Keep going, keep going, keep going! You're going to have crappy days, you're going to have days where you lose vision or confidence. You're going to have those days were everything seems 1 step forward and 3 steps back. You're going to have unexpected chaos and turmoil. Are you going to let that derail you? No. You've made a firm decision to go after your dreams. That firm decision means to keep going no matter what. Life doesn't just stop and nor should you. You know you want something, that you truly want something, if you're willing to endure all the pain and grief along the way. You either make a decision or you don't. If you do, that means sticking by it. Riding it out. Don't give up. All things have good and bad. There is no easy street. Everything good takes work. If you want a better life, you have to work for it. Some days it will be easier work than others. Accept that. Work with it. Keep going!

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