Kwon Yin from China Jesus from Israel Buddha from India Rumi from Afghanistan Martin Luther King from America Leo Tolstoy from Russia and millions of anonymous women and men live nonviolence
O Anna Niemus
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— O Anna Niemus
Children / youth
God overrides at times the screenplay of Her starscript.
— O Anna Niemus
James Bond, a paid assassin of plutocratic cartels, a womanizer, a dipsomaniac, a speed demon..
— O Anna Niemus
Oh Ronald McDonald when you smile each of your teeth gravestones stands for billions and billions of lives.
— O Anna Niemus
Alec Issigonis (we refuse to use the plutocratic terms 'sir' or 'doctor') said a camel is a horse designed by committee. If it was God's committee for an animal adapted to communities without water.. it was a divine consensus.
— O Anna Niemus