It's been a couple weeks since they ran with us and we're very happy with how they did. It made a world of difference having that first meet under their belt a couple weeks ago. They ran a lot more relaxed than they did the first time they ran.
Craig Hoffman
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There were a lot of great races and some pretty good competition for us in some events. I felt it was a real nice meet for us and a nice confidence-builder as we are approaching the halfway mark of the season.
— Craig Hoffman
He really has been coming along good the last couple weeks. We had that two week stretch off and I felt we had some good training in there.
— Craig Hoffman
It was really nice to be able to run as a full team. I think everybody's a little more fired up when we have a full team and I think having almost two full weeks off, we've seen some improvement.
— Craig Hoffman
It was a good game for us. We've had a couple of struggles lately and we needed to get out and have some fun.
— Don Hoffman
Oh, it sure has. I know all of us have been outside more in short sleeves .
— Brent Hoffman