Joe: Oo, Brittany "Aren't I Fabulous?" Hobson?
Addie: She's not that bad.
Joe: Brittany "All the Boys Like Me, I'm so Popular I Could Die" Hobson.
Addie: Joe!
James Howe
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Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?" Minho asked, pulling Thomas's attention away from Alby.
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Some of them screamed. Some of them wept. Some of them grinned like LSD was a blast. A case officer said John Stanton hatched the idea - lets flood Cuba with this shit before we invade. Langley co-signed the brainstorm. Langley embellished it: Let's induce mass hallucinations and stage the second coming of Christ!!!! Langley found some suicidal actors. Langley dolled them up to look like J.C. Langley had them set to pre-invade Cuba concurrent with the dope saturation. Peter howled. The case officer said, 'It's not funny.' A drug-zorched peon whipped out his wang and jacked off.
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Two whores who finally found something to mother. A guy could write a book about it, he thought bitterly, call it
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