Let them bestow on every airth a limb; Then open all my veins, that I may swim To thee, my Maker! in that crimson lake; Then place my parboiled head upon a stake - Scatter my ashes - strew them in the air; - Lord! since thou know'st where all these
James Graham
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I mean, there's times to rock and roll, and I love that too. But I think my first love is acoustic music.
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First love
I think it's kind of like you fall in love with the person, like you fall in love with the script.
— Heather Graham
You needn't be so scared. Love doesn't end. Just because we don't see each other...
— Graham Greene
My version of falling in love is borderline psychotic. Should be avoided at all costs. Get obsessed. Can't fall in love and function at the same time. All-consuming. Tunnel vision. Euphoric.'
— Graham Norton
Basically, I'm a really bad interviewer. I love meeting celebrities, but then I get a bit bored. Once you meet them you thing, 'really, what an ordinary person'.
— Graham Norton