Jangan pernah percaya 100% dengan janji siapapun!
Tagih dan dapat 90% saja pun sudah lebih dari cukup.
Toba Beta
Tidak perlu janji. Insya Allah sudah lebih dari cukup, Nak. Karena kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang a...
TERE LIYE hati kamu mungkin memilihku, seperti juga hatiku selalu memilihmu. Tapi hati bisa bertumbuh dan bert...
DEE LESTARI Menurutku, apa yang terjadi antara seseorang dengan Tuhannya adalah rahasia mereka berdua. Dan apabi...
MATAHARITIMOER Ada orang bilang bahwa cinta pasti dapat menyelesaikan segala problema yang ada.
Padahal mungki...
TOBA BETA Egoisme dan harga diri tinggi itu sudah dari sananya diciptakan sepaket dengan alat kelamin lelaki
MALASHANTII Jangan takut jatuh, karena yang tidak pernah memanjatlah yang tidak pernah jatuh. Jangan takut gagal...
HAMKA Jangan anggap remeh si manusia, yang kelihatannya begitu sederhana; biar penglihatanmu setajam elang...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Kutipan dari novel yang paling berkesan: “Aku baik-baik saja, ceroboh. Aku senang mendengarnya. Am...
TERE LIYE Jangan meminta yang lebih kepada orang disekitarmu, karena belum tentu kamu bisa membalas apa yg dia...
@DANANGME Margo menyukai misteri sejak dulu. Dan dalam semua hal yang terjadi setelahnya, aku tidak pernah bis...
JOHN GREEN Salah satu anggapan dasar buku ini adalah bahwa adat memiliki kaidah dan nilai-nilai yang lebih adil...
MARSEN SINAGA Engkau boleh saja membual tentang kaki telanjangmu
Yang telah menempuh jutaan mil.
Gaya ku...
DESI ANWAR Tak ada yang lebih pahit dari sebuah pil, tetapi terkadang rasa pahit itu dapat menyembuhkan anda
FRIDASA ANDHONY Cobalah engkau beranjak dari kursi, pergilah ke cermin. Sejenak saja. Tataplah wajahmu, badanmu, pak...
EMHA AINUN NADJIB Matahari kalah terang dengan hatinya,
Bulan kalah indah dengan senyumannya,
Air kalah jern...
SITI KHADIJAH BASHIR 2010 Aku pernah mengalah di masa lalu. Dan kini, aku bisa saja menyerah kembali, agar ia dapat memilih le...
NAY SHARAYA Tabahlah saat menghadapi penderitaan besar,
Sabarlah saat menghadapi penderitaan kecil,
VICTOR HUGO Konon, Dajjal akan muncul di akhir zaman. Dia bermata satu dan memiliki kekuatan besar. Jangan-janga...
REZA NUFA Pekerjaanmu kelak hanya penyambung nafkah, sebesar apapun kamu mencintainya, jangan takut untuk meni...
DEE LESTARI bat Perangsang Berfungsi Untuk Meningkatkan Gairah Libido Para Wanita Maupun Pria Yang Susah Diajak ...
OBAT PERANGSANG Albus Severus," kata Harry pelan, sehingga tak ada orang lain kecuali Ginny yang bisa mendengarnya, ...
J.K. ROWLING Cara terbaik menghadapi masa lalu adalah dengan dihadapi. Berdiri gagah. Mulailah dengan damai mener...
TERE LIYE Wahai, wanita-wanita yang hingga usia tiga puluh, empat puluh, atau lebih dari itu, tapi belum juga ...
TERE LIYE Penegakan sistem Islam dan pemberlakuan syariat Islam tidak dapat dilakukan dengan cara merebut keku...
SAYED QUTB ada yang hidup glamour, terkadang lebih besar pasak daripada tiang, apakah bisa nyaman dan tenang de...
DIAN NAFI Izinkan kita menggunakan analogi azan. Kita semua maklum bahawa azan sebagai suatu praktis keagamaan...
AZHAR IBRAHIM Saat kita sudah lebih dewasa, saat ambisi dan harga diri tidak ada lagi di antara kita, apakah kita ...
WINDRY RAMADHINA Dia, yang tidak pernah kamu mengerti. Dia, racun yang membunuhmu perlahan. Dia, yang kamu reka dan k...
DEE LESTARI One factor that makes human being reluctant to have hope is the fear of disappointment.
Do not ...
TOBA BETA Setiap kamu punya mimpi atau keinginan atau cita-cita,
kamu taruh di sini, di depan kening kamu...
DONNY DHIRGANTORO Jika kau sudah hidup selama aku, kau akan mengerti bahwa kekejaman dan kemuliaan hanyalah nuansa yan...
KHALED HOSSEINI Dalam sebuah skenario infiltrasi ide jangan pernah peduli dengan latar belakang lawan biacara kalian...
TERE LIYE Bagi saya, hidup terlalu singkat untuk dilewatkan dengan biasa biasa saja.
- Kugy
DEE LESTARI Kepribadian yang rendah hati dan menyenangkan merupakan hal unik yang ditemukan pada diri seorang sa...
DEDY BUDIMAN Karena sesungguhnya cinta tidak pernah meminta untuk menanti. Ia mengambil kesempatan atau mempersil...
RIZQIYYAH YASMIN Ini bukan sekadar kumpulan cerita. Ini sejarah, penggalan sejarah dari negara-bangsa yang__setelah h...
ROEM TOPATIMASANG Apakah keuntungan dan bahagianya cinta yang tiada berpengharapan?
Bukankah cinta itu sud...
HAMKA Tahu kau mengapa aku sayangi kau lebih dari siapa pun? Karena kau menulis. Suaramu takkan padam dite...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Manusia bertarung memperebutkan kekuasaan atas nama agama dan bukan sebaliknya. Agama apa pun tidak ...
SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA Tidak ada yang lebih tinggi dari mimpi.
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Wahai Tuhanku Yang Maha Lembut,
Aku tahu Engkau tak perlu kuingatkan,
tapi untuk ked...
MARIO TEGUH Aku tidak pernah keberatan menunggu siapa pun berapa lama pun selama aku mencintainya.
SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA Enam puluh tahun kami menikah. Dua belas anak. Tentu saja ada banyak pertengkaran. Kadang merajuk di...
TERE LIYE Begitulah kehidupan, Ada yang kita tahu, ada pula yang tidak kita tahu. Yakinlah, dengan ketidak-tah...
TERE LIYE songkok dan kopiah
keduanya dimurkai Allah
jika gagal menjalankan perintah
SALMIE SAID Buku yang baik tidak pernah dilihat dari sampulnya, bukan?
TERE LIYE Yang paling berharga dan hakiki dalam kehidupan adalah dapat mencintai, dapat iba hati, dapat merasa...
SOE HOK GIE Karena Allah menjanjikan barang siapa yang menutup aib saudaranya, maka Allah akan menutup aibnya di...
TERE LIYE Sunset? Lupakan. Karena matahari tak pernah tenggelam. Bumi saja yang sedang berputar.
YOZA FITRIADI Selalu ada impian yang lebih besar dari impian lain, kan?
WINDRY RAMADHINA Manusia berasal dari tanah, Maka jadilah tanah yang dapat menumbuhkan bunga.
HALIMAH ALAYDRUS Kakek, dari kota manakah cinta datang?"
"Tidak ada yang tahu, Sayang. Cinta sejati datang...
TERE LIYE Saya akan pikul rahsia itu jika engkau percayakan kepada saya dan saya akan masukkan ke dalam perben...
HAMKA Jika kita menyukai sesuatu, bagaimanapun keadaannya, kita hanya akan tetap menyukainya. Rasa suka it...
JEE Aku ingin sekali mengatakan padamu bahwa segalanya akan berakhir dengan baik untuk kita, dan bahwa a...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Kata-kata yang lemah dan beradab dapat melembutkan hati dan manusia yang keras.
HAMKA Sekuntum mawar yang kupetik tadi
dari taman hati
Khas buat engkau yang ke sini
A.D. RAHMAN AHMAD Semakin bersedia seseorang untuk menilai sesuatu dari sudut pandang orang lain yang berbeda, maka se...
TOBA BETA Kemunduran negara tidak akan terjadi kalau tidak kemunduran budi dan kekusutan jiwa."
HAMKA Pilihan kitalah Harry yang menunjukkan orang seperti apa sebenarnya kita, lebih dari kemampuan kita....
J.K. ROWLING Pada akhirnya, tidak ada yang bisa memaksa. Tidak juga janji atau kesetiaan. Tidak ada. Sekalipun ak...
DEE LESTARI Ibu, rasa nyaman selalu membuat orang-orang sulit berubah. Celakanya, kami sering kali tidak tahu ka...
TERE LIYE Kadang aku merasa sudah dekat dengan kegilaan.
Kamu tahu apa yang paling menyakitkan saat peras...
TASARO G.K. Pilihlah sesuatu dan belajarlah hidup dengan konsekuensinya.
FRANCISCA TODI Manusia itu lebih berani menghadapi apa pun kalau melakukannya demi orang yang dia sayangi.
WINDHY PUSPITADEWI Yang sudah terlanjur terjadi tidak bisa kita batakan. Kita yan harus memutuskan, mau bangkit atau di...
ARUMI E. Benarlah. Jika kalian sedang bersedih, jika kalian sedang terpagut masa lalu menyakitkan, penuh peny...
TERE LIYE Timur membutuhkan semangat dan dinamisme Barat.
Barat membutuhkan ketenangan dan kedamaia...
ANAND KRISHNA Sedih juga ketika kita baru bisa bersyukur hanya saat memikirkan orang yang lebih menderita dari kit...
LUCIA PRIANDARINI Jangan pernah kehilangan dirimu sendiri hanya tuk bertahan pada seseorang yg bahkan tak peduli jika ...
VERGI CRUSH Sewaktu kanak-kanak aku percaya pada cinta, sama seperti aku percaya pada peri. Namun pada suatu har...
SUSANNA TAMARO Ada sebongkah batu di pinggir ladangnya, dan dia duduk di permukaannya yang datar. Dia kerap duduk d...
KHALED HOSSEINI Pada masa ini sebuah teori sering terdengar seperti sebuah omong besar yang melalaikan kenyataan bah...
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Lihat, ini Arok, yang tetap mempertahankan Tumapel. Dia dan pasukannya akan mempertahankannya sampai...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Pegang tanganku, tapi jangan terlalu erat, karena aku ingin seiring dan bukan digiring.(Spasi)
DEE LESTARI Thanatos sering kali salah dikira sebagai Dewa Cinta. Persamaan Maut dengan Cinta lebih banyak darip...
RICK RIORDAN Nilai akhir dari proses pendidikan, sejatinya terrekapitulasi dari keberhasilannya menciptakan perub...
LENANG MANGGALA, FOUNDER GERAKAN MENULIS BUKU INDONESIA Hanya karena sebagian dari kita pernah mencintai orang yang salah, bukan berarti kita dikutuk untuk ...
JEANIENE FROST Kita semua harus menerima kenyataan, tapi menerima kenyataan saja adalah pekerjaan manusia yang tak ...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Kau mengabdi pada tanah ini, tanah yang memberimu nasi dan air. Tapi para raja dan para pengeran dan...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Kunci keberhasilan dalam hal apa pun adalah disiplin, komitmen, dan konsisten.
DEDY BUDIMAN Hijab adalah pembebasan dari ketergantungan kosmetik dan topeng. Hijab adalah pembebasan untuk jujur...
MAHDAVI Apa boleh buat, jalan seorang penulis adalah jalan kreativitas, di mana segenap penghayatannya terha...
SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA Lebih baik agama ibarat garam: meresap, menyebar, dan memberikan manfaat di mana-mana, tanpa kelihat...
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Pupuklah seni untuk menjadi orang yang menyenangkan dengan berbicara yang benar dan diam.
SIDNEY NEWTON BREMER Kamu pasti tahu dari buku-buku di perpustakaanmu bahwa orang kalau sudah beragama secara benar, menj...
SUJIWO TEJO Apa pun yang terlihat, boleh jadi tidak seperti yang kita lihat. Apa pun yang hilang, tidak selalu l...
TERE LIYE Dan ketika tiba, bahkan tembok paling keras pun akan runtuh. Batu paling besar pun akan berlubang ol...
TERE LIYE Bagaimana cantik, bijak, kaya dan datang dari keluarga yang bagus sekalipun, jika perempuan itu buka...
NORHAYATI BERAHIM Kau tahu, Nak, sepotong intan terbaik dihasilkan dari dua hal, yaitu, suhu dan tekanan yang tinggi d...
TERE LIYE Kita perlu faham bahawa hak manusia perlu diraikan dengan syarat mengikuti panduan syarak. Jika semu...
NAJMI NAWAWI Kita perlu faham bahawa hak manusia perlu diraikan dengan syarat mengikuti panduan syarak. Jika semu...
NAJMI NAWAWI Beberapa bulan tinggal di rumah itu, saya tidak pernah mendapat gangguan apa-apa selain serbuan tiku...
JOKO PINURBO Dikota paling rindu itu,Ningtyas
malam senantiasa menjatuhkan pejammu di mataku, mencuriku diam...
FIRMAN NOFEKI ...Penjelasan akan tiba pada waktu yg pas, tempat yg cocok, dan dari orang yg tepat.
TERE LIYE Begitu seorang pengarang mati, tugasnya sebagai pengarang tidak dapat diambil alih orang lain. Sebal...
BUDI DARMA Mencintai adalah melebur dengan orang yang kita cintai dan menemukan percikan Tuhan di dalam dirinya...
PAULO COELHO Jika kisahmu diulang seribu tahun setelah kepergianmu, maka mereka yang mencintaimu akan merasakan k...
TASARO G.K. Saya belajar dari kisah hidup seseorang. Hati tidak pernah memilih. Hati dipilih. Jadi, kalau Keenan...
DEE LESTARI aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana;
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan
kayu kepada ...
More Toba Beta
To believe, man needs no full reasoning.
Without reasoning, it turns into myophia.
TOBA BETA Sometimes, humor makes more sense than reasoning.
TOBA BETA Any reason could be made for self-justification.
TOBA BETA Should we still be friends when it could be more profitable if otherwise?
TOBA BETA I can't be impressed by anything, O son of man.
But you surely draw my attention when cornered.
TOBA BETA It's so funny you judge me arrogant after I succeeded.
You didn't help me at all when I was so ...
TOBA BETA Universal emptiness is mere concept.
The fact is, there was never emptiness.
TOBA BETA In order to understand the universal perspective,
first you have to know more than a version of...
TOBA BETA Which one is the truth, sir?
Which period do you mean, son?
TOBA BETA At dawn of man, many words of inspiration.
At the end, there will be words of revelation.
TOBA BETA When an invincible weapon deals with an impenetrable defense,
war is useless. The wisest decisi...
TOBA BETA Synergy between thoughts and feelings
reads the universe like an opened book.
TOBA BETA The mother-earth may not like
the way we preserve her...if any.
TOBA BETA If you say that you never lie in life,
you honestly insult my intelligence.
TOBA BETA There is a lie in between a promise and many excuses.
TOBA BETA In a fight, your doubt is a target of enemy's attack.
TOBA BETA Risk means 'shit happens' or 'good luck
TOBA BETA When wise man quits learning,
he will be more senile onwards.
TOBA BETA Wise man doesn't need to be praised like one.
It can reduce the guts of him to be a better man.
TOBA BETA The wise man reveals more than words spoken.
TOBA BETA Wise man can make people hear
more lessons than words spoken.
TOBA BETA It's just so perfuck.
TOBA BETA If you feel obsessed to prove something to the world,
then you'd need world attention to be ab...
TOBA BETA Changes is the mother of time.
Absence of changes makes no time.
TOBA BETA The word far is too short for me to spell.
TOBA BETA Smartass Disciple: If you are really a master, then make me see miracles!
Master of Stupidity: ...
TOBA BETA If you like it, you'll find a way to justify it.
But if you don't , you'll find ways to falsify...
TOBA BETA There is no such thing as magic, supernatural, miracle;
only something that's still beyond log...
TOBA BETA Time felt slower when we do nothing but wait.
TOBA BETA Panic ain't better than pretending not to feel so.
TOBA BETA When two evil guys fight in a duel,
the worst of both will be the winner.
TOBA BETA When you are out of control,
someone is ready to take over.
TOBA BETA Heaven resonates when one sings wholeheartedly.
TOBA BETA Kala sang lidah tak sanggup bicara,
hati mendenting gitar pun mengalun,
lantunkan kata ta...
TOBA BETA When we feel, a kind of lyric is sung in our heart.
When we think, a kind of music is played i...
TOBA BETA It's sometimes funny to watch some people doing
something the wrong way but doing it confident...
TOBA BETA Provocation is on the opposite lane of resolution.
TOBA BETA Greed is a little bit more than enough.
TOBA BETA In the beginning..
when ray and day hadn't yet come into existence at all,
there was a ki...
TOBA BETA I respect those who don't secretly hate me.
TOBA BETA If you're confused about what to do,
it's a sign that your enemy is winning.
TOBA BETA If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once.
By that way, the bitterness has no time to ...
TOBA BETA There's doubt in trying.
Just do it or stop thinking.
TOBA BETA Any negotiation has a limit.
Otherwise, war is irrelevant.
TOBA BETA The finite mind tries to limit the infinite.
TOBA BETA As Moses threw whatever in his hand on the ground,
so does hand should do what it can to earn m...
TOBA BETA If size does matter, then dream-n-do big!
TOBA BETA ...even your pure intention might disturb comfort zone of others.
TOBA BETA Not all can believe anything they want to,
because not all have the ability to believe.
TOBA BETA Many people pray to be kept out of unexpected problems.
Some people pray to be able to confron...
TOBA BETA Latent brain functions can be enabled by force majeure
when we are facing the weirdness of an ...
TOBA BETA Smartass Disciple: Why do arrogant people like to say complex words ?
Master of Stupidity: Ask ...
TOBA BETA I prefer a world with many beliefs and religions.
It stimulates my faith to keep growing day by...
TOBA BETA We begin to learn wisely when we're willing
to see world from other people's perspective.
TOBA BETA Please, please don't try hurting me, my friends.
I wouldn't forgive myself If I had to kill you...
TOBA BETA A country without vision runs to every direction.
TOBA BETA A well-trained mind directs circumstance.
TOBA BETA I don't judge people.
It blurs out the center of my attention,
my focus,
TOBA BETA If humor and rumor are needed more than faith and truth,
then it tells me something about the ...
TOBA BETA Your hypocrisy insults my intelligence.
TOBA BETA Sometimes, some lies that spoken with high confidence
could be more receptive than facts that s...
TOBA BETA If there were a master of stupidity in this world,
I would really love to listen to his succes...
TOBA BETA When you're young, you say what you feel.
When you're adult, you speak what you think.
TOBA BETA Wisdom mitigates the risk of being honest.
TOBA BETA I hate when you have to smile for me..
so nice if you'd do that spontaneously.
TOBA BETA You couldn't listen to honest man whom you hate.
TOBA BETA You can trust bad liars.
TOBA BETA Jealousy is love in competition.
TOBA BETA Always try to be joyful and proactively benign to the people.
By doing so everyday, people hav...
TOBA BETA Grouchy is a typical habit of the victims.
TOBA BETA News told, rumors heard, truth implied, facts buried.
TOBA BETA There are brains so smart in finance and unconsciously reject wealth.
TOBA BETA Hope and faith underlie a promise,
and love energizes men to realize it.
TOBA BETA Nothing else you want to do after all your dreams come true.
You've become numb. You shouldn't...
TOBA BETA Shenanigans is a financial model on the catwalk.
TOBA BETA Dealing with one who feels smarter than you,
let him assume that you ain't smarter than him.
TOBA BETA You looked a little bit smarter when your stupidity lessened a lot.
TOBA BETA If you think you're smart,
think twice to be smarter.
TOBA BETA They sell crap to buy you.
TOBA BETA Free thinker walks on shortcuts among wisdoms.
TOBA BETA I once visited a village of primitive people.
At village, I felt time and life moved slower.
TOBA BETA If you think that you're so smart and holy, that means you haven't yet realized that a part of what ...
TOBA BETA Let's not hate the existence of hatred.
TOBA BETA There is no use of pretending in front of people
who had repented pretending to be someone els...
TOBA BETA Smell shit when one's bragging.
TOBA BETA You could pretend at anytime,
but please not when laughing.
TOBA BETA You don't look fake when you unconsciously pretend.
TOBA BETA Don't pretend to comfort me, my friend.
I might also pretend to not let you down.
TOBA BETA Often blaming, is a trait of a childish soul.
TOBA BETA Every man should believe in something.
If not..
he would doubt everything, even himself.
TOBA BETA You criticize, I improvise.
TOBA BETA You don't need a provocateur,
if demon's been there within you.
TOBA BETA There are many unspeakable words, forgotten, or forbidden.
Great thanks to the poets who make t...
TOBA BETA Body needs variable of time to be able to settle
presence of soul in this three-dimensional sp...
TOBA BETA If I lie about truth which you will know somehow later,
then you would call me a liar. But If ...
TOBA BETA Price of peace could only be valued by
people who had suffered loss in the war.
TOBA BETA When I feel the beauty in words,
I am sensing the logic of heart.
TOBA BETA In order to survive in a world of instinct,
its' alternative is to hunt or being hunted.
TOBA BETA It's written, 'seek and ye shall find'. But first, 'imagine what you seek'.
Otherwise, you will...
TOBA BETA Arrogance is blind to the stumbling block.
TOBA BETA Wherever love is blind, hatred can't see.
TOBA BETA When we were on trees, others had lived in skies.
When we reach skies, descendant of primitive...
TOBA BETA The great words never die...
and so does the soul of its author.
TOBA BETA Eternal peace is hell for the adventurers.
TOBA BETA Spirit doesn't retire.
TOBA BETA Someone owns trillions and keeps simple. I would.
Someone reads all minds and looks average. I ...
TOBA BETA If you fall in love with jerk, don't you just reject him.
He may reveal the jerk part of you wh...
TOBA BETA Betrayal is common for men with no conscience.
TOBA BETA My wife divorced me because she could not trust me anymore.
I never want a divorce because I lo...
TOBA BETA If you hate difference, you'll be bored to death.
TOBA BETA Subjectivity measures nothing consistently.
TOBA BETA You don't need to be so fierce and bluffing..
if you already know that I can't be intimidated.
TOBA BETA I do understand why a desperate engineer still use a hammer
to solve a hard problem. I think, t...
TOBA BETA If a good man can't sleep after hurting people,
then he should learn much more to be a leader.
TOBA BETA Smartass Disciple: Master, how do you heal the broken heart?
Master of Stupidity: It isn’t a ...
TOBA BETA With grumble, nobody changes anything, even himself.
TOBA BETA I don't buy 'regret' idea.
I need life's good lesson.
TOBA BETA There were so many forms of prehistoric technology.
Of those, men dig a few which fit into curr...
TOBA BETA Fight for change? Thirst for difference?
Start talking what men avoid talking about.
TOBA BETA Health, wealth, happiness,
live long and always prosper,
have families and also friends, TOBA BETA Murderer ain't fit to eternity.
TOBA BETA Smartass Disciple: Master, please show me the way to the enlightenment.
Master of Stupidity: Wa...
TOBA BETA If you want to find wilier race by common sense,
then you have just narrowed your searching ar...
TOBA BETA Smartass Disciple: How the hell do we find the truth ?
Master of Stupidity: Just seek it with h...
TOBA BETA If you learn from many wise men who disagree one another,
you will find that there are many wis...
TOBA BETA Sometimes..
I didn't know what I sought until I've found it.
TOBA BETA Do not depend on good motivator!
Find your words of self-motivation!
TOBA BETA Understanding is not absolutely final.
What's now right could be wrong later.
TOBA BETA The way of war
was the invention
of heavenly beings.
TOBA BETA When you get lost in a really strange place,
nothing is more comforting than found your
TOBA BETA When walking alone in a jungle of true darkness,
there are three things that can show you the ...
TOBA BETA True love doesn't need proof.
The eyes told what heart felt.
TOBA BETA Practice doesn't make perfect.
Practice reduces the imperfection.
TOBA BETA To do better is better than to be perfect.
TOBA BETA There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written.
TOBA BETA If humor and rumor are needed more than faith and truth, then it tells me something about the kind o...
TOBA BETA The word 'Atlantis' makes me think about two things, 'sophisticated' and 'corruption'.
TOBA BETA Once upon a time, people thought earth was flat-shaped. Now I'm ready to perceive universe won't be ...
TOBA BETA Leash the anger on purpose. Unleash it when falling apart.
TOBA BETA Conscience is a kind of stored procedure which was planted in mankind's collective unconscious. Some...
TOBA BETA Once upon a time in the land of Shinar, God came down to see the city and the tower. People were uni...
TOBA BETA Getting older makes you no wiser, but number of lessons that learned.
TOBA BETA If you fall in love with jerk, don't you just reject him. He may reveal the jerk part of you which c...
TOBA BETA Smartass Disciple: Three years! I've listened you preaching just for this silly truth?
Master o...
TOBA BETA Smartass Disciple: Master, I feel really really confused about the truth.
Master of Stupidity: ...
TOBA BETA The 'element of surprise' of the alien invasion will cause a certain event in human side which is ca...
TOBA BETA Hypocrite shouts about the change,
but never let risk coming on his way.
TOBA BETA Do what you want that works.
TOBA BETA Smartass Disciple: Which one was first created, time or things?
Master of Stupidity: No things,...
TOBA BETA You get old faster when you think about retirement.
TOBA BETA If you believe in something because of miracles, then another kind of miracles can make you deny it.
TOBA BETA Love permeates all things and laws. Scientists should research it more.
TOBA BETA Great men look greater than yesterday.
TOBA BETA Freedom is limited by the need to coexist.
TOBA BETA Some people believe that human is a native people of the planet earth, others believe in the opposit...
TOBA BETA You may be able to collect, read and digest billions of reference about aliens and UFOs. Then you wi...
TOBA BETA If you can not be sure about something unbelievable, do not jump to conclude it as hoax.
If you are ...
TOBA BETA Hatred has weight and volume too. It felt so heavy when heart is full of it. Forgiving is the way of...
TOBA BETA A bitter reality of truth can be wisely told in a sweet tale of lies.
TOBA BETA The word of my lord is the sword for world.
TOBA BETA Always try to be joyful and proactively benign to the people.
By doing so everyday, people have no c...
TOBA BETA I could smell an arrogance, it was my cheap fragrance.
TOBA BETA Fool mocks perseverance.
TOBA BETA Bullshit do good when tickle.
TOBA BETA You do not have to feel truer than others in order to be original.
You just need to be differen...
TOBA BETA Some arrogant feel very confident that they are the best.
That's pity. Much better men let them...
TOBA BETA Put on all state of the art technologies as we have today and then pay a little visit to a primitive...
TOBA BETA Total transparency risks country's stability.
TOBA BETA When higher beings allow us to see them, that's the very moment we begin to be one of them.
TOBA BETA Nobody could ascend before transfigured.
TOBA BETA Man will find his own structured words,
which will transfigure his into immortal.
TOBA BETA You jeopardize all if move slowly on a fast lane.
TOBA BETA Only the winner and coward may survive.
TOBA BETA Stand up! Don't ever give up on this bitchy life.
Feel afraid is okay, but don't avoid competit...
TOBA BETA Near below peak of mount Merbabu in Java,
there is a forest known as the devil market.
TOBA BETA I could smell an arrogance,
it was my cheap fragrance.
TOBA BETA Man can't say he knows nothing when saying it.
TOBA BETA This world, is too comfort to be changed.
This world, is too corrupt to be conserved.
TOBA BETA Genius was born. Sage was tested.
TOBA BETA Error of omission begets new rules.
TOBA BETA Let us think for a moment about alien, regarding possibility of the existence of other civilization ...
TOBA BETA Some people have a strong belief in horoscope, others don't.
I don't believe all things said in horo...
TOBA BETA A well-trained mind responded to symptoms. An ordinary mind reacted after it happened.
TOBA BETA No need to feel guilty if you can't be a good man all the time. But anytime your heart is feeling so...
TOBA BETA In no man's land, alien is the queen.
TOBA BETA Religions do good when they make peace on earth.
TOBA BETA There are places on planet earth,
where common sense doesn't apply.
TOBA BETA The truth is sealed. Life goes on.
Till one day, history changed...
Like thief in the night, alien i...
TOBA BETA There is no UFO and also there is no alien..
at least not in common minds and references.
TOBA BETA If you think that all news about alien existence and their presence are totally fake and hoax, then ...
TOBA BETA If you don't believe what I tell you, then what can I say. I've no rights to coerce others.
If you d...
TOBA BETA Sometimes, I give a time to think a bit about whichever term is more suitable, 'the missing link' or...
TOBA BETA You, me and everyone else might be able to think and say one simple word, 'alien'. Just curious, whe...
TOBA BETA If you hear news about UFOs and aliens in normal daily life, do not just easily believe in it. But i...
TOBA BETA If you want to be sure about something unusual like alien and UFO, then you have to think about it f...
TOBA BETA There is no single truth in a world ruled by many political parties.
TOBA BETA To apply norm, soldiers needed.
TOBA BETA If you ain't smart, diligence can solve it.
TOBA BETA Sometimes..I didn't know what I sought until I've found it.