It's going to be a higher level of service for folks the frequency will be every ten minutes, so I think the students, faculty, and staff arriving to the area will be impressed by that.
Andy Vobora
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Clearly, there's a renewed interest in saving some money on fuel.
— Andy Vobora
It may be not just gas prices but also medical care and utilities and all those other cost-of-living things. Maybe the bus is becoming an option to save some money.
— Andy Vobora
Every month we're basically setting an all-time record for the previous 12 months.
— Andy Vobora
So things will continue to happen kind of fast and furious over the next few months.
— Andy Vobora
We're actually shifting the lanes on the eastbound side over towards some property we purchased from the University. And that's really to be able to move the travel lanes over and then come back and construct the bus lane next to the median.
— Andy Vobora