Je me rends parfaitement compte du desagreable effet que produit sur la majorite de l'humanité, tout ce qui se rapporte, même au plus faible dègré, á des calculs ou raisonnements mathematiques. I am well aware of the disagreeable effect produced on the majority of humanity, by whatever relates, even at the slightest degree to calculations or mathematical reasonings.
Hiram Stevens Maxim
Related D’où viennent ces influences mystérieuses qui changent en découragement notre bonheur et notre ... GUY DE MAUPASSANT —Mais, quelle que soit l'importance de l'événement, dès qu'il est écrit sur le papier, il ne f... YōKO OGAWA Ce qui m'intéresse, c'est de savoir qui paie les Rédempteurs, pas de me débarrasser d'une poigné... GABRIEL KATZ [A propos du faux évolutionnisme] Il s'agit d'une tentative pour supprimer la diversité des cultur... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Une condamnation de la vie de la part du vivant n’est finalement que le symptôme d’une espèce ... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE On se prépare à la jouissance du siècle, et, le moment venu, elle a un goût de Fernet Branca. Su... DANIEL PENNAC En ce moment, je me sépare tant soit peu de moi-même et vais à la rencontre de la personne qui s'... VIRGINIA WOOLF Nous savons qu'il advient dans nos vies des choses qui nous semblent totalement inconnues et totalem... C.G. JUNG Oui, lorsqu'on surveille le temps, il passe très lentement. J'aime beaucoup la température, quatre... THOMAS MANN Le malheur avait mis les habits du mensonge Ils étaient d’un beau rouge couleur du... JACQUES PRéVERT Il est également vrai qu'un échange est une transaction dans laquelle les deux contractants gagnen... ANTOINE DESTUTT DE TRACY Lorsque la sexualité disparaît, c'est le corps de l'autre qui apparaît, dans sa présence vagueme... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Le chuintement des portes qui se referment masque mon salut au chauffeur, et le bus redémarre dans ... JULIE TURCONI – Bah alors, c’est ce que je dis, avec la dotation qu’on a, ajouta Făneață puis il se leva... CăLIN TORSAN L'idée préconçue entrave et endommage la libre et pleine manifestation de la vie psychique, que j... C.G. JUNG L'objectivité, vécue dans ce rêve et dans ces visions, relève de l'individuation accomplie. Elle... C.G. JUNG La classe des ouvriers modernes, qui ne vivent qu'à la condition de trouver du travail, et qui n'en... 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Je ne dis plus à personne ce que je crois, ce que j... GUY DE MAUPASSANT Quand il mangeait des babas ou des éclairs, il se sentait coupable jusqu'à l'âme, à cause de la ... BOILEAU-NARCEJAC La civilisation occidentale s'est entièrement tournée, depuis deux ou trois siècles, vers la mise... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Fermes tes yeux et tu verras , la realité de ce monde où le matérialisme domine tout , de tes plu... WILLIAM RIHANI Le mai le joli mai en barque sur le Rhin Des dames regardaient du haut de la montagne Vous... GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE Cette qualité de la joie n’est-elle pas le fruit le plus précieux de la civilisation qui est nô... ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY Tu as tout à apprendre, tout ce qui ne s'apprend pas: la solitude, l'indifférence, la patience, le... GEORGES PEREC En admettant que l’on ait compris ce qu’il y a de sacrilège dans un pareil soulèvement contre ... 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FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE - J’aidais justement Ghezumi et Kassergh à bâter l’hypocras : du vin au miel avec de la cannel... CYRILLE MENDES Je savais qu'un afflux inespéré d'énergie l'avait levé de son lit, lui avait donné la force de ... MURIEL BARBERY Ce monde, tel qu'il est fait, n'est pas supportable. J'ai donc besoin de la lune, ou du bonheur, ou ... ALBERT CAMUS Au-dessus de mes mots maladroits, au-dessus des raisonnements qui me peuvent tromper, tu considères... ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY J’ai déjà dit que la Communauté juive s’était chargée de recruter les travailleurs pour le ... BERNARD GOLDSTEIN Tout le monde voulait être dans le coup ce jour-là. Car, ce jour-là, on allait écrire l'Histoire... THOMAS KENEALLY Parce qu'il y a certaines habitudes qui deviennent vitales. Aussi futiles soient elles, elles devien... CAMILLE L. De leur meilleur côté tâchons de voir les choses: Vous vous plaignez de voir les rosiers ép... ALPHONSE KARR Tous les jours arrivaient des avions et sur chacun, il y avait un message. « Gardez votre eau ... CHRISTIANE DUCHESNE Lorsque, bien plus tard, au lycée, M. Laplane nous enseigna que la chouette était l'oiseau de Mine... MARCEL PAGNOL Il n'y a pas d'amour dans la liberté individuelle, dans l'indépendance, c'est tout simplement un m... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ La Culture et l’État — qu’on ne s’y trompe pas — sont antagonistes : « État civilisé �... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE On la connaît tous... Cette solitude qui nous mine parfois. Qui sabote notre sommeil ou p... GUILLAUME MUSSO Qu'est-ce que le roman, en effet, sinon cet univers où l'action trouve sa forme, où les mots de la... ALBERT CAMUS La porte s’est ouverte tout de suite et est allée co - gner contre le mur. J’ai perçu un claqu... SYLVIE BéRARD Comment des sociétés contemporaines, restées ignorantes de l'électricité et de la machine à va... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS A qui écris-tu? -A toi. En fait, je ne t'écris pas vraiment, j'écris ce que j'ai envie de fa... ANNA GAVALDA Si nous avons accordé à l'Amérique le privilège de l'histoire cumulative, n'est-ce pas, en effet... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS De celui qui dans la bataille a vaincu mille milliers d'hommes et de celui qui s'est vaincu lui-mêm... GAUTAMA BUDDHA Lorsque la confusion règne, il est facile de se rappeler cette vérité : Je ne suis ni mes pensée... ECKHART TOLLE L'aube approche. Elle n'est plus qu'à quelques pas de cette zone étrange qui sépare la nuit du jo... ELIF SHAFAK Nous avons déjà parlé de la notion temporelle propre à chaque saison, l'été étant l'époque o... MARIE-CLAIRE DOLGHIN-LOYER — Ce n'est pas en Egypte que je vais, répondit le Martinet. Je vais à la maison de la Mort. La M... OSCAR WILDE C’est ainsi que, par exemple, l’idée de l’Infini, qui est en réalité la plus positive de to... RENé GUéNON Ariette III Il pleure dans mon coeur Comme il pleut sur la ville ; Quell... PAUL VERLAINE Je suis comme ça. Ou j'oublie tout de suite ou je n'oublie jamais." Samuel BECKETT, En a... SAMUEL BECKETT Le montant des dépenses mondiales de publicité et de sponsoring approchait 600 milliards de dollar... JEAN GADREY Non. Tu n'es plus le maître anonyme du monde, celui sur qui l'histoire n'avait pas de prise, celui ... GEORGES PEREC Ces enfants mûrissent trop tôt parce que, ayant été rendus sensibles aux malheurs, c'est ce qu'i... BORIS CYRULNIK Le développement des connaissances préhistoriques et archéologiques tend à étaler dans l'espace... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Au moyen âge… L’introduction du trivium est attestée: SÂDI, un noir lettré de Tombouctou, au... CHEIKH ANTA DIOP Reprenant une goulée de cervoise, le capitaine s’essuya les lèvres avec sa manche, se pencha ver... CYRILLE MENDES Quant aux toilettes, elles etainet tout simplement inexistantes. Pour faire ses besoins, il fallait ... ANINA CIUCIU Caustique ? Vous voulez dire : méchant ? Oui, je suis un peu méchant, dit Settembrini. Mon regret ... THOMAS MANN Le vrai, le faux, c'est un problème de riches. Nous les pauvres, avant de nous poser cette question... LUIS ANSA Le travail ne représentait qu'ennui pour moi, je détestais aller au bureau. Je me sentais vraiment... HARUKI MURAKAMI Quoi qu’il en soit, Leibnitz ne sut jamais s’expliquer nettement sur les principes de son calcul... RENé GUéNON Quand je lis un livre, j'y mets toute mon imagination, de sorte qu'en ce sens la lecture ressemble u... DODIE SMITH Il défendait une théorie : les couples ne fréquentent pas les célibataires. D'abord parce que le... LAURENT BETTONI La raison nous impose des limites bien trop étroites et nous invite à ne vivre que le connu - enco... C.G. JUNG Magnificat de Bach. Remué jusqu'aux larmes. Il est impossible que ce qui s'y exprime n'ait q... EMIL M. CIORAN Moi qui éprouve, comme chacun, le besoin d’être reconnu, je me sens pur en toi et vais à toi. J... ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY On peut s’expliquer facilement par là un fait que nous avons eu fréquemment l’occasion de cons... RENé GUéNON On suffoquait, les chevelures s'alourdissaient sur les têtes en sueur. Depuis trois heures qu'on é... ÉMILE ZOLA Comprendre... Vous n'avez que ce mot-là à la bouche, tous, depuis que je suis toute petite. Il fal... JEAN ANOUILH La parenté de l'égyptien ancien et du berbère n'est plus à démontrer. Bien que les affinités l... MOHAMMED CHAFIK En un sens, le titre d’ancien, utilisé à son adresse par l’homme des bois, le ravit. C’est l... CYRILLE MENDES Les données scientifiques et ésotériques montrent l´importance du sommeil et des rêves dans la ... MARIE-FRANCE BEL As-tu déjà été amoureux? C'est horrible non? Ca rend si vulnérable. Ca t'ouvre la poitrine et l... NEIL GAIMAN J'ai encore un vif souvenir de Freud me disant : "Mon cher Jung, promettez-moi de ne jamais abandonn... C.G. JUNG Cependant, pour les pays les plus avancés, les mesures suivantes pourront assez généralement êtr... KARL MARX
More Hiram Stevens Maxim
But as no two (theoreticians) agree on this (skin friction) or any other subject, some not agreeing ... HIRAM S. MAXIM The first casualty when war comes is truth. HIRAM JOHNSON The first casualty when war comes is truth (speech, 1917) HIRAM JOHNSON The first casualty of war is truth. HIRAM JOHNSON I do not by any means believe the initiative, the referendum, and the recall are the panacea for all... HIRAM JOHNSON We thought that Ford had made a deal. When you make a deal you should stick to it. HIRAM SASSER Frankly, this is a pretty open-and-shut deal. HIRAM SASSER The only reason we can come up with is that they are being targeted because it is a religious club. HIRAM SASSER As a result of negotiations over the weekend, yesterday and even today, we are at a point now that w... HIRAM MONSERRATE Every skilled person is to be believed with reference to his own art. LEGAL MAXIM When work is a pleasure, life is joy.! When work is a duty, life is slavery. MAXIM GORKY It is quiet here and restful and the air is delicious. There are gardens everywhere and police spies... GORKY MAXIM When one loves somebody everything is clear -- where to go, what to do -- it all takes care of itsel... MAXIM GORKY One has to be able to count if only so that at fifty one doesn't marry a girl of twenty. - The Zyk... MAXIM GORKY Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once h... MAXIM GORKY The intelligentsia ...was kept busy embroidering white stitches on the philosophical and ecclesiasti... MAXIM GORKY In the maxim of the past you cannot go anywhere. MAXIM GORKY Every new time will give its law. MAXIM GORKY Playing football in the morning is like eating cabbage for breakfast. PRESSBOX MAXIM One has to be able to count if only so that at fifty one doesn't marry a girl of twenty. MAXIM GORKY We kill everybody, my dear. Some with bullets, some with words, and everybody with our deeds. We dri... MAXIM GORKY Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others thi... CADET MAXIM Ancient custom has the force of law. LEGAL MAXIM Modern jazz: Variations on a non-existent theme MAXIM GORKY There is no one on earth more disgusting and repulsive than he who gives alms. Even as there is no o... MAXIM GORKY In preschool, I would plan out my show-and-tell every week to be funny and exciting. Then in first g... MAXIM KNIGHT A good man can be stupid and still be good. But a bad man must have brains. MAXIM GORKY The most beautiful words in the English language are 'not guilty'. MAXIM GORKY The trodden path is the safest. LEGAL MAXIM It is fraud to conceal fraud LEGAL MAXIM He that loseth wealth, loseth much; he that loseth friends, loseth more; but he that loseth his spir... SPANISH MAXIM The position on banks and insurance has not changed. We consider their opening as impossible. MAXIM MEDVEDKOV My dad signed me up for some acting classes at a place in Honolulu, and there I got to audition for ... MAXIM KNIGHT What 'jazz' means to me is the worst kind of working conditions, the worst in cultural prejudice. Th... MAXIM GORKY Only mothers can think of the future-because they give birth to it in their children. MAXIM GORKY In the Olympics, we still don't understand what happened. We looked at video and were not sure what ... MAXIM STAVISKI I always wanted to play in the NHL, but last year when I was with the Dynamo, we won the championshi... MAXIM AFINOGENOV If we play like we did today we'll do good. MAXIM AFINOGENOV Going through the bad times the last three seasons not making the playoffs and right now still cheer... MAXIM AFINOGENOV After the game against Finland I wished them luck. Hopefully they win and bring the gold to Buffalo. MAXIM AFINOGENOV Right now I can't believe it. I think we're a good team but something happened and I don't know what... MAXIM AFINOGENOV We're going to have bad breaks, but so many of the power-play goals we scored were game-winners. MAXIM AFINOGENOV We played a pretty good game. The refs called two penalties at the end and it helped us. MAXIM AFINOGENOV He who spares the guilty threatens the innocent LEGAL MAXIM When everything is easy one quickly gets stupid MAXIM GORKY Today's society makes me cry. MAXIM CHEREPANOV No cause of action arises from a bare promise LEGAL MAXIM Many contemporary authors drink more than they write MAXIM GORKY The most beautiful words in the English langauge are 'not guilty'. MAXIM GORKY Everybody, my friend, everybody lives for something better to come. That's why we want to be conside... MAXIM GORKY Vivre comme tout le monde, c'est ennuyeux; vivre autrement, c'est difficile. MAXIM GORKY Be good, be kind, be humane, and charitable; love your fellows; console the afflicted; pardon those ... MAXIM GORKY When one loves somebody everything is clear - where to go, what to do - it all takes care of itself ... MAXIM GORKY One has to be able to count, if only so that at fifty one doesn't marry a girl of twenty MAXIM GORKY In the carriages of the past you can't go anywhere MAXIM GORKY we people at the bottom feel everything; but it is hard for us to speak out our hearts. our thoughts... MAXIM GORKY That which necessity compels she excuses LEGAL MAXIM Every innovation occasions more harm and and derangement of order by its novelty, than benefit by it... LEGAL MAXIM The trodden path is the safest LEGAL MAXIM Justice is better when it prevents rather than punishes with severity LEGAL MAXIM The partner of my partner is not my partner LEGAL MAXIM Let him who sins when drunk be punished when sober LEGAL MAXIM The laws are adapted to those cases which most frequently occur LEGAL MAXIM He is not deceived who knows himself to be deceived LEGAL MAXIM False in one thing, false in everything LEGAL MAXIM No man can give what he has not LEGAL MAXIM No man can make another a debtor against his will LEGAL MAXIM Ignorance of the law must not prevent the losing attorney from collecting his fee LEGAL MAXIM A promise against law or duty is void in its own nature LEGAL MAXIM That is sufficiently certain which can be made certain LEGAL MAXIM Let a purchaser beware LEGAL MAXIM Ancient custom has the force of law LEGAL MAXIM In case of doubt it is best to lean to the side of mercy. LEGAL MAXIM When one divides, the other should have the right of first choice LEGAL MAXIM Every skilled person is to be believed with reference to his own art LEGAL MAXIM At that moment, I saw it in the skating lounge. I just heard the audience scream and I saw the peopl... MAXIM MARININ I heard the audience scream, and knew how hard it must have been for her. But I tried to stay away f... MAXIM MARININ We didn't skate 100 percent but it was good enough to win our fifth European title in a row and we'r... MAXIM MARININ It's difficult to stay focused each time and do it each time. MAXIM MARININ That was definitely our best performance this season both in terms of emotion and the confidence we ... MAXIM MARININ I feel the atmosphere inside the ice rink was going up, so it was like a stone fell off my shoulders... MAXIM MARININ However low he may fall, a man can never deny himself the delight of feeling cleverer, more powerful... MAXIM GORKY What 'jazz' means to me is the worst kind of working conditions, the worst in cultural preju... MAXIM GORKY When everything is easy one quickly gets stupid. MAXIM GORKY 'Falling Skies' is not just about aliens attacking. It's also about humanity, survival, ... MAXIM KNIGHT And this was the end of my first friendship with one of that innumerable company of people who are f... MAXIM GORKY If all boys could be made to know that with every breath of cigarette smoke they inhale imbecility a... HUDSON MAXIM Here I've been living along, year after year, forty of them behind me, with a wife and children, and... MAXIM GORKY Remembrance of the past kills all present energy and deadens all hope for the future MAXIM GORKY The poor are always rich in children, and in the dirt and ditches of this street there are groups of... MAXIM GORKY A public right cannot be changed by private agreement LEGAL MAXIM Only mothers can think of the future - because they give birth to it in their children. MAXIM GORKY It was our best performance of the year. MAXIM MARININ For pairs, it's a big step forward. For younger skaters, that is the point where they should intend ... MAXIM MARININ We didn't dream about it, we worked for this. MAXIM STAVISKI In March 2007, Russia could become a member. MAXIM MEDVEDKOV We'll do our utmost in order to complete the negotiations this year. By the autumn, I think we'll ha... MAXIM MEDVEDKOV Keep reading books, but remember that a book’s only a book, and you should learn to think for your... MAXIM GORKY I maintain that the past record of my race is a true index of the feelings which today animate them.... HIRAM RHODES REVELS I am true to my own race. I wish to see all done that can be done for their encouragement, to assist... HIRAM RHODES REVELS Go to the depot here, now, and what will you see? A well-dressed colored lady, with her little child... HIRAM RHODES REVELS I hold that establishing mixed schools will not harm the white race. I am their friend. I said in Mi... HIRAM RHODES REVELS While it is desirable to build up the colored race, we must not sacrifice our best and purest white ... HIRAM RHODES REVELS The Republican party is not inflamed, as some would fain have the country believe, against the South... HIRAM RHODES REVELS During the canvass in the State of Mississippi, I traveled into different parts of that state, and t... HIRAM RHODES REVELS The people of the North owe to the colored race a deep obligation that is no easy matter to fulfill. HIRAM RHODES REVELS I was imprisoned in Missouri in 1854 for preaching the gospel to Negroes, though I was never subject... HIRAM RHODES REVELS I stand today on this floor to appeal for protection from the strong arm of the government for her l... HIRAM RHODES REVELS I sedulously refrained from doing anything that would incite slaves to run away from their masters. HIRAM RHODES REVELS I got colored mechanics in the United States Navy Yard for the first time. HIRAM RHODES REVELS The Legislature, which was elected under the Constitution framed and supported by colored men, decla... HIRAM RHODES REVELS While I appreciated the educational advantages I enjoyed in the school and was proud of what I could... HIRAM RHODES REVELS Incredibly intelligent people always seem odd to those who are not as sharp. ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL It is my sincere desire that my research and hard work will help create a world where we all learn t... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Being a samurai is all about selfless service and if the lord abuses the servant, it is no longer a ... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Yes," I continued, "I discovered this model recently and her style never fails to be mathematically ... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Everything can be summed up into an equation. ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Demons would often try to make me feel some negative emotion, like hatred or contempt. Because the o... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL All people, whether Aspie or neuro-typical are predisposed by their society to make guesses, jump to... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL A samurai chooses to serve a master and does it out of respect and love, not because they are forced... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Just like the notion of "Internet natives", who have never known a world without Internet access, we... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL The self-addressed stamped envelope. The representation of everything that was wrong with the old pu... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Nowadays, the Internet decides if you're good, not the big man in the big office. No matter how impo... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL I love introverts. They don't waste words. Excessive extroverts can be very wasteful. I don't trust ... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Whereas, in the west, individuality and drive are considered positive qualities, they are not seen t... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Perhaps, Katrine, in a library just like this one, you will find that all the things you thought wer... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL Never interrupt a faerie circle ceremony. And, if a faerie has appeared to you, visually, do not spe... ALEXEI MAXIM RUSSELL I see myself capable of arrogance and brutality... That's a fierce thing, to discover within you... GEORGE STEVENS I do not know which to prefer, The beauty of inflections, Or the beauty of innuendoes, The blackbird... WALLACE STEVENS After the final no there comes a yes and on that yes the future of the world hangs. WALLACE STEVENS Reality is not what it is. It consists of the many realities which it can be made into. WALLACE STEVENS Death is the mother of Beauty; hence from her, alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams and our d... WALLACE STEVENS The imagination is man's power over nature. WALLACE STEVENS Most people read poetry listening for echoes because the echoes are familiar to them. They wade thro... WALLACE STEVENS In poetry, you must love the words, the ideas and the images and rhythms with all your capacity to l... WALLACE STEVENS The way through the world is more difficult to find than the way beyond it. WALLACE STEVENS Our bloom is gone. We are the fruit thereof. WALLACE STEVENS Money is a kind of poetry. WALLACE STEVENS A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman. WALLACE STEVENS We say God and the imagination are one... How high that highest candle lights the dark. WALLACE STEVENS Intolerance respecting other people's religion is toleration itself in comparison with intoleran... WALLACE STEVENS The only emperor is the emperor of ice cream. WALLACE STEVENS In the world of words, the imagination is one of the forces of nature. WALLACE STEVENS A poem need not have a meaning and like most things in nature often does not have. WALLACE STEVENS Thought is an infection. In the case of certain thoughts, it becomes an epidemic. WALLACE STEVENS I am not opposed to intelligence reform on its face, but any changes should reflect the current cont... TED STEVENS What we have, however, is an issue that has tremendous impact here at home, and we believe that Amer... TED STEVENS I am guilty of asking the Senate for pork and proud of the Senate for giving it to me. TED STEVENS I do have concerns about the current efforts to restructure our nation's intelligence community. TED STEVENS There are not as many women who support the national defense budget now as men. I really think there... TED STEVENS People who vote against this today are voting against me and I will not forget. TED STEVENS I rise today to discuss the National Intelligence Reform bill. I commend my colleagues in both House... TED STEVENS I was in the Boy Scouts for about four years until my troop disbanded. It is really one of the best ... TED STEVENS In the early days I had a very black-and-white view of everything. I think that's kind of natura... CAT STEVENS I'm not normally the kind of person who holds on to grudges, I'm really not. RACHEL STEVENS I wanted to do an episode about Chuck having a gambling problem. I wanted to portray my addiction on... FISHER STEVENS Oh. Yes. There. Is. A. Lot of pressure. As a solo singer. Absolutely. RACHEL STEVENS My personal trainer is an ex-dancer so we do a lot of ballet and jazz. RACHEL STEVENS I'm so programmed to getting up early that I like to make the most of the day. RACHEL STEVENS Feeling comfortable in my own skin has never been easy for me. RACHEL STEVENS I never felt popular as a child and never had best friends. RACHEL STEVENS I really do feel now that the way I dress onstage and for work is a true reflection of my own sense ... RACHEL STEVENS I think it's certainly natural to try new things as you grow up and get older! RACHEL STEVENS I'd love to break America, like all artists do. It's a lot of work but, you know, it's g... RACHEL STEVENS In S Club I played a role in a band, but now I can go off and be me - My horizon's wide open now... RACHEL STEVENS Songs like Reach and S Club Party are pop classics. I'm really proud that I had a part in them. RACHEL STEVENS I would love to work with someone like Kevin Spacey as he could pass on what I need to learn. RACHEL STEVENS It's not what you wear it's how you wear it, is what I say. RACHEL STEVENS Being able to laugh is sexy in a man or woman. RACHEL STEVENS I'd rather stay out of the limelight until I've done something I feel proud of. RACHEL STEVENS I never really hated any particular sport but out of all the sports, I used to prefer the team games... RACHEL STEVENS When people recognise me they just kind of go 'Hi how are you,' really kind of cool you know... RACHEL STEVENS I'm a cereal girl. I have always loved my cereal ever since I was a kid. RACHEL STEVENS I can be very passionate but I also have a bit of a hot temper - when pushed. RACHEL STEVENS I am really passionate about my career and my music and I am so lucky to be able to do what I do for... RACHEL STEVENS A lot of my childhood memories involve walking home in floods of tears. At that age, feeling unpopul... RACHEL STEVENS Be true to yourself and go with your instincts - don't be somebody you're not just to fit in... RACHEL STEVENS I know it sounds a bit corny, but I do think that beauty and sexiness come from within. RACHEL STEVENS Having a bad haircut can be quite traumatic! RACHEL STEVENS Death is the mother of Beauty; hence from her, Alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams An... WALLACE STEVENS The reading of a poem should be an experience. Its writing must be all the more so. WALLACE STEVENS Democritus plucked his eye out because he could not look at a woman without thinking of her as a wom... WALLACE STEVENS The problem with national gardening magazines and TV shows is that they're based on the East Coast, ... ALAN STEVENS I think more people should plant more flowers in more places, to make the world a more colorful plac... ALAN STEVENS It's something to see when I drive through town everyday. I think we all need to give something to t... ALAN STEVENS The government has asked that he be detained because he is either a flight risk or a danger to the c... ALAN STEVENS The reason I took Early Edition - besides the fact that I liked it - was that it enabled me to start... FISHER STEVENS I used to be more of a wild kid. But I've slowed down. FISHER STEVENS And TV is not the easiest place to be dangerous or on the edge. Especially on a Saturday night. FISHER STEVENS Unfortunately, the public might not know that we get a script usually two days before shooting. So s... FISHER STEVENS But basically what I like are the possibilities, and the fantasy element of the show. Not science fa... FISHER STEVENS I use that as my responsibility on the show, to be the pragmatist. FISHER STEVENS But I'm trying to play into this role as much as possible and be a nicer person in real life. FISHER STEVENS Well, I just wanted to be a person. I just wanted them to keep writing me as humanistic as possible. FISHER STEVENS It got a little boring I guess, playing the same note over and over. FISHER STEVENS But did I think it would last more than 13 episodes at the time? No, I didn't think that. I neve... FISHER STEVENS I'm really obsessed with the past. FISHER STEVENS No, but I'm really lucky, because I'm not the superhero. FISHER STEVENS I like people and get along, and I'm afraid to express my anger and my rage. FISHER STEVENS You know, it's a very sexist society, Indonesia. FISHER STEVENS