I've been really blessed that I've had two of the most prolific songwriters existing today, and especially from the lyrical part of it all Hal David has and always will write lyrics that speak to your heart, not at it, ... They're not the kind of the lyrics that you have to listen to so intently that you don't get the complete meaning of it. It applies to those who are age 6 to 60 and everything in between. Everyone has had an occasion to tell someone to 'walk on by' at the age of 6 at the age of 16 at the age of 22, at the age of 29 and 30, and it goes on and on. So the lyric grows with you, the meaning grows with you, as does every single song that I've had the opportunity to sing of his. I think those are the lessons that we all learn from music generally. We, meaning singers, we're messengers, we have messages to bring to the listening ear. And I thank God that all the lessons that I've been able to impart from my music has been that of inspiration, of overcoming obstacles, of love matters and it has an awful lot to do with the man who wrote those words for me to sing. Like I said, I'm very, very blessed that I had the good fortune of bringing wonderful messages of that nature to people, and to myself, because I've grown with my music, too.

Dionne Warwick

Dionne Warwick