their one saving grace. TRUMAN CAPOTE La tecnología etérea y digital que reemplazó a la imprenta ha alcanzado la mayoria de edad en un ... JARON LANIER Du reste, la majorité des orientalistes ne sont et ne veulent être que des érudits ; tant qu’il... RENé GUéNON All the passions are nothing else than different degrees of heat
and cold of the blood.
[Fr., Tou... FRANCOIS DUC DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD La vie est la seule carrière qui m'intéresse. ERIK ORSENNA The road is long fro the project to its completion.
[Fr., Et le chemin est long du projet a la cho... JEAN BAPTISTE POQUELIN MOLIERE Où va une personne qui peut reconnaître la réalité? Que fait-elle? Elle fait tout simplement ce ... GûDO NISHIJIMA À quoi bon écrire ? tout s'imprime en moi et c'est peut-être la pure poésie que de se laisser im... BLAISE CENDRARS La porte s’est ouverte tout de suite et est allée co - gner contre le mur. J’ai perçu un claqu... SYLVIE BéRARD En Harvard y otras universidades, estudiaron la importancia de la actitud en el éxito de las person... JOHN C. MAXWELL – Es gracioso lo que la gente está dispuesta a hacer para que la recuerden. – Bueno, o par... JOHN GREEN The champions of liberty have the medal for any necklace. (Les champions de la liberté - Ont la mé... CHARLES DE LEUSSE Je savais qu'un afflux inespéré d'énergie l'avait levé de son lit, lui avait donné la force de ... MURIEL BARBERY « Quoi que tu rêves d'entreprendre, commence-le. L'audace a du génie, du pouvoir, de la magie. ... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Para la mayoría de nosotros la verdadera vida es la vida que no llevamos. OSCAR WILDE La peor guerra es la que se da entre la humildad Y TU ORGULLO... RON CHACHAGUA The reasoning of the strongest is always the best.
[Fr., La raison du plus fort est toujours la me... JEAN DE LA FONTAINE The handle of the heart is the hand of another. (La poignée du cœur - Est la main de l'autre.) CHARLES DE LEUSSE La primera regla del Club de la lucha es: nadie habla sobre el Club de la lucha. La segunda regla de... CHUCK PALAHNIUK
More Victor Hugo
When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. VICTOR HUGO No one can keep a secret better than a child. VICTOR HUGO There are no rules, no models; rather, there are no rules other than the general laws of Nature. VICTOR HUGO But when ill indeed, Even dismissing the doctor don't always succeed. VICTOR HUGO A noble soul and real poetic talent are almost always inseparable. VICTOR HUGO One believes others will do what he will do to himself. VICTOR HUGO The word is the Verb, and the Verb is God. VICTOR HUGO A war between Europeans is a civil war. VICTOR HUGO One sometimes says: 'He killed himself because he was bored with life.' One ought rather to ... VICTOR HUGO Indigestion is charged by God with enforcing morality on the stomach. VICTOR HUGO A faith is a necessity to a man. Woe to him who believes in nothing. VICTOR HUGO I would have liked to be - indeed, I should have been - a second Rembrandt. VICTOR HUGO Men become accustomed to poison by degrees. VICTOR HUGO Sublime upon sublime scarcely presents a contrast, and we need a little rest from everything, even t... VICTOR HUGO The animal is ignorant of the fact that he knows. The man is aware of the fact that he is ignorant. VICTOR HUGO Nature has made a pebble and a female. The lapidary makes the diamond, and the lover makes the woman... VICTOR HUGO The beautiful has but one type, the ugly has a thousand. VICTOR HUGO Hell is an outrage on humanity. When you tell me that your deity made you in his image, I reply that... VICTOR HUGO The first symptom of love in a young man is timidity; in a girl boldness. VICTOR HUGO The wise man does not grow old, but ripens. VICTOR HUGO Love that is not jealous is neither true nor pure. VICTOR HUGO It is from books that wise people derive consolation in the troubles of life. VICTOR HUGO Without vanity, without coquetry, without curiosity, in a word, without the fall, woman would not be... VICTOR HUGO To rise from error to truth is rare and beautiful. VICTOR HUGO All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. VICTOR HUGO Death has its revelations: the great sorrows which open the heart open the mind as well; light comes... VICTOR HUGO When God desires to destroy a thing, he entrusts its destruction to the thing itself. Every bad inst... VICTOR HUGO To love another person is to see the face of God. VICTOR HUGO Scepticism, that dry caries of the intelligence. VICTOR HUGO The learned man knows that he is ignorant. VICTOR HUGO Thought is more than a right - it is the very breath of man. Whoever fetters thought attacks man him... VICTOR HUGO Rhyme, that enslaved queen, that supreme charm of our poetry, that creator of our meter. VICTOR HUGO One sees qualities at a distance and defects at close range. VICTOR HUGO Many great actions are committed in small struggles. VICTOR HUGO To be perfectly happy it does not suffice to possess happiness, it is necessary to have deserved it. VICTOR HUGO Joy's smile is much closer to tears than laughter. VICTOR HUGO Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left. VICTOR HUGO The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, ... VICTOR HUGO The ode lives upon the ideal, the epic upon the grandiose, the drama upon the real. VICTOR HUGO Doing nothing is happiness for children and misery for old men. VICTOR HUGO To contemplate is to look at shadows. VICTOR HUGO To think of shadows is a serious thing. VICTOR HUGO Perseverance, secret of all triumphs. VICTOR HUGO Virtue has a veil, vice a mask. VICTOR HUGO Style is the substance of the subject called unceasingly to the surface. VICTOR HUGO Stupidity talks, vanity acts. VICTOR HUGO Blessed be Providence which has given to each his toy: the doll to the child, the child to the woman... VICTOR HUGO The soul has illusions as the bird has wings: it is supported by them. VICTOR HUGO What would be ugly in a garden constitutes beauty in a mountain. VICTOR HUGO To love beauty is to see light. VICTOR HUGO I met in the street a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, his cloak... VICTOR HUGO It is by suffering that human beings become angels. VICTOR HUGO Dear God! how beauty varies in nature and art. In a woman the flesh must be like marble; in a statue... VICTOR HUGO The most powerful symptom of love is a tenderness which becomes at times almost insupportable. VICTOR HUGO To love is to act. VICTOR HUGO Great perils have this beauty, that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers. VICTOR HUGO Concision in style, precision in thought, decision in life. VICTOR HUGO He, who every morning plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan, carries a thread tha... VICTOR HUGO Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. VICTOR HUGO Puns are the droppings of soaring wits. VICTOR HUGO Reaction - a boat which is going against the current but which does not prevent the river from flowi... VICTOR HUGO Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every man. VICTOR HUGO There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than th... VICTOR HUGO A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and an invisible labor... VICTOR HUGO Ils tombèrent dans cette redoutable erreur de prendre l'obéissance du soldat pour le consentement ... VICTOR HUGO Those who live are those who fight. VICTOR HUGO Life is a flower of which love is the honey. VICTOR HUGO I met in the street a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, his cloak... VICTOR HUGO To love another person is to see the face of God. Les Miserables VICTOR HUGO The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather,... VICTOR HUGO The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved. VICTOR HUGO Then press my lips, where plays a flame of bliss,--
A pure and holy love-light,--and forsake
T... VICTOR HUGO Our acts make or mar us, we are the children of our own deeds. VICTOR HUGO Death belongs to God alone. By what right do men touch that unknown thing? VICTOR HUGO The greatest happiness of life it the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather,... VICTOR HUGO Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education. VICTOR HUGO God manifests himself to us in the first degree through the life of the universe, and in the second ... VICTOR HUGO Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent VICTOR HUGO Reason is intelligence taking exercise. Imagination is intelligence with an erection. VICTOR HUGO Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. VICTOR HUGO An intelligent hell would be better than a stupid paradise. VICTOR HUGO What Is Love? I have met in the streets a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his ... VICTOR HUGO Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul... VICTOR HUGO A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil. VICTOR HUGO A man without a woman is like a pistol without a trigger; it is the woman who makes the man go off. VICTOR HUGO A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in--what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and... VICTOR HUGO Release is not the same as liberation. You get out of jail, all right, but you never stop being cond... VICTOR HUGO Nothing is more imminent than the impossible . . . what we must always foresee is the unforeseen. VICTOR HUGO There is nothing like a dream to create the future. VICTOR HUGO Melancholy is the happiness of being sad. VICTOR HUGO God created the flirt as soon as he made the fool. VICTOR HUGO Music expresses that which can not be said and on which it is impossible to be silent VICTOR HUGO The greatest blunders, like the thickest ropes, are often compounded of a multitude of strands. VICTOR HUGO Do not ask the name of the person who seeks a bed for the night. He who is reluctant to give his nam... VICTOR HUGO Where the telescope ends, the microscope begins. Which of the two has the grander view? VICTOR HUGO Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet. VICTOR HUGO When a woman is speaking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes. VICTOR HUGO A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is visible labor and there is invisible l... VICTOR HUGO To rescue from oblivion even a fragment of a language which men have used and which is in danger of ... VICTOR HUGO Nothing can be more depressing than to expose, naked to the light of thought, the hideous growth of ... VICTOR HUGO From the oyster to the eagle, from the swine to the tiger, all animals are to be found in men and ea... VICTOR HUGO Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters. VICTOR HUGO Loving is half of believing. VICTOR HUGO Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. VICTOR HUGO Have courage for the great sorrows of life, and patience for the small ones. When you have laborious... VICTOR HUGO There are obstinate and unknown braves who defend themselves inch by inch in the shadows against the... VICTOR HUGO Be like the bird who, halting in his flight on a limb too slight, yet sings, knowing he has wings. VICTOR HUGO Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education. VICTOR HUGO There is no more sovereign eloquence than the truth in indignation. VICTOR HUGO As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled. VICTOR HUGO There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has com... VICTOR HUGO Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come. VICTOR HUGO A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea. VICTOR HUGO It is not enough for us to prostrate ourselves under the tree which is Creation, and to contemplate ... VICTOR HUGO In each age men of genius undertake the ascent. From below, the world follows them with their eyes. ... VICTOR HUGO What are the convulsions of a city in comparison with the insurrections of the soul? Man is a depth ... VICTOR HUGO A creditor is worse than a slave-owner; for the master owns only your person, but a creditor owns yo... VICTOR HUGO I'd rather be hissed at for a good verse, than applauded for a bad one. VICTOR HUGO Life, misfortunes, isolation, abandonment, poverty, are battlefields which have their heroes; obscur... VICTOR HUGO Close by the Rights of Man, at the least set beside them, are the Rights of the Spirit. VICTOR HUGO Mankind is not a circle with a single center but an ellipse with two focal points of which facts are... VICTOR HUGO One cannot be a good historian of the outward, visible world without giving some thought to the hidd... VICTOR HUGO For prying into any human affairs, non are equal to those whom it does not concern. VICTOR HUGO We are the children of our own deeds. VICTOR HUGO There are fathers who do not love their children, but there is no grandfather who does not adore his... VICTOR HUGO Genius is a promontory jutting out into the infinite. VICTOR HUGO The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your... VICTOR HUGO Liberation is not deliverance. VICTOR HUGO A saint addicted to excessive self-abnegation is a dangerous associate; he may infect you with pover... VICTOR HUGO Superstition, bigotry and prejudice, ghosts though they are, cling tenaciously to life; they are sha... VICTOR HUGO The book which the reader now holds in his hands, from one end to the other, as a whole and in its d... VICTOR HUGO Popularity? It's glory's small change. VICTOR HUGO Such is the remorseless progression of human society, shedding lives and souls as it goes on its way... VICTOR HUGO A library implies an act of faith. VICTOR HUGO Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time. VICTOR HUGO It is the essence of truth that it is never excessive. Why should it exaggerate? There is that which... VICTOR HUGO In this world, which is so plainly the antechamber of another, there are no happy men. The true divi... VICTOR HUGO Whenever we encounter the Infinite in man, however imperfectly understood, we treat it with respect.... VICTOR HUGO There exists, at the bottom of all abasement and misfortune, a last extreme which rebels and joins b... VICTOR HUGO If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the si... VICTOR HUGO Jesus wept; Voltaire smiled. From that divine tear and from that human smile is derived the grace of... VICTOR HUGO Let us have compassion for those under chastisement. Alas, who are we ourselves? Who am I and who ar... VICTOR HUGO We say that slavery has vanished from European civilization, but this is not true. Slavery still exi... VICTOR HUGO Prometheus is action. Hamlet is hesitation. In Prometheus the obstacle is exterior; in Hamlet it is ... VICTOR HUGO Separated lovers cheat absence by a thousand fancies which have their own reality. They are prevente... VICTOR HUGO Most commonly revolt is born of material circumstances; but insurrection is always a moral phenomeno... VICTOR HUGO The brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over we realize this: that the hum... VICTOR HUGO He does not weep who does not see. VICTOR HUGO Progress is the life-style of man. The general life of the human race is called Progress, and so is ... VICTOR HUGO Progress is man's mode of existence. The general life of the human race is called Progress, the coll... VICTOR HUGO No one ever keeps a secret so well as a child. VICTOR HUGO The convent, which belongs to the West as it does to the East, to antiquity as it does to the presen... VICTOR HUGO We are on the side of religion as opposed to religions, and we are among those who believe in the wr... VICTOR HUGO Toleration is the best religion. VICTOR HUGO I was always a lover of soft-winged things. VICTOR HUGO A little girl without a doll is almost as unfortunate and quite as impossible as a woman without chi... VICTOR HUGO Popularity is glory's small change. VICTOR HUGO For sight is woman-like and shuns the old.
(Ah! he can see enough, when years are told,
Who b... VICTOR HUGO Melancholy is the pleasure of being sad VICTOR HUGO The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but the one who causes the darkness. VICTOR HUGO For, to make deserts, God, who rules mankind,
Begins with kings, and ends the work by wind. VICTOR HUGO King of the peak and glacier,
King of the cold, white scalps,
He lifts his head at that close ... VICTOR HUGO To reform a man, you must begin with his grandmother. VICTOR HUGO The greatest happiness of life it the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather... VICTOR HUGO A compliment is like a kiss through a veil. VICTOR HUGO The clouds,--the only birds that never sleep. VICTOR HUGO You have suffered greatly, poor mother. Oh! do not lament, you have now the portion of the elect. It... VICTOR HUGO A library implies an act of faith VICTOR HUGO Life is the flower for which love is the honey. VICTOR HUGO Caution is the eldest child of wisdom VICTOR HUGO There is no such thing as a little country. The greatness of a people is no more determined by their... VICTOR HUGO The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being even to God, this i... VICTOR HUGO To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark. VICTOR HUGO He never went out without a book under his arm, and he often came back with two. VICTOR HUGO Society is a republic. When an individual tries to lift themselves above others, they are dragged do... VICTOR HUGO The human soul has still greater need of the ideal than of the real. It is by the real that we exist... VICTOR HUGO And the dream that our mind had sketched in haste
Shall others continue, but never complete.
F... VICTOR HUGO A society that admits misery, a humanity that admits war, seem to me an inferior society and a debas... VICTOR HUGO Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is ... VICTOR HUGO There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his gra... VICTOR HUGO The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring. VICTOR HUGO Amnesty is as good for those who give it as for those who receive it. It has the admirable quality o... VICTOR HUGO Try as you will, you cannot annihilate that eternal relic of the human heart, love. VICTOR HUGO Our life dreams the Utopia. Our death achieves the Ideal. VICTOR HUGO Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have labori... VICTOR HUGO Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant. VICTOR HUGO Sorrow is a fruit. God does not make it grow on limbs too weak to bear it. VICTOR HUGO How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts... VICTOR HUGO Whenever a man's friends begin to compliment him about looking young, he may be sure that they t... VICTOR HUGO What is history? An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past. VICTOR HUGO The drama is complete poetry. The ode and the epic contain it only in germ; it contains both of them... VICTOR HUGO When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes. VICTOR HUGO Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. VICTOR HUGO Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age. VICTOR HUGO Curiosity is one of the forms of feminine bravery. VICTOR HUGO To give thanks in solitude is enough. Thanksgiving has wings and goes where it must go. Your prayer ... VICTOR HUGO Initiative is doing the right thing without being told. VICTOR HUGO Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclips... VICTOR HUGO Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots. VICTOR HUGO He who opens a school door, closes a prison. VICTOR HUGO