La biodiversità era stata rimpiazziata dall'uniformità genetica, nelle università i dipartimenti di scienze animali erano diventati dipartimenti di scienze zootecniche, un'attività economica un tempo dominata dalle donne era ormai passata in mano ai maschi, e pollicoltori esperti erano stati rimpiazzati da dipendenti stipendiati. Non ci fu un colpo di pistola a segnare l'inizio della corsa verso il basso. Il terreno si inclinò e tutti scivolarono giù.
Jonathan Safran Foer
Related E c'era davvero qualcosa che si avvicinava dal vialetto, in direzione della casa. Lo vedevo dal bino... NEIL GAIMAN E l’amore guardò il tempo e rise, perché sapeva di non averne bisogno. Finse di morire per un gi... LUIGI PIRANDELLO Una lezione ha un denominatore comune che ci lega l'uno all'altro come in una catena. In fondo alla ... CECELIA AHERN Fiona ritorna a Cape Love dopo undici anni, scrittrice di successo e con una bambina di dieci anni a... VIVIANA GIORGI Poi è andata com'è andata. É andata come sappiamo. Sono finite le autoriduzioni, le lotte armate,... DIEGO DE SILVA La Cadillac Eldorado Brougham del 1957 era l'incarnazione perfetta dell'esibizionismo, tra le macchi... CHRISTOPHER MOORE Egli [Marx] ha posto il lavoro, il suo avvilimento ingiusto e la sua dignità profonda, al centro de... ALBERT CAMUS Ciononostante, vi fu uno spazio di un paio di secondi durante i quali l'espressione dei suoi occhi a... GEORGE ORWELL Amiamo i mondi di fantasia perché il mondo in cui viviamo non ci soddisfa completamente. Troviamo c... ALESSIA ESSE Oggi penso talvolta che il vicino dell’Elefante poteva essere il futuro ufficiale della Gestapo ch... CZESłAW MIłOSZ Il corpo è la casa del tempo, dentro di lui muoiono gli anni, e con loro noi stessi. Amavo davvero ... ISABELLA SANTACROCE Ovviamente non si ha il diritto di dar da mangiare a Pop Corn, visto che si trova qui per dimagrire.... ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT La mamma somiglia molto a Bright Side. O forse era Bright Side che somigliava alla mamma. Anche lei,... KIM HOLDEN Cara Emmi, nella parte più interna della mia mano sinistra, suppergiù al centro,. 04/10/2012 ... DANIEL GLATTAUER ...Quando Isabelle alzò lo sguardo ebbe l’impressione che il cuore le si fermasse. Stava risalend... MARTA SAVARINO E così, nella cassa da morto del sindaco, il bambino, l’uccellino e il costruttore di casse da mo... MATILDA WOODS Ma la virilità si è tutta smammolata in coccolette; il coraggio svaporato in complimenti, e gli uo... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Entrambi respirarono un po' di quell'affetto che ancora resisteva tra di loro, diluito lungo ce... PAOLO GIORDANO Non è un caso, infatti, che la grafica globalizzata tenda spesso a somigliarsi un po' tutta. Non si... RICCARDO FALCINELLI Tumad aveva il comando della scorta, come accadeva la maggior parte dei giorni in cui Bashere non av... ROBERT JORDAN ...notai che le armature di ferro di plaza Costituciòn avevno cambiato non so quale pubblicità di ... JORGE LUIS BORGES Con il termine Personal Branding si definisce il processo di creazione e gestione del proprio Brand,... TOMMASO SORCHIOTTI La vigilia di Natale, Harry andò a letto pregustando le leccornie e i divertimenti dell'indomani, m... J.K. ROWLING Secondo gli stereotipi comuni, la grafica si occupa, in maniera artistica e creativa, di pubblicità... RICCARDO FALCINELLI ...vidi i resti atroci di quanto deliziosamente era stata Beatriz Viterbo, vidi la circolazione del ... JORGE LUIS BORGES Ombrosa non c’è più. Guardando il cielo sgombro, mi domando se è davvero esistita. Quel frastag... ITALO CALVINO La vendetta, caro signore, la vendetta, la quale, èur essendo un peccato da gentiluomo come il vino... WALTER SCOTT La vendetta, caro signore, la vendetta, la quale, pur essendo un peccato da gentiluomo come il vino,... WALTER SCOTT La “Crisi Esistenziale” di chi ama l’amore e ha il coraggio di amare. Nell’epoca ... SAVIO DE MARTINO «Ho passato tutta la vita a far finta di essere qualcuno che non ero, simulando e nascondendo i mie... RACHEL HAWKINS Era davvero uno strano spettacolo guardare quella personcina seduta, i cui piedi non arrivavano a te... ROALD DAHL E' strano, ma quando si ha paura di qualcosa, e si darebbe tutto per rallentare il tempo, quest'ulti... J.K. ROWLING Passando fra gli insorti che si scostavano con religioso rispetto, [papà Mabeuf] continuò dritto v... VICTOR HUGO Crisi Esistenziale” - (Testo e Musica : Savio De Martino) CHI SONO IO PER SENTIRMI UN D... SAVIO DE MARTINO Quando la stanchezza della corsa mi faceva cadere sulle pietre credevo di essere lontano da quell'or... MARIO RIGONI STERN Da bambino amavo ciò che si vede, da adolescente quello che si sente: da uomo, non amo più nulla.<... GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad og... EUGENIO MONTALE Ho visto qualcosa di diverso in te! Sei intrappolata in questa guerra che non ti appartiene, c'è un... B. TIANA LORENA Forse sapevano, un po' meglio degli altri, decifrare, o magari suscitare, questi segni favorevoli. L... GEORGES PEREC Cosa farei senza libri? Ne ho la casa piena, eppure non mi bastano mai. Vorrei avere una giornata di... DACIA MARAINI La prima [canzone] tradotta in italiano con il titolo "Lo Straniero" rappresenta in fondo la condizi... DIEGO MARANI L'amore comincia sempre come un dolore, perché è la scoperta di un'assenza, come detta il "mi manc... ALESSANDRO D'AVENIA Poi si voltò verso di me, per farmi vedere com'era arrabbiata, e che quella rabbia era per me. Stav... KURT VONNEGUT Tutti e due pensavano ai giovani – i loro fratelli, i loro amici – le cui ossa erano in decompos... IRèNE NéMIROVSKY Nel momento in cui riconosceva quello che c'era su una cartuccia provava la sensazione carica d'ansi... DAVID FOSTER WALLACE «Neanche io so come comportarmi con te. Hai abbattuto le mie barriere e non mi aspettavo di lasciar... ORNELLA CALCAGNILE ...noi arabi inventammo questi numeri: il sistema decimale. Ma la nostra più grande invenzione fu S... STEFANO BENNI «Non ero nessuno prima di conoscere te, e dopo che te ne sarai andato sarò di nuovo nessuno.» JANE SEVILLE Il suicidio è così contrario a tanti nostri istinti e impulsi programmati che nessuno sano di ment... DAVID FOSTER WALLACE Camminavo nella sera piena di lillà con tutti i muscoli indolenziti in mezzo alle luci della 27a St... JACK KEROUAC «Era tutto così bello, ed era tutto per gli esseri umani che non sapevano cosa farsene di tanta be... SILVIA A.G. MIRTH Girandosi in fretta Abbie sentì qualcosa muoversi dentro di lei di fronte al calore del sorriso che... FREDA LIGHTFOOT [...] tutto mentiva, tutto puzzava, puzzava di menzogna, tutto simulava un significato di bontà e d... HERMANN HESSE per troppo tempo l'Afghanistan è stato usato come terreno di scontro nel "Grande Gioco" delle super... MALALAI JOYA Lui continua a scusarsi e a elencarmi la sua lista di problemi, senza rendersi conto che il vero pro... SARA DARDIKH Fa parte della nostra natura biologica innamorarci, e di solito lo facciamo persino con la persona p... SEMIR ZEKI E ora vedi: questo "un giorno" è illusione, è soltanto un modo di dire! Il peccatore non è in cam... HERMANN HESSE Quasi avesse tenuto una breve rappresentazione teatrale, l'avvocato si mette una mano sul cuore e si... JENNY ERPENBECK «Mi prometti che ti comporterai meglio che puoi?» «Si» mi rispose sorridente «Parola di sc... N.R. WALKER La giovane, che non era di ferro né di diamante, assai agevolmente si piegò ai piaceri dello abate... GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO Piera, la protagonista di Vuoi vedere che è proprio amore?, è una giovane donna che lavora. Profes... VIVIANA GIORGI La gente non sapeva ancora bene come assestarsi di nuovo in una vita normale: le famiglie erano anco... LUIGI MENEGHELLO Amare è solo una forma di "ri-conoscimento", nella vita riconosciamo ciò che abbiamo già letto, o... ALESSANDRO D'AVENIA Siamo o non siamo su un’invisibile trottolina, cui fa da ferza un fil di sole, su un granellino di... LUIGI PIRANDELLO Josephine è uno e molti. È fatta di respiri, ricordi, paure. Sogni, anche. Il suo nome è sconosci... MONICA SERRA L'essere umano è davvero una creatura straordinaria. Ha scoperto il fuoco, edificato città, scritt... UMBERTO ECO Non avrebbe più parlato del bacio. Sarebbe stato solo il suo bacio perfetto con la sua prima c... ANNA MARTIN Non si pone come regola, non si prescrive di essere casti; la castità è di per sé un ideale, o a ... LEO TOLSTOY Quando vendi ad un uomo un libro, non gli vendi 12 once di carta, un po' di inchiostro e della colla... C. MORLEY Il genio non è scoprire un motivo esterno e trattarlo bene, ma giungere finalmente a possedere la p... CESARE PAVESE Come tutte le cose pure e dotate di una forza prorompente, le parole di Nietzsche potevano portare n... MILA FOIS Giocavo a marito e moglie, a padre e figlia, a fare l'adulta, tutto era un gioco per me. Ma era... BANANA YOSHIMOTO La forza dell’immagine e il potere dei social network possono cambiare la storia della comunicazio... ALEX CORLAZZOLI Le parole sopravvivono ai sistemi perchè vivono di loro stesse: sono fuochi di memoria, segnali di ... SALVATORE NATOLI «Proprio un elfo snob doveva toccarmi in sorte?» le rispose divertito. «Allora, non mi rimane alt... VIVIANA GIORGI Magari qualcosa, una moneta che cade, un piccolo braccialetto che si impiglia alla maglia di qualcun... CLAUDIA PINTUS ”(…) spesso sto davanti a me stesso come davanti a un estraneo, quando in ore tranquille un e... ERIC MARIA REMARQUE - Fanciulla, non so se sei una dea o una mortale, se sei una dea certo sei Artemide con le tue ancel... JEAN-PIERRE VERNANT Rossella, non ho mai avuto la pazienza di raccogliere i frammenti di un oggetto rotto per incollarli... MARGARET MITCHELL La mente gli scivolò nel mondo labirintico del bipensiero. Sapere e non sapere; credere ferma... GEORGE ORWELL Il bassotto alzò il muso verso di lui, con lo sguardo dei cani quando non capiscono e non sanno che... ITALO CALVINO Con le sue strade acciottolate, le torri merlate, le gallerie ad arcate, i bovindi e i portici scolp... ELIF SHAFAK Il libro si adatta alla mano, si adatta all'individuo. Il modo in cui tieni in mano un libro e giri ... DON DELILLO Barzellette matematiche I (*) Un biologo, uno statistico e un matematico sono seduti un caffè ... IAN STEWART Non riesco a uscire dalla mia stanza senza prima fissare il portatile di Bright Side, rimasto intatt... KIM HOLDEN Ci divoreranno, Andrej Romanovič. Noi russi, gli ucraini, i popoli del sud; nessuno di noi conosce ... ANDREA TARABBIA Non chiamai Marion. Provai un senso di solitudine, in mancanza di parole migliori, ma in effetti è ... DON DELILLO Il segreto più profondo di Olimpia è racchiuso in quest'unica nota cristallina: lottare è un gioc... MARGUERITE YOURCENAR «La gente muore, questo è un dato di fatto» diceva la mamma. «Ma il modo in cui perdiamo le cose... DONNA TARTT Nel tennis il vero avversario, la frontiera che include, è il giocatore stesso. C'è sempre e solo ... DAVID FOSTER WALLACE «Mancano venti miglia a Limerick» disse, mostrandosi molto interessata al percorso. «So legg... VIVIANA GIORGI Vorrei poter fermare il tempo e vivere così per sempre" Di solito questi riferimenti al suo im... SUZANNE COLLINS [...] la schiavitù non è altro che il profitto di pochi del lavoro della massa. Perché la schiavi... LEO TOLSTOY ... quando un cristiano sente il desiderio di prendere un caffè, non è perché vuole bere un caff�... LUCIANO DE CRESCENZO La solitudine non è mai con voi; è sempre senza di voi, e soltanto possibile con un estraneo attor... LUIGI PIRANDELLO Soffrirai profondamente, fratello mio, quando scoprirai quanti nostri simili sono contagiati dall'od... JOëL DICKER io, mio caro, non credo nell'amore universale. L'amore esiste in dosi modiche. Si possono amare fors... AMOS OZ Quando si strappano tutte le fibre della civiltà è un lavoro lento quello di ricucirle insieme. Ve... CHRISTOPHER MORLEY Perché, se esistono gli angeli, a nessuno di loro spetta il compito di impedire che sulla terra avv... CHRISTINE LAVANT Leggendo non cerchiamo idee nuove, ma pensieri già da noi pensati, che acquistano sulla pagina un s... CESARE PAVESE
More Jonathan Safran Foer
When a book remembers, we remember. It reminds you that you have a body. So many of the things we ma... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER But I knew the truth and that's why I was so sad. Every moment before this one depends on this one. ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER She was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER He awoke each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as sim... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Why do beautiful songs make you sad?' 'Because they aren't true.' 'Never?' 'Nothing is beautiful and... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Time was passing like a hand waving from a train I wanted to be on. I hope you never have to t... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Needless to say, jamming deformed, drugged, overstressed birds together in a filthy, waste-coated ro... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Elsewhere the paper notes that vegetarians and vegans (including athletes) 'meet and exceed requirem... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I can't count the times that upon telling someone I am vegetarian, he or she responded by pointing o... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Perhaps in the back of our minds we already understand, without all the science I've discussed, that... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. My greatest regret was how much I ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I feel too much. That's what's going on.' 'Do you think one can feel too much? Or just feel in the w... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Songs are as sad as the listener. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER (What are your ghosts like?) (They are on the insides of the lids of my eyes.) (This is al... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I love you also means I love you more than anyone loves you, or has loved you, or will love you, and... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I regret that it takes a life to learn how to live. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I can forgive you for leaving, but not for coming back. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER However much we obfuscate or ignore it, we know that the factory farm is inhumane in the deepest sen... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving and identity. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER It would be refreshing to have a politician try to defend guns without any reference to the Second A... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I usually write away from home, in coffee shops, on trains, on planes, in friends' houses. I lik... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER There is an overabundance of rational reasons to say no to factory-farmed meat: It is the No. 1 caus... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The French, who love their dogs, sometimes eat their horses. The Spanish, who love their horses, som... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Books are slow, books are quiet. The Internet is fast and loud. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER If the thrill of hunting were in the hunt, or even in the marksmanship, a camera would do just as we... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Food is not just what we put in our mouths to fill up; it is culture and identity. Reason plays some... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Words are capable of making experience more vivid, and also of organizing it. They can scare us, and... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Why do I write? It's not that I want people to think I am smart, or even that I am a good writer... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER When we talk about protecting our right to have guns, we are talking about protecting our right to s... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER We eat as sons and daughters, as families, as communities, as generations, as nations, and increasin... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The more exposure people have to the realities of factory farming, the more we will see people rejec... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Jews have a special relationship to books, and the Haggadah has been translated more widely, and rep... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I will never come around to the idea of an anthropomorphic God. I'm also uncomfortable with the ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I am an on-and-off vegetarian. Sometimes on, mostly off. I think it is better to be a vegetarian but... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Every factory-farmed animal is, as a practice, treated in ways that would be illegal if it were a do... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER In America right now, we use words like 'smart' to talk about bombs. American rhetoric is gr... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The Torah is the foundational text for Jewish law, but the Haggadah is our book of living memory. We... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Feeding my children is not like feeding myself: it matters more. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Why does watching a dog be a dog fill one with happiness? JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I think and think and think, I‘ve thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never onc... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Darling, You asked me to write you a letter, so I am writing you a letter. I do not know why I ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I first became a vegetarian when I was nine, in response to an argument made by a radical babysitter... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I see bad stuff on the street all the time that I don't do anything about. I do bad stuff myself... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Consumers are going to have get used to eating less meat - to paying more for better quality meat an... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER All really great artists, Jackson Pollack, John Cage, Beckett or Joyce - you are never indifferent t... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I realized that your mother couldn't see the emptiness, she couldn't see anything...All of the words... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I imagine a line, a white line, painted on the sand and on the ocean, from me to you. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The mistakes I've made are dead to me. But I can't take back the things I never did. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I wanted to tell her everything, maybe if I'd been able to, we could have lived differently, maybe I... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER There is a glaring reason that the necessary total ban on nontherapeutic use of antibiotics hasn'... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER My wife and I have chosen to bring up our children as vegetarians. In another time or place, we migh... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Kids are a great analogy. You want your kids to grow up, and you don't want your kids to grow up... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Isn’t it so weird how the number of dead people is increasing even though the earth stays the same... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I got tired, I told him. Not worn out, but worn through. Like one of those wives who wakes up one mo... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Why are you leaving me? He wrote, I do not know how to live. I do not know either but I am... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Humans are the only animal that blushes, laughs, has religion, wages war, and kisses with lips. So i... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Look, taste is clearly the crudest of our senses: this is scientifically, objectively factual. It is... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER It's so hard to express yourself.' I understand this.' I want to express myself.' Th... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER People who care about animals tend to care about people. They don't care about animals to the ex... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Do you think I'm wonderful? she asked him one day as they leaned against the trunk of a petrified ma... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Thomas! What are you doing!" and I gestured, "I thought this was Nothing," covering myself with one ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Just about every children's book in my local bookstore has an animal for its hero. But then, onl... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER What about little microphones? What if everyone swallowed them, and they played the sounds of our he... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I'm so afraid of losing something I love that I refuse to love anything JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER With writing, we have second chances. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The philosopher Elaine Scarry has observed that "beauty always takes place in the particular." Cruel... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER So many people enter and leave your life! Hundreds of thousands of people! You have to keep the door... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I thought, it's a shame that we have to live, but it's a tragedy that we get to live only one life, ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I'm sorry for my inability to let unimportant things go, for my inability to hold on to the importan... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER She wants to know if I love her, that's all anyone wants from anyone else, not love itself but the k... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Because sometimes people who seem good end up being not as good as you might have hoped. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I wanted to touch him, to tell him that even if everyone left everyone, I would never leave him, he ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Feathers filled the small room. Our laughter kept the feathers in the air. I thought about birds. Co... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The secret was a hole in the middle of me that every happy thing fell into. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I never confused what I had with what I was. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I took the world into me, rearranged it, and sent it back out as a question: "Do you like me? JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I felt, that night, on that stage, under that skull, incredibly close to everything in the universe,... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Just because you're an atheist, that doesn't mean you wouldn't love for things to have reasons for w... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER In bed that night I invented a special drain that would be underneath every pillow in New York, and ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER What did thinking ever do for me, to what great place did thinking ever bring me? I think and think ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER We need enormous pockets, pockets big enough for our families and our friends, and even the people w... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER We had everything to say to each other, but no ways to say it JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I missed you even when I was with you. That’s been my problem. I miss what I already have, and I s... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER My life story is the story of everyone I've ever met. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER There were things I wanted to tell him. But I knew they would hurt him. So I buried them, and let th... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I hope that one day you will have the experience of doing something you do not understand for someon... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I like to see people reunited, I like to see people run to each other, I like the kissing and the cr... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I could not believe in a God that would challenge faith like this. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Every moment before this one depends on this one. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER She was like a drowning person, flailing, reaching for anything that might save her. Her life was an... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER That is what death is like. It doesn't matter what uniforms the soldiers are wearing. It doesn't mat... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER There are two kinds of sculptures. There's the kind that subtracts: Michelangelo starts with a b... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER It was not the feeling of completeness I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER If there is no love in the world, we will make a new world, and we will give it walls, and we will f... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Or perhaps a widow found him and took him in: brought him an easy chair, changed his sweater every m... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER When I looked at you, my life made sense. Even the bad things made sense. They were necessary to mak... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER This is love, she thought, isn’t it? When you notice someone’s absence and hate that absence mor... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER He knew that I love you also means I love you in a way that no one loves you, or has loved you, or w... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I hated myself for going, why couldn't I be the kind of person who stays? JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I thought about all of the things that everyone ever says to each other, and how everyone is going t... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER It's true, I am afraid of dying. I am afraid of the world moving forward without me, of my absence g... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Just because youre an atheist, that doesnt mean you wouldnt love for things to have reasons fo... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER She wanted more, more slang, more figures of speech, the bee's knees, the cats pajamas, horse of a d... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER (You do not have to be shamed in my closeness. Family are the people who must never make you feel as... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER He spent the next weeks blocking scenes of the bureaucrat fucking his wife. On the floor with cookin... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER We need a better way to talk about eating animals. We need a way that brings meat to the center of p... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Not responding is a response--we are equally responsible for what we don't do. In the case of animal... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER ...people with nothing to declare carry the most. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I am not a bad person," he said. "I am good person who has lived un a bad time. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Just because you’re an atheist, that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t love for things to have reasons... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER My dream went all the way back to the beginning. The rain rose into the clouds, and the animals desc... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER If we are not given the option to live without violence, we are given the choice to center our meals... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Just how destructive does a culinary preference have to be before we decide to eat something else? I... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Not responding is a response - we are equally responsible for what we don't do. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER We are being very nomadic with the truth, yes? JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Succotash my cocker spaniel, you fudging crevasse-hole dipshiitake! JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I tried the key in all the doors, even though he said he didn't recognize it. It's not that I didn't... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I shook my tambourine the whole time, because it helped me remember that even though I was going thr... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I wanted to build walls around him, I wanted to separate inside from outside, I wanted to give him a... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER There are only so many times that you can utter ‘It does not hurt’ before it begins to hurt even... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER But I do not do these things because we are family. I do them because they are common decencies. Tha... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER If we were to one day encounter a form of life more powerful and intelligent than our own, and it re... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Only a few months into our marriage, we started marking off areas in the apartment as "Nothing Place... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER People around the world were moving from one place to another. No one was staying. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Every widow wakes one morning, perhaps after years of pure and unwavering grieving, to realize she s... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I went to a tattoo parlor and had YES written onto the palm of my left hand, and NO onto my right pa... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER People care about animals. I believe that. They just don’t want to know or to pay. A fourth of all... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER If limousines were extremely long, they wouldn't need drivers. You could just get in the back seat, ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Are you an optimist or a pessimist?" "I can't remember. Which?" "Do you know what those ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I don't think that there are any limits to how excellent we could make life seem. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER He looked so much like me, I could tell that he saw it, too, we shared the smile of recognizing ours... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER And so it was when anyone tried to speak: their minds would become tangled in remembrance. Words bec... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Memories are small prayers to God, if we believed in that sort of thing. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Memory was supposed to fill the time, but it made time a hole to be filled. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Parents are always more knowledgeable than their children, and children are always smarter than thei... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The end of the world has come often, and continues to come. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER If we communicated with something like music, we would never be misunderstood, because there is noth... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Everything is to protect you. I exist in case you need to be protected. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER She has become an expert at confusing what is with what was with what should be ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The only way to overcome sadness is to consume it. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER SADNESS OF THE INTELLECT: Sadness of being misunderstood [sic ]; Humor sadness; Sadness... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER When I was a girl, my life was music that was always getting louder. Everything moved me. A do... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I am doing something I hate for you. This is what it means to be in love. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER You are the only one who has understood even a whisper of me, and I will tell you that I am the only... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Love me, because love doesn't exist, and I have tried everything that does. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The bruises go away, and so does how you hate, and so does the feeling that everything you receive f... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The only thing more painful than being an active forgetter is to be an inert rememberer. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I am not sad, he would repeat to himself over and over, I am not sad. As if he might one day convinc... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I am always sad, I think. Perhaps this signifies that I am not sad at all, because sadness is someth... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The more you love someone, he came to think, the harder it is to tell them. It surpris... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER This is love, she thought, isn't it? When you notice someone's absence and hate that absence more th... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER One day you will do things for me that you hate. That is what it means to be family. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I often think about how my sons will come to know about September 11th. Something overheard? A newsp... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Mom told me, “It probably gets pretty lonely to be Grandma, don’t you think?” I told her, “I... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER She let out a laugh, and then she put her hand over her mouth, like she was angry at herself for for... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I said, I want to tell you something. She said, you can tell me tomorrow. I had never told... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Words never mean what we want them to mean. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I knew that our time together was almost over, I asked her if she liked sports, she asked me if I li... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER We slept in the same bed. There was never a right time to say it. It was always unnecessar... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER In the end, everyone loses everyone. There was no invention to get around that, and so I felt, that ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER It's the tragedy of loving, you can't love anything more than something you miss. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Anyone who believes that a second is faster than a decade did not live life. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Touching him was always so important to me. It was something I lived for. I never could explain why.... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Being reliable is something. Being good. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER You can't love anything more than something you miss. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER You only get to keep what you refuse to let go of. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I'm less worried about accomplishment - as younger people always can't help but be - and mor... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER From space, astronauts can see people making love as a tiny speck of light. Not light, exactly, but ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Anyway. I’m not allowed to watch TV, although I am allowed to rent documentaries that are app... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I have made my own choice, which is vegetarianism, but it's not the choice I'm imposing on a... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The kind of funny irony is that a lot of people talk about ethical meat eating as if it's a way ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER It's rarely talked about, but hunting for sport is just about as vile as we humans get. JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I read the first chapter of A Brief History of Time when Dad was still alive, and I got incredibly h... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER It has shown me that everything is illuminated in the light of the past. It is always along the side... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER My children not only inspired me to reconsider what kind of eating animal I would be, but also shame... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER ...and when is enough proof enough? JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER E allora quanta sofferenza è accettabile? È questa la base di tutto, ed è questo che ognuno di no... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER My greatest fear is feeling like a professional novelist. Somebody who creates characters, who sits ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Jacob wrestled with God for the blessing. He wrestled with Esau for the blessing. He wrestled with I... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER God loves the plagiarist. And so it is written, 'God created humankind in His image, in the image of... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER ...This is a kiss. It is what happens when lips are puckered and pressed against something, sometime... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER It made me start to wonder if there were other people so lonely so close. I thought about “Eleanor... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I wanted to cry but I didn't, I probably should have cried, I should have drowned us there in the ro... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER What's so horrible about being dead forever, and not feeling anything, and not even dreaming? What's... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Does it break my heart, of course, every moment of every day, into more pieces than my heart was mad... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I went to my grandmother, your great-great-grandmother, and asked her to write a letter. She was my ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Writing's funny, it's like walking down a hall in the dark looking for the light switch, and suddenl... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Two friends are ordering lunch. One says, 'I'm in the mood for a burger,' and orders it. The other s... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER A map such as that one is worth many hundreds, and as luck will have it, thousands of dollars. But m... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER At the end of my dream, Eve put the apple back on the branch. The tree went back into the ground. It... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER The letter was destroyed, but its final paragraph is inside of me. She wrote, I wish I could be a gi... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER This is the sixty-nine,” I told him, presenting the magazine in front of him. I put my finger... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Puoi levarti anche le calze?" Gli chiedeva lei. "E i calzoni?" "E tu ti puoi levare i tuoi?" JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER THE PROBLEM OF GOOD: WHY UNCONDITIONALLY GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO UNCONDITIONALLY BAD PEOPLE (SEE ... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I will walk without noise and I will open the door in darkness and I will JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER He awoke each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as sim... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Brod’s life was a slow realization that the world was not for her, and that for whatever reason, s... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER I have been waiting for you for so long.” I pointed to the car. “We are searching for Trach... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER