It's a very popular invitational. They like the course around the lake, and it's a pretty good setting for the teams to set up. It's good for the fans, because you can see the runners for a lot of the time.
David Brown
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It's a very popular invitational, ... They like the course around the lake, and it's a pretty good setting for the teams to set up. It's good for the fans, because you can see the runners for a lot of the time.
— David Brown
It's groove-oriented. . . . I'm a pretty soulful singer.
— Shannon Brown
I scooped him up. He was pretty much hysterical, frantic.
— Gilbert Brown
I think that's a bit unfair. I'm a father with a 2-year-old child and I feel pretty young, actually.
— Gordon Brown
They say that's a lot of the test, ... I've heard it's pretty tough.
— Drew Brown